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Partner Profile

K-1 Packaging Group
Location City of Industry, CA
Organization Type Media, Print & Publishing
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
K-1 Packaging Group provides printing solutions for the packaging industry and is committed to meet or exceed customer expectations by providing outstanding service, superior quality, on-time delivery, and innovative, responsible printing and packaging solutions. K-1 Packaging Group currently purchases wind energy equal to 100 percent of its electricity use. Responsibility was the driving force behind the company's green power commitment and other environmental initiatives. Although committing to an environmentally responsible, proactive program was not without cost, for K-1 Packaging Group, responsibility to its company, customers, and communities was paramount. Considering the effects its operations have on the environment, the company resolved to find real, responsible, and sustainable solutions that do not jeopardize or compromise future generations and their ability to meet their environmental needs. When K-1 began exploring the opportunities for an alternate source of electricity, it was impressed with the availability, flexibility, and diversity among the options offered as alternatives. During the process of buying green power, K-1 learned that its electricity demand was growing at a disproportionate rate to its sales. Concurrent to the company's renewable energy purchase, K-1 Packaging Group re-evaluated its standard practices, made immediate and responsible changes to its operations, and implemented long-term sustainable environmental solutions. In addition to its renewable energy purchase, K-1 Packaging is part of a chain of custody program where the pulp and fiber used to make paper products are traceable back to the forest from which they were harvested. These independently certified forests are responsibly managed and sustainable. Through continual improvement and discovering new and alternative methods to run its operations and manufacturer its products, K-1's environmental efforts are protecting the environment and reducing our reliance on non-renewable natural resources. Mike Tsai, President of K-1 Packaging Group, says, "As a result of our commitment we have received many benefits. One such benefit is a renewed sense of Pride within the organization. Our employees have become more conscientious in their conservation activities. They know their efforts, whether large or small, brings us closer to our environmental goals."

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