Staffing Levels Total Costs (Including Staff and All Resources)
Full Time
Number of
Personnel With
Part Time or
Occasional FOIA
Duties (In
Total Workyears)
Total Number
Of Personnel
(In Work-Years)
Office of the AG * 4.21 4.21 $528,532 $155,422 $683,954
Office of the DAG * 2.13 2.13 250,576 155,422 405,998
Office of the ASSOC. AG * 0.74 0.74 90,079 77,711 167,790
Antitrust 7 0.00 7.00 587,447 0 587,447
BOP 18 2.00 20.00 1,930,000 24,750 1,954,750
ATF 8 4.00 12.00 1,340,000 130,000 1,470,000
Civil 2 8.33 10.33 341,540 2,053,599 ** 2,395,139
Civil Rights 10 1.00 11.00 1,215,349 10,506 1,225,855
CRS 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
Criminal 14 3.20 17.20 2,412,946 149,579 2,562,525
DEA 20 0.00 20.00 1,525,573 175,152 1,700,725
ENRD 0 2.36 2.36 133,000 1,300 134,300
EOIR 4 3.00 7.00 647,800 0 647,800
EOUSA 24 0.41 24.41 1,796,213 1,573,687*** 3,369,900
EOUST 0 1.50 1.50 109,000 29,000 138,000
FBI 299 24.00 323.00 37,767,515 1,733,844 39,501,359
FCSC 0 0.05 0.05 7,000 0 7,000
JMD 2 0.039 2.039 118,415 0 118,415
NDIC 0 0.50 0.50 56,038 2,495 58,533
COPS 0 0.90 0.90 68,059 0 68,059
ODR 0 0.001 0.001 104 0 104
OFDT 0 0.12 0.12 4,730 0 4,730
OIP * 28.76 28.76 3,307,333 301,807 3,609,140
OIG 2 0.517 2.517 195,200 48,800 244,000
OIPR 0 1.00 1.00 91,000 5,000 96,000
OIPL * 0.13 0.13 14,969 0 14,969
OJP 2 1.50 3.50 227,000 12,000 239,000
OLC 0 0.20 0.20 25,000 3,800 28,800
OLP * 1.29 1.29 163,889 0 163,889
OLA * 1.27 1.27 155,873 77,711 233,584
Pardon Attorney 0 1.00 1.00 78,994 0 78,994
OPR 1 0.65 1.65 121,714 44,102 165,816
Public Affairs * 0.50 0.50 56,199 0 56,199
OSG 0 1.00 1.00 81,747 0 81,747
OVW 0 0.01 0.01 100 0 100
PRAO 0 0.0005 0.0005 50 0 50
TAX 2 1.70 3.70 338,851 321,029 659,880
USMS 6 0.30 6.30 543,576 24,255 567,831
USNCB 1 0.15 1.15 127,521 0 127,521
USPC 1 3.00 4.00 151,680 0 151,680
TOTALS 423.00 101.47 524.47 $56,610,612 $7,110,971 $63,721,583

* See aggregate number.

** Due to an error in interpretation of data, the estimated cost of litigation for FY 2004 should have been reported as $1,372,006.

*** EOUSA does not maintain cost figures for the litigation-related expenses incurred by the United States Attorneys' Offices (USAOs) related solely to FOIA litigation. Of this total amount, EOUSA estimates that the USAOs incurred approximately $1,289,626 in litigation-related expenses. This estimate is based on information provided by DOJ's Civil Division that the USAOs were delegated 257 FOIA cases during the fiscal year, an estimate provided by the Office of Information and Privacy that 100 hours per average were spent on each FOIA case, and EOUSA records showing an average hourly salary rate of $50.18 for nonsupervisory Assistant United States Attorneys. The remainder, $284,061, represents litigation-related expenses incurred by EOUSA's Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Staff.

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