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Climate Choice

Advancing technologies that protect the climate

Technologies | About Climate Choice | How to Participate | Program Benefits | Nominate a Technology | Home

Climate Choice is an EPA partnership program that recognizes emerging technologies that have the potential to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions once they are more widely adopted. By partnering with Climate Choice, businesses, organizations and individuals have the opportunity to help advance technologies that protect the climate and be recognized as leaders in climate protection.


Read more about the technologies recognized by EPA Climate Choice, including their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, their current availability, and important considerations for those interested in using them.

About Climate Choice

Learn about the Climate Choice program's goals, structure, and organization.

How to Participate

Find out how you or your organization can participate with EPA's Climate Choice program. Get recognition while helping to advance emerging technologies and protect the climate.

Program Benefits

See how Climate Choice can benefit you or your organization, including opportunities for recognition and promotion, tailored technology assistance, and ENERGY STAR candidate development.

Nominate a Technology

Help EPA identify Climate Choice technologies by submitting a nomination. Learn about the Climate Choice concentration areas and what criteria are used to select technologies.

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