Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Restoring Tidal Hydrology:
Breaking Down Barriers

January 16 and 17, 2008
Charleston, South Carolina

About the Workshop

Image showing somethingOn January 16 to 17, 2008, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center hosted a workshop in Charleston, South Carolina, called "Tidal Hydrology Restoration: Breaking Down Barriers." The goal of this workshop was to promote information exchange among experienced and potential practitioners of tidal hydrology restoration in the southeastern U.S.

Approximately 75 experts, practitioners, and coastal managers from government, nonprofit organizations, academia, and the private sector attended the event, which included presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions. Topics discussed included project coordination, planning and design, permitting, construction, goal setting and monitoring, and the establishment of best management practices.

Click here to view final workshop proceedings [552 KB].

Workshop Outcomes

In a post-workshop questionnaire, participants reported that the workshop was an overall success in audience, scope, design, and content. All responding participants found that the workshop increased their knowledge of strategies related to tidal hydrologic restoration and provided an opportunity to exchange information and recommendations with others in the restoration community.

Next Steps

Using the information and needs gathered at the workshop, NOAA's Coastal Services Center and Restoration Center are currently developing a guidance manual that will provide background information, recommendations, case studies, tools, and resources for planning and conducting tidal hydrologic restoration. The guidance manual should be available in fall 2008.

For More Information

Leslie Craig, (727) 551-5786
Howard Schnabolk, (843) 740-1328

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