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Developing Monitoring Tools for Headwater Intermittent Streams


Develop field protocols and identify physical and biological indicators of hydrologic permanence for headwater streams


Why This Research Is Needed:

Headwater streams lie at the aquatic-terrestrial interface and represent most of our nation's stream miles. Alteration and loss of headwater streams have occurred without an understanding of the potential consequences to larger downstream waterbodies. Headwater streams provide better resolution of land use effects on streams because they drain smaller areas with less land use heterogeneity than their larger counterparts. However, drying is common in headwater streams and may confound the ability to use traditional assessment methods. Understanding associations between assemblage structure and hydrologic permanence is the first step in developing biocriteria for our nation's most abundant running waters.

EERD Experience:

Expected Outputs/Outcomes:

The USEPA will have the tools to begin assessing condition appropriately for the majority of streams and stream miles in the United States.


Field Operations Manual for Assessing the Hydrologic Permanence and Ecological Condition of Headwater Streams. The purposes of this manual are to: 1) document procedures that were developed and used by EERD for the assessment of the physical and biological characteristics of headwater streams; and 2) provide a catalog of procedures to other groups with an interest in headwater stream assessment.

Contact: Ken Fritz (fritz.ken@epa.gov) (Cincinnati, OH)

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