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Partner Profile

Saratoga Spring Water Company
Location Saratoga Springs, NY
Organization Type Consumer Products
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Saratoga Spring Water Company, best known for its distinctive blue glass bottles, has provided consumers with exceptional spring water products since 1872. As part of the company's commitment to its customers and to the planet, Saratoga Spring Water strives to do business in a responsible and sustainable way. For years, one of the company's goals has been to achieve minimal impact through waste reduction: purchasing recycled content materials, reusing and recycling office supplies, and minimizing production waste. Many of these green initiatives have helped the company to operate more efficiently. Green power is the next logical step. Saratoga Spring Water purchases renewable energy credits from wind power equivalent to 100% of its electricity load. This green power commitment has radiated throughout the company, as employees, employees' families, and customers make it their personal and professional mission to reduce their environmental impact and to adapt a business model incorporating environmental responsibility.

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