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The Commission presents its final report and recommendations to the Colorado General Assembly on Jan. 31.  Click here to view the final report.

The Blue Ribbon Commission for Health Care Reform was created to study and establish health care reform models for expanding coverage, especially for the underinsured and uninsured, and to decrease health care costs for Colorado residents.  The Commission is charged with:

  • Examining health coverage and reform models 'designed to ensure access to affordable coverage for all Colorado residents;'
  • Soliciting comprehensive reform proposals from interested parties.
  • Selecting between three and five proposals for in-depth technical assessment by an independent contractor;
  • Holding meetings around the state to solicit public input; and
  • Completing a final report with recommendations to the General Assembly by January 31, 2008.

The Commission's goal is to increase coverage and reduce cost and has adopted the following principles to guide its work:

  • Protect and improve the health status of all Coloradans.
  • Expand coverage of essential health care services for all Coloradans, with an emphasis on the uninsured and underinsured.
  • Align incentives to provide high-quality, cost-effective and coordinated care.
  • Support a system that is financially viable, sustainable and fair.
  • Provide opportunities for meaningful choice and encourage personal responsibility.
  • Emphasize wellness, prevention, health education and consumer empowerment.

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