Alpena NFWCO
Midwest Region


Who We Are

Mission and Goals

What We Do

> Conserving Fisheries new
Restore Native Species
> Aquatic Invasive Species
> Assist Treaty Fishery
> Assist Refuge Fishery
> Improve Aquatic Habitat

Station Newsletter

Station Reports


Education and Outreach

Employment and Volunteering

Site Map

Contact Us


Phone: 989-356-5102
Fax: 989-356-4651
145 Water St, Room 204
Alpena, MI 49707

Site Map

Use the alphabetical list below to link to topics within the Alpena National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office site.

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Issues
--- Eurasian ruffe Surveillance and Monitoring
--- Round goby Surveillance and Monitoring
--- AIS Surveillance Catch Summary 2005
--- AIS reports
--- What you can do to prevent the spread of invasive species

Conserving America's Fisheries
--- Aquatic Habitat Conservation and Management
--- Aquatic Species Conservation and Management
--- Cooperation with Native Americans
--- Leadership in Science and Technology
--- Partnerships and Accountability
--- Public Use
--- Workforce Management
--- FY 2007 Activity Summaries

Education and Outreach
--- Children and Nature Program

Employment and Volunteering

Habitat and Ecosystem Health
--- Fish Passage
---------- Projects
--- Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
---------- Program questions
--- Habitat and Ecosystem Health reports


Mission and Goals

Native Species Restoration
--- Lake sturgeon Investigations
---------- in Lake Huron
---------- in the Huron Erie Corridor
---------- in the St. Marys River
---------- Lake sturgeon reports
--- Lake trout Restoration Program
---------- Lake trout reports


Refuge Fishery Assistance
--- assistance to Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, Oak Harbor, Ohio
--------- Fishery reports
--- assistance to Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, Saginaw, Michigan
--------- Fishery reports


Station Newsletter

Station Reports

Tribal Fishery Issues
--- Consent Decree
--- Consent Decree Maps

What We Do

Who We Are

Last updated: August 18, 2008