Congressman Diane E. Watson - Representing California's 33rd Congressional District
For Immediate Release
November 17, 2005
Contact: Bert Hammond
(202) 225-7084

Lois Hill Hale
(323) 965-1422
Watson Statement on Congressman Murtha’s
Opposition to U.S. Troops in Iraq

(Washington, DC)— This morning, Congressman Jack Murtha (PA-12), the ranking member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and a respected expert on the military who voted for the Iraq war, called for President Bush to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq.  Congresswoman Diane E. Watson (CA-33) made the following remarks:

“Congressman Murtha is one of the most highly regarded members of Congress on defense issues.  In his remarks delivered before the Democratic Caucus earlier today, Congressman Murtha described the war in Iraq as ‘a flawed policy wrapped in an illusion.’  He said that ‘the future of our country is at risk,’ ‘that we cannot continue on the present course,’ ‘that intelligence was misused’ and that it is time to bring U.S. troops home now.

“Congressman Murtha’s statement is a definitive rejection of President Bush’s Iraq policy.  His critique is one more indication that Americans from across the political spectrum are uniting in opposition to the war.  Yesterday the Senate awakened to the fact that we need an exit strategy in Iraq.  More members of President Bush’s own party are beginning to realize that a rational troop departure schedule is necessary.

According to recent polling data, approximately two thirds of the American public now have serious reservations about the war.  Congressman Murtha is correct when he said that ‘the American public is way ahead of us.’ 

I have been a steady opponent of the war in Iraq.  Two and a half years ago, I voted against congressional authorization of the war.  It was the wrong war to fight, in the wrong place, and at the wrong time.  It has unnecessarily diverted resources from the pursuit of international terrorists.  Our national prestige and credibility have been seriously compromised by the war.

I believe it is dangerous and very risky strategy to send in the military to engage in nation-building exercises.  The army of liberation will inevitably be perceived as the army of occupation.  Iraq is a case in point where 80% of its citizens are opposed to the presence of coalition troops.

“Our troops have done their job, but the U.S. cannot win the peace in Iraq through military means.  It is time for President Bush to change course, remove our troops from Iraq, and diplomatically pursue peace and security in Iraq.”