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NCI-Frederick Conference Center

Drug Discovery and Development Seminar Series


For More Information About This Series Contact:
Jamie Tammariello
Phone: 301-846-1064


Series Calendar:
10/1/2008 Wolfgang Sadee, Dr.rer.nat A Chemogenomics Approach to Discovery of Drug Targets, Novel Drugs, and Biomarkers in Cancer Chemotherapy
4/30/2008 Lyuba Varticovski, MD Cancer Stem Cell: A Different Target?
11/28/2007 Lee Ellis, MD Angiogenic Factors and Receptors in Colorectal Cancer: Challenging Existing Paradigms
5/23/2007 Garth Powis, D.Phil Targeting the Stress Responses for Cancer Drug Discovery
5/2/2007 Stephen W. Fesik, PhD CANCELLED--Bcl-2 Family Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer
4/4/2007 M. Celeste Simon, PhD Hypoxia, HIFs and Stem Cells
2/7/2007 James Hsieh, MD, PhD Proteolytic Signaling Pathways Led by Taspase 1
1/10/2007 Dr. Dean Tang Hierarchical Organization of Human Prostate Cancer Cells: Regulation of Self-Renewal
5/31/2006 Charles D. Smith, PhD Protein Palmitoylation as a New Target for Cancer Chemotherapy
4/26/2006 Yixian Zheng, Ph.D. Spindle Morphogenesis and Chromosome Segregation
3/29/2006 James McAlpine, PhD The Genomics of Secondary Metabolite Biosynthesis as a Platform for Drug Discovery
2/22/2006 John Condeelis, PhD The Invasion Microenvironment of Mammary Tumors
1/25/2006 Dr. Pamela Silver Modulation and Redesign of Nuclear Networks in Disease
9/28/2005 Bill J. Baker, PhD Palmerolides: Macrolides from the Antarctic Tunicate Synoicum Adareanum that Target V-ATPase
3/23/2005 Richard J. Youle, PhD The Role of Bc1-2 Family Members in Programmed Cell Death
2/9/2005 Ratna K. Vadlamudi, Ph.D. The Role of ER Coactivator PELP1 in Tumorigenesis
1/26/2005 Lee Greenberger, Ph.D. Novel Antimicrotubule Agents: From Mechanism of Action to Clinical Trials
1/12/2005 Hynda Kleinman, PhD CANCELLED--Role of Laminins in Angiogenesis and Tumor Growth
12/8/2004 Steven K. Libutti, MD New Strategies for Studying and Targeting Tumor-Associated Vasculature
10/13/2004 Roberto Pili Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors: Therapeutic Strategies for Solid Tumore
5/26/2004 Dr. Louis Barrows Neoamphimedine, a Topoisomerase Drug with a Twist
4/14/2004 Dr. William Hait Targeting the Calcium/Calmodulin Signal Transduction Pathway for Anticancer Therapy
3/17/2004 Prof. James Gloer The Chemistry of Fungal Antagonism and Defense: A Useful Guide to the Discovery of New Bioactive Natural Products
1/21/2004 W. Marston Linehan, MD Genetic Basic of Kidney: Opportunity for Development of Disease-Specific Therapy
10/8/2003 Randall S. Johnson, Ph.D. Hypoxia: The Genetics of a Physiological Response
9/24/2003 Dr. Marco Gottardis Developing New Hormonal Therapies in Prostate Cancer
9/10/2003 Dr. John (Jay) Chiorini Identification of PDGFR as a Receptor for AAV5 Transduction
4/16/2003 Heinz G. Floss, MD Genetic Tools for the Biosynthetic Structure Modification of the Maytansinoid Antitumor Agents
3/19/2003 Dr. Donna Shewach Gemcitabine: An Effective Agent for Enhancing Radiation Therapy and Enzyme/Prodrug Gene Therapy
3/5/2003 Dr. Steven Grant Development of Rational Antileukemic Strategies Combining Novel Signal Transduction and Cell Cycle Inhibitors
2/25/2003 Dr. David Carlson Automated Platform for SNP's to Measure CYP1A1 and IB1 SNP's in the 60 Cell Lines
2/19/2003 Dr. Marco Gottardis Developing New Hormonal Therapies in Prostate Cancer
2/5/2003 Donald Small, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Targeting FLT3 as Specific Therapy for Leukemia
1/22/2003 Dr. Ivan N. Rich, HemoGenix LLC HALO-A High Throughput, Multifunctional Assay Platform for Hemotoxicity during Drug Development and Basic and Clinical Hematopoietic Research
1/8/2003 Dr. Charles Tyson, SRI International In vitro Systems to Predict Hepatobiliary Toxicity
12/11/2002 Karl Y. Hostetler, MD, University of California, San Diego 1-O-Hexadecyloxpropyl-Nucleoside Phosphonates: Possible Use in Cancer Therapy