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Award Selection Criteria

Nominated chemistry technologies must fall within the scope of the program. Technologies that meet the scope will then be judged on how well they meet the following criteria:

  1. Science and innovation

    The nominated chemistry technology should be innovative and of scientific merit. The technology should be, for example:

    • Original (i.e., never employed before).
    • Scientifically valid. That is, can the nominated technology or strategy stand up to scientific scrutiny through peer review? Does the nomination contain enough chemical detail to prove its scientific validity? Has the mechanism of action been thoroughly elucidated through sound scientific research?

  2. Human health and environmental benefits

    The nominated chemistry technology should offer human health and/or environmental benefits. The technology might, for example:

    • Reduce toxicity (acute or chronic) or the potential for illness or injury to humans, animals, or plants.
    • Reduce flammability or explosion potential.
    • Reduce the use or generation of hazardous substances, the transport of hazardous substances, or releases to air, water, or land.
    • Improve the use of natural resources, for example, by substituting a renewable feedstock for a petrochemical feedstock.

  3. Applicability

    The nominated chemistry technology should have a significant impact. The technology may be broadly applicable to many chemical processes or industries; alternatively, it may have great impact on a narrow range of chemistry. The nominated technology should offer at least the following:

    • A practical, cost-effective approach to green chemistry.
    • A remedy to a real environmental or human health problem.
    • One or more technical innovations that can be transferred readily to other processes, facilities, or industry sectors.


To make the strongest presentation of your technology for the judges, you should include as much detail (nonproprietary) as possible in your nomination. The judges will pay close attention to the specifics of your chemistry, including detailed reaction pathways, comparisons to existing technology, toxicity data, quantities of hazardous substances reduced or eliminated, degree of implementation in commerce, and other technical, human health, environmental, and economic benefits.

Otorgamiento de premios (en Español) (PDF) (2 pp., 107 KB, About PDF)

Read on about How To Enter the competition.

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