From: Kerry Harwood (harwo001@mc.duke.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 13:35:29 EDT

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Hi, Lisa,
What I educate our nurses to do here at Duke is to say the following:
"We will be needing to give you alot of information about your treatment
and your care.  Most people don't remember very much of what they are told
at the hospital so we provide the information we teach in writing for you
to take home and read.  Will that work for you?"

That opens the door to the patient sharing information about literacy,
learning preferences, dyslexia, vision problems, etc.  Often patients who
don't read well will respond that that will be fine, their family member
will read it to them.  Then you can take the discussion from there.

Kerry Harwood, RN, MSN
Director, Cancer Patient Education Program
Duke University Health System

                      Lisa Schmalzried                                                                                                 
                      <ccread@alltel.ne        To:       Multiple recipients of list <nifl-health@literacy.nifl.gov>                   
                      t>                       cc:                                                                                     
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  [NIFL-HEALTH:4021] QUESTIONS THAT REVEAL LITERACY                             
                      06/24/2003 01:02                                                                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                                                                


I am the director of a literacy council in Meadville PA, and am working
with a physician's group to
come up with a list of questions that could be asked at patient intake
that would reveal their
literacy needs.  I was wondering if anyone has done this already with
success and if you'd be willing
to share.  WE are engaging a local pharmacist also to help with
simplifiying medicine labels.

My thoughts are that with a good rapport, adults having literacy needs
would indicate that when
asked.  Others might respond that they have no trouble with literacy and
you won't find out until
much later.  Thanks for your help in this.  If I didn't explain it
properly, I'll try again.

Lisa Schmalzried

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