Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Washington, DC 20515-3701
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wu Passes Major U.S. Competitiveness Legislation to Keep American Innovation Strong
Innovation agenda conferee Wu notes benefits to Oregon businesses, job creation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman David Wu today was instrumental in passing a package of bills that provide students, teachers, businesses and the research community with the tools they need to succeed in the global economy. Congressman Wu’s legislation renewing the competitiveness and innovation initiatives of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a major component of the package.

“My legislation, combined with the investments in science and math education, lay the foundation for benefits that will be reaped by our children – good jobs, strong economic competitiveness, and a better quality of life,” Congressman Wu said. “This mission has never been more urgent, as we face economic competitors around the globe who are increasingly technically savvy and eager to erase America’s technological lead.”

Congressman Wu’s legislation marks major investments in research, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) initiative, and the Technology Innovation Program (TIP). Both MEP and TIP are successful private-public partnerships that leverage federal tax dollars combined with research and private investment to enhance American innovation and competitiveness.

The Technology Innovation Program helps fill the gap between high-risk innovative research that promises broad public benefits and marketable products. Under TIP, the requirements for grants to have wide-ranging benefits that meet critical national needs are tightened; intellectual property rights can be vested by a university, and universities are allowed to lead the joint venture.  

Some of the businesses and their employees benefiting from TIP (formerly known as the Advanced Technology Program) include:

Planar Systems, Beaverton
InFocus Corp (formerly Proxima Corp), Wilsonville
Medical Logic, Hillsboro
Electro Scientific Industries, Inc, Portland
Merix Corporation, Forest Grove
AMTEK Research International, LLC, Lebanon

Oregon Health and Science University, Oregon State University and Portland State University also have received support through this initiative.

In past Science and Technology Committee hearings on the development of nanotechnology, small businesses and venture capital firms have asserted that a program such as TIP is needed to move nanotechnology to broad commercial applications.

Additionally, hundreds of Oregon businesses across the state, in 23 counties, will continue to benefit from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership initiative (view a complete list here). According to OMEP, a MEP network affiliate, in the period from July 1, 2005 through Sept. 30, 2006 Oregon manufacturers reported the following gains in an independent survey conducted, by Synovate, an international research company:

  • improved profit margin: 70 percent;
  • increased revenue or cash flow: 67 percent;
  • improved customer satisfaction: 77 percent; and
  • increased market share: 44 percent.

A fully funded MEP will go far to reinvigorate our manufacturing sector, which has lost almost 3 million jobs since 2001.


Congressman Wu’s legislation described above is part of H.R. 2272, the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education and Science Act (America COMPETES) Act, a major part of the House Democrats’ Innovation Agenda.*
Other pieces of H.R. 2272 mark major investments in education and research supported by other federal agencies. The legislation will create more qualified teachers in science and math fields and will support scientific research through the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy. 

H.R. 2272 is based on the 2005 National Academies report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” which concluded that the U.S. could stand to lose its competitive edge without immediate action.
Congressman Wu added, “That report told us that now is the time to take bold steps to ensure that our children are prepared for the jobs of the future and that our nation can continue to compete in the global economy.”

H.R. 2272 is a result of a select group of members of Congress, including Congressman Wu, which worked with Senators to develop the final legislation. The Senate is expected to consider H.R. 2272 soon.


*H.R. 2272 is endorsed by:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce
National Association of Manufacturers
Business Roundtable
Microsoft Corporation
Electronic Industries Alliance
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Information Technology Industry Council
American Chemistry Society
American Association of University Women
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Center for Technological Literacy
Materials Research Society
University of California, Berkeley
National Venture Capital Association
National Education Association
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
American Electronics Association
American Geological Institute
American Physical Society
Computer & Communications Industry Association
American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Technology CEO Council
Council on Undergraduate Research
Semiconductor Industry Association


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