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Paleontological Resources Management


Basset, M.G. 1979. Curation of palaeontological collections. Special Papers in Palaeontology No. 22. The Paleontological Society.

Briggs, D.E.G., and P.R. Crowther. 1990. Palaeobiology: A synthesis. England, Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Carroll, R.L. 1988. Vertebrate paleontology and evolution. W.H. Freeman and Co.

Feldmann, R.M., R.E. Chapman, and J.T. Hannibal. 1989. Paleotechniques. Special Publication No. 4. The Paleontological Society.

Leiggi, P., and P. May. 1994. Vertebrate paleontological techniques. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Santucci, V.L. 1998. Yellowstone paleontological survey. YCR-NR-98-1. Wyoming: Yellowstone Center for Resources.

Stewart, W.N. 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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