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Compliance and Enforcement Quick Finder


NEPA Program

Upcoming Events

NEPA and Environmental Cross-Cutter Training (El Paso, Texas) - This training will be provided by Mr. Robert W. Hargrove, Director of the NEPA Compliance Division in EPA Headquarters, on July 22 to 23, 2008. NEPA and environmental cross-cutters are collabortive efforts among federal and state agencies in the review of NEPA decisional documents. A tentative agenda of the 2 day NEPA course is linked to this page (agenda). In order to provide adequate conference facilities, it is important that we know soon how many from your agency will be attending. To avoid confusion, please provide your estimated number of participants to Salvador Gandara (214) 665-3194 or Gene Wossum (214) 665-7173.

NEPA Program

The National Environmental Policy Act (commonly referred to as NEPA) was signed into law on January 1, 1970. Basically, NEPA established Federal policy, goals and procedures for the protection, maintenance and enhancement of the U.S. environment. It requires the EPA and other Federal agencies to:

-take environmental factors into account when making certain decisions, such as EPA's decision to issue or deny a new source National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.

-make a clear and reasonably complete record of how the environmental factors were considered in the decision-making process.

NEPA also established the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality (commonly referred to as CEQ), who in turn developed regulations for implementing the law. The principle objective of NEPA and the CEQ regulations is for Federal agencies (and those regulated by Federal Agencies) to design, locate and operate their projects in ways which reduce adverse environmental impacts, and which increase the beneficial impacts.

Specific Projects:

*New Source Determination

*Section 309: Clean Air Act

*Community Development Block Grant

*Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Other NEPA Program publications and reference materials can be found on the NEPA Publications Page. For more information about the Region 6 NEPA program, please submit all inquiries to Cathy Gilmore, Office of Planning and Coordination at gilmore.cathy@epa.gov.

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