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VETS News Release: [09/20/2006]
Contact Name: Mike Biddle
Phone Number: 202-693-4676 or x5051
Release Number: 06-1637-NAT

Alabama Governor and Federal Officials Team to Help Wounded and Injured Service Members

AUBURN, Ala. — Federal, state and local officials are meeting at Auburn University over the next two days to address transition issues facing wounded and injured service members returning home from Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. The summit aims to improve transition services for these disabled veterans through national dialogue.

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley and Charles "Chick" Ciccolella, the assistant secretary of labor for the Veterans' Employment and Training Service, will host the Wounded and Injured Veterans Summit on Recovery, Rehabilitation and Employment. Other senior officials from the Department of Labor, Department of Defense, and Department of Veterans Affairs will attend as well.

"The purpose of this summit is to establish national program continuity from federal to state and community organizations, to assure that our returning wounded and injured service members never lose the opportunity to realize the American dream," said Ciccolella.

The summit is featuring presentations, panel discussions and testimonials by injured and wounded veterans, and a State of Technology & Resource Fair. State workforce directors and senior federal managers from across the nation will make up the majority of the some 250 registered guests.

The summit will also be viewable via webcast on line at:

For more information on the U.S. Department of Labor's REALifelines program, go to

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