Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Washington, DC 20515-3701
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman David Wu today voted in support of H.R. 3162, the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act, which will provide health care to nearly 11 million children who fall into the gap between Medicaid and private insurance. It costs less than $3.50 a day to cover a child under the legislation. H.R. 3162 is paid for by a 45 cent tobacco tax increase.

“The legislation passed today is a suitable and necessary short-term solution, but the long-term need remains: America is falling short of our moral obligation to provide all children with access to health care,” Congressman Wu said.

H.R. 3162 reauthorizes and expands the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) that serves as a crucial health care safety net for low-income uninsured children. In Oregon, approximately 39,500 children currently are covered by SCHIP and will continue to be covered under H.R. 3162 if the legislation is passed by the U.S. Senate and signed by the president.

However, H.R. 3162 will not reach all 107,000 uninsured Oregon children. Congressman Wu believes that all children should have access to health care, and is working on legislation to do just that. His legislation will build upon the success of Medicare by extending similar coverage to any remaining uninsured children.

Congressman Wu’s MediKids legislation would provide comprehensive health care for children and expecting mothers. Every child would be automatically enrolled at birth, until 19 years of age, but parents would retain the right to choose to enroll their children in private plans or others such as SCHIP or Medicaid.

MediKids also would act as a safety net. If parents have a lapse in other insurance, a common concern and constant worry among many families, MediKids would provide coverage.

Congressman Wu added, “Access to health care is not only a struggle for those with the lowest incomes; it now also is a struggle for those we have traditionally considered middle-class – those we have assumed to have access to health insurance. Since 1965 Medicare has ensured our nation’s senior citizens have access to health care. That success should be extended to cover our youngest citizens.”
Congressman Wu will introduce his MediKids legislation this fall.


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