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OMB Circulars


OMB Circulars

In addition to the provisions of authorizing legislation and implementing regulations, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issues
Government-wide circulars for managing grants that apply to all Federal executive agencies. When these agencies are required to apply the directives, the effect on grantees is often the same as regulation. Among the circulars relevant to grants administration are those that have to do with administrative requirements, cost principles, and audits.

Administrative Requirements

Cost Principles


Agency Implementations

In addition to issuing regulations to specify details of the enabling statutes, agencies often find it helpful to publish handbooks, guidelines, or manuals.


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| New National Term on Suspension and Debarment | Tips On Writing a Grant Proposal | Sample Indirect Cost Proposal Format For Nonprofit Organizations | EPA Organization Chart | Grant Award Activity Summary | Historical Information | OMB Circulars | Cross-Cutting Public Policies | Lobbying and Litigation | The Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 | Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance | Competition for Assistance Agreements | MBE/WBE Utilization | Overview of the Award Document and Terms and Conditions | Use of a Universal Identifier by Grant Applicants | Responsibilities - Award Phase | Assistance Agreement Payment Process | Purchasing Supplies, Equipment and Services Under EPA Grants | Indirect Costs | Best Practices Guide for Conferences | Glossary | Return to the Grants and Debarment Home Page |

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