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Partner Profile

Method Products, Inc.
Location San Francisco, CA
Organization Type Consumer Products
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
Method is the first line of high-design, people friendly, skin-friendly, lung-friendly household cleaning, laundry, air care, and personal care products. Method purchases wind-generated renewable energy certificates equal to 100 percent of its electricity use from both manufacturing and office operations. This adds up to almost 1.8 million kWh of electricity, avoiding nearly 1,400 metric tons of carbon dioxide emission. The company has also planted trees in a reforestation project to cover an additional 700,000 lbs of carbon dioxide produced by the shipping of products and employee movements. Commitment to reversing climate change runs deep in Method. Method's founder, Adam Lowry, worked at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, studying and publishing work on human impacts on global warming. Method was founded on the principal that business is the most powerful and meaningful way to affect positive environmental change. Everything Method does centers around this belief. "As a values driven organization, employee pride has deepened as a result of Method committing 100 percent to green power," says Lowry. "Customers and consumers also see the authenticity in Method's mission through this commitment."

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