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Cash Receipts
Farm Receipts from Sales of Specified Crops and Livestock, Missouri 2000-2004 1/
Commodity 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  -thousand dollars-
All Commodities 4,560,897 4,744,794 4,267,065 5,123,152 5,725,521
Livestock and Products 2,681,455 2,694,947 2,283,782 2,589,945 3,074,830
Meat Animals 1,637,937 1,531,543 1,242,137 1,537,980 1,778,839
Cattle and calves 1,044,789 926,286 821,395 1,077,316 1,150,969
Hogs 589,111 602,005 417,272 456,066 623,260
Sheep and lambs 4,037 3,252 3,470 4,598 4,610
Dairy Products 269,709 286,229 236,037 234,360 298,808
Milk, wholesale 269,709 286,229 236,037 234,360 298,808
Poultry/eggs 735,812 836,078 774,106 784,446 963,822
Broilers 356,400 NR NR NR NR
Farm chickens 1,304 506 1,020 1,022 883
Chicken eggs 69,940 75,585 76,085 99,989 101,395
Turkeys 272,228 270,600 281,826 253,330 279,930
Other poultry 35,940 39,990 38,285 32,203 31,306
Miscellaneous Livestock 37,997 41,097 31,502 33,159 33,361
Honey 1,035 1,083 1,278 1,270 905
Wool 43 35 79 155 150
Aquaculture 5,085 4,733 2,928 3,944 3,995
Catfish 3,117 2,840 1,070 1,954 1,358
Trout 1,968 1,893 1,858 1,990 2,637
All other livestock 31,760 35,215 27,180 27,750 28,250
Crops 1,879,442 2,049,847 1,983,284 2,533,207 2,650,691
Food grains 175,391 143,798 147,283 198,476 259,618
Rice 48,788 46,727 41,086 56,696 94,537
Wheat 126,604 97,071 106,197 141,780 165,081
Feed crops 711,602 822,871 693,777 908,153 989,456
Corn 556,669 623,835 512,978 719,423 778,541
Hay 117,778 156,197 145,353 150,091 180,444
Oats 846 838 1,312 1,179 583
Sorghum grain 36,308 42,001 34,134 37,461 29,887
Cotton 100,019 121,874 116,661 246,173 168,035
Cotton lint, all 79,894 100,176 96,148 218,286 144,063
Upland 79,894 100,176 96,148 218,286 144,063
Cottonseed 20,125 21,698 20,513 27,887 23,972
Tobacco 7,523 5,877 4,829 4,520 3,774
Oil crops 731,092 776,217 848,627 1,005,330 1,068,851
Soybeans 730,966 775,874 848,144 1,004,851 1,068,079
Vegetables 25,771 29,630 29,679 31,618 28,930
Potatoes, Summer 9,213 9,608 8,333 10,707 10,366
Misc. vegetables 5,050 5,800 5,450 5,450 5,420
Watermelons 4,446 4,888 7,691 7,629 3,788
Fruits/nuts 13,638 15,392 14,687 17,065 16,408
Apples 6,993 6,476 6,259 7,441 7,784
Fresh 6,292 5,825 5,148 6,242 7,074
Processing 701 651 1,111 1,198 710
Grapes 1,636 1,448 2,023 1,849 2,612
Peaches 3,325 3,285 3,360 4,300 3,510
Other berries 750 970 900 950 900
Misc. fruits & nuts 934 3,213 2,145 2,525 1,602
All Other Crops 114,406 134,188 127,741 121,873 115,620
Other seeds 25,892 31,989 21,293 15,870 14,573
Other field crops 3,455 4,691 3,801 4,690 1,946
Greenhouse/nursery 84,786 97,294 102,507 101,196 98,930
Floriculture 46,426 47,404 50,597 47,256 42,960
Christmas trees 1,860 1,890 1,910 1,940 1,970
Other greenhouse 36,500 48,000 50,000 52,000 54,000
NA = not available. NR = not for release.
1/ USDA estimates and publishes individual cash receipt values only for major commodities and major producing States. The U.S. receipts for individual commodities, computed as the sum of the reported States, may understate the value of sales for some commodities, with the balance included in the appropriate category labeled "other" or "miscellaneous." The degree of underestimation in some of the minor commodities can be substantial.
Source: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.