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Partner Profile

Location San Francisco, CA
Organization Type Consumer Products
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
TheGreenOffice.com is an online office products retailer providing a one-stop shop focused on green, sustainable products. The company's San Francisco, CA, headquarters has onsite solar panels providing renewable energy for a portion of its electricity use. TheGreenOffice.com also purchases Renewable Energy Certificates equal to 100 percent of its additional power needs. CEO and Founder Alex Szabo is committed to modeling the best practices of sustainable business. In every sphere of operation, decisions are made to maximize the social, ecological, and financial performance of the company. Carbon-neutral operations and green power have been a part of that commitment from the start. The company also has cut down energy costs significantly through easy-to-implement changes such as unplugging appliances when not in use, turning off unnecessary lights, using Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, and by choosing an office space with photovoltaic panels on the roof. For TheGreenOffice.com, one of the benefits of purchasing green power has been finding like-minded customers in the green community that recognize its deep commitment to sustainability principles and are willing to use their office products expenses as a vote for a greener economy. As a result, TheGreenOffice.com has been growing rapidly, and the business continues to gain popularity, reputation, and revenue. Alex Szabo says, "Our mission is to make greening of the workplace easy and cost-effective for organizations of all sizes. We strive to make our business a model of sustainable business, and using 100 percent green power has been a key factor from the start."

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