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Federal Register Notice

7934 - 7935 Federal Register / Vol. 51, No. 45 / Friday, March 7, 1986 / Rules and Regulations


40 CFR Part 300
[OSWER FRL-2977-8]

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan; National Priorities List Update

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION:  Notice of deletion of sites from the National Priorities List.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the deletion of eight sites from the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL is Appendix B to the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NCP), which EPA promulgated pursuant to section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA).


March 7, 1986.


Russel H. Wyer
Director, Hazardous Site Control Division, Office of Superfund Remediation Technology Innovation (WH-548E)
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
(800) 424-9346
(or 382-3000 in the Washington, DC metropolitan area)


The EPA identifies sites that appear to present a significant risk to public health, welfare or the environment and maintains the NPL as the list of those sites. Sites on the NPL may be the subject of Hazardous Substance Response Trust Fund (Fund) financed remedial actions. Any site deleted from the NPL remains eligible for Fund-financed remedial actions in the unlikely event that conditions at the site warrant such action. Section 300.66(c)(8) of the NCP states that Fund-financed actions may be taken at sites deleted from the NPL.

The eight sites EPA deletes from the NPL are:

  1. Enterprise Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  2. Friedman Property (once listed as Upper Freehold), Upper Freehold, New Jersey

  3. Lehigh Electric and Engineering Co., Old Forge Borough, Pennsylvania

  4. Morris Arsenic Dump, Morris, Minnesota

  5. PCB Spills, 210 miles of roads, North Carolina

  6. PCB Warehouse, Saipan, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

  7. PCB Wastes, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

  8. Taputimu Farm, Island of Tutuila, American Samoa

An explanation of the criteria for deleting sites from the NPL was presented in section II of the December 31, 1985 Notice of Intent to Delete (50 FR 53448). A description of each of the eight sites, and how they met the criteria for deletion, was presented in section IV of that notice.

The closing date for comments on the Notice of Intent to Delete was January 30, 1986. Three comments were received; the commentors concurred with EPA's determination that the sites pose no significant threat to public health and the environment and were supportive of the decision to delete them from the NPL.

One commentor requested that sampling wells at the Morris Arsenic site be properly closed before deletion. Closure operations on these test locations will begin as soon as weather conditions permit.

Another commentor stated he does not take responsibility for any future action at the Morris Arsenic site. Site deletions from the NPL do not affect responsible party liability or impede Agency efforts to recover costs associated with response efforts.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300

Hazardous waste.


1. The authority citation for Part 300 continues to read as follows:

Authority: Section 105, Pub. L. 96-510, 94 Stat. 2764, 42 U.S.C. 9605 and sec. 311(c)(2), Pub. L. 92-500 as amended, 86 Stat. 865, 33 U.S.C. 1321(c)(2); E.O. 12316, 46 FR 42237; E.O. 17735, 38 FR 21243.

Appendix B--[Amended]

2. The NPL, Part 300; Appendix B, is amended as follows:

In Group 2 remove:
PCB Wastes, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Taputimu Farm, Island of Tutuila, American Samoa
PCB Spills, 210 miles of roads, North Carolina
PCB Warehouse, Saipan, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

In Group 6 remove:
Enterprise Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

In Group 7 remove:
Morris Arsenic Dump, Morris, Minnesota

In Group 9 remove:
Friedman Property, Upper Freehold, New Jersey

In Group 11 remove:
Lehigh Electric and Engineering Co., Old Forge Borough, Pennsylvania

The NPL will reflect these deletions in the next final update.

Dated: February 21, 1986

J.Winston Porter,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.

[FR Doc. 86-5003 Filed 3-6-86; 8:45 am]


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