[NIFL-HEALTH:3963] FW: Health Communication Anthology

From: Linda S. Potter (lspotter@att.net)
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 09:25:26 EDT

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Dear List Members:

This anthology of health communication materials was prepared by the
Communications Initiative, sponsored by key public and private international
health organizations. It was developed primarily for developing country
health programs but is relevant to domestic programs as well.

In addition to the full listing, the materials are classified into diverse
categories: Children & Adolescents, Curriculum Development, Evaluation,
Gender, General Health, HIV/AIDS, Media, Participation & Social
Mobilisation, Reproductive Health & Family Planning, Strategic
Communication, and Training.  Some materials are included in several
different categories.

You can directly access the anthology at the website below, in English or

Linda S. Potter, DrPH
Family Health Research
56 N. Mill Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
tel:  609-716-6365
fax:  609-716-4972
email:  lspotter@att.net

-----Original Message-----
From: The Drum Beat [mailto:drumbeat@comminit.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 12:02 AM
To: lspotter@att.net
Subject: The Drum Beat 191 Health Communication Anthology

choices...critical voices...telling stories...

PARTNERS: The Rockefeller Foundation, BBC World Service Trust, The CHANGE
Project, CIDA, Exchange, FAO, Johns Hopkins University Center for
Communication Programs, OneWorld, The Panos Institute, PCI, Soul City, The
Synergy Project, UNAIDS, UNICEF, USAID, WHO.

Chair of Partners Group: Denise Gray-Felder, Rockefeller Foundation
Director: Warren Feek wfeek@comminit.com
Website: http://www.comminit.com



Upon a request from the Pan American Health Organization, several months ago
we invited, through the Drum Beat and Son de Tambora networks, your opinions
with regards to a set of materials we described as a Health Communication
Anthology. The objective of this exercise was to offer social change
communication practitioners and academics a set of materials that have
already been used with success in the field and have the recognition of
people working in communication and development.

Below you will find the results of this process, which included several

* CI/CILA put together an initial list of 45 materials.
* This list was shared with a group of experts working in the field of
health communication who provided initial feedback, leading to a final list
of 61 materials.
* Dissemination of this list to the health communicators within both
networks with 3 specific questions: 1) feedback on which materials thought
best; 2) which materials should not be part of the anthology; and 3) which
other materials should have been included in the final list.
* A follow up process by which CI/CILA contacted organisations and
individuals to ensure that materials suggested for inclusion in the
Anthology were either available via Internet or through any other means.
Those materials for which CI/CILA were unable to get specific contact
information were left out of the Anthology.

For further information about this process, please contact Rafael Obregon
obregonr@paho.org or Juana Marulanda jmarulanda@comminit.com


This process resulted in a current total (April 2003) of 109 materials
including print publications, online documents, summaries, CD-ROMs, and
videos.  These materials range from research documents to guides, to
factsheets and worksheets for field workers, to case studies, to reports, to
policy papers, to analyses of programming activities, to field-tested
materials used within campaigns. We look forward to this list continuing to
grow as we receive additional suggestions through this continuing process.

Although this Health Communication Anthology is meant to be a resource for
academics and practitioners working primarily in the field of health
communication, many of the materials may also be very useful in other
communication areas.

The FULL ANTHOLOGY list is in alphabetical order, and can be viewed at:
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7194.html
from A to L: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3232.html
from M to Z: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3233.html


In addition to the full listing, the materials were classified into diverse
categories: Children & Adolescents, Curriculum Development, Evaluation,
Gender, General Health, HIV/AIDS, Media, Participation & Social
Mobilisation, Reproductive Health & Family Planning, Strategic
Communication, and Training.  Some materials are included in several
different categories.

Children & Adolescents: includes materials on social marketing for children,
reports on children's communication programming, youth-friendly educational
materials, a newspaper for and by youth, and a video series for children in
South Asia.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7195.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3164.html

Curriculum Development: includes training guides, curriculum outlines, a
CD-rom, and resources for reference.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7201.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3165.html

Evaluation: includes lessons learned from various communication programmes,
and a guide to operations research in family planning and reproductive
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7196.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3166.html

Gender: includes curriculum outlines, strategies and thinking on a gender
perspective of health issues, and a report on policies that place women at
the center of efforts to address population concerns.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7202.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3167.html

General Health: includes materials on human rights, TB, ageing, policy
making, poverty issues, domestic violence, etc., from videos to case studies
to conference reports to guides and manuals.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7198.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3168.html

HIV/AIDS: includes a curriculum outline, a CD-Rom, a video, case studies,
and lessons learned, as well as strategies and thinking on priorities,
advocacy and and gender issues related to HIV and AIDS.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7203.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3169.html

Media: includes materials on radio, TV, print, CD-ROMs, alternative media,
and advertising from strategic articles to interactive guides, to marketing
strategies, to background materials on specific projects.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7197.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3170.html

Participation & Social Mobilisation: includes lessons and models in the form
of case studies and a video, strategies for interpersonal activities, and
forms, checklists and handbooks for field workers.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7204.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3171.html

Reproductive Health & Family Planning: includes guides for project
development, strategic analyses of issues in specific contexts, case
studies, curricula, factsheets, and educational materials.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7199.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3172.html

Strategic Communication: includes materials on communication planning,
strategic communication thinking, communication for behavior change,
communication for social change, edutainment, and social marketing.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7205.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3173.html

Training: includes manuals, handbooks, guides, tools, planning models, and
instructional CD-ROMs.
English: http://www.comminit.com/mahealthanthol/sld-7200.html
Spanish: http://www.comminit.com/la/laantologia/sld-3174.html


This anthology is by no means exhaustive, nor complete.  It is the aim of
CI/CILA that through your suggestions and recommendations we will continue
to update and enrich this anthology. In order to facilitate this, we are
providing an e-mail address to receive further contributions.  If possible,
when submitting suggestions, please supply the title, author, short summary
and reason for including in this anthology, contact person with email or
phone, and a website address or way to obtain the material suggested.

Please send contributions to: jvega@comminit.com



Celebrities or leaders who have high profile roles in campaigns must always
practise what they preach.

Do you agree or disagree?

VOTE and Comment - http://www.comminit.com/pulse.html


The Drum Beat seeks to cover the full range of communication for development
activities. Inclusion of an item does not imply endorsement or support by
The Partners.

Please send material for The Drum Beat to the Editor - Deborah Heimann

To reproduce any portion of The Drum Beat, see
http://www.comminit.com/Helpdocuments/sld-3318.html for our policy.

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