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United States Environmental Protection Agency
SunWise Program
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Becoming a
SunWise School

Becoming a SunWise School

Becoming a SunWise School is easy! Any elementary or middle school in the United States may participate in the SunWise Program. A single classroom, multiple classrooms, a school, or an entire school district may join.

To become a SunWise School, you must:

  1. Be an educator of at least 10 students in grades K - 8. Usually that means you are a teacher or a school nurse. If you are a student teacher, a university professor, a camp counselor, a 501(c)(3) organization, or other group or individual, please see the Becoming a SunWise Partner page.

  2. Participate in student evaluation. A random sample of participants will be asked to complete the SunWise student survey before and after implementation of SunWise activities. This simple, 10-minute questionnaire, developed by Boston University's Skin Cancer Prevention Team, elicits basic information on attitudes and practices of children relating to sun exposure. This survey will provide information for evaluation purposes only. All personal information will remain confidential.

  3. Complete a teacher evaluation form. Your feedback about the usefulness of classroom and school materials is vital to the refinement of SunWise educational materials. You may review the survey form now, if you wish.

  4. Adopt at least one of the following SunWise activities:
    • Cross-curricular classroom lessons.
    • UV measurement and reporting on the Internet.
    • School infrastructure enhancements (school policy changes and/or sun-protection structures).
    • Community outreach (inviting guest speakers and forming business partnerships).
    • School-wide sun safety activities (school assemblies or other programs).

We hope you will agree to fulfill the participation requirements above. If so, please register as a SunWise School. Then we will send you, free of charge, everything you need to get started, including a SunWise teacher Tool Kit.

SunWise School Registration Form

If you cannot use the online form below, contact us by email at, or telephone Linda Rutsch at 202-343-9924, to request a paper registration form.

Information collection via this form is authorized by OMB Control No. 2060-0439. Please see our privacy policy.

Please tell us . . .

  * Required item
Please use the complete legal name (no abbreviations)
* (example: 555-234-5678)
* (estimate)
Please omit titles (Mr., Ms., Dr., PhD, RN, etc.)
Grades You Teach *
(Check all that apply)

Subjects You Teach
(Check all that apply)

Approximately how many students do you plan to teach SunWise?

Language of SunWise Tool Kit materials:

In addition to the Tool Kit, would you like to:

on our web site
on our web site using a hand-held UV meter. Currently, EPA has no UV meters for distribution. For information on purchasing a UV meter for your school, please see question nine on the Frequent Questions page.
If you selected either UV reporting activity, please identify your classes that will participate. Only one class is necessary, but you may enter more.
  • Class 1 
  • Class 2 
  • Class 3 
  • Class 4 
  • Class 5 
  • Class 6 

In keeping with the EPA's commitment to program evaluation, are you willing to be contacted periodically regarding SunWise?

Submitting Your Information

When you press the submit button below, our system will display a confirmation page. If you do not see the confirmation page, you are not registered. Please try again.

If you selected a UV reporting activity, the confirmation page will include an ID code for each class you listed. Please record the class IDs; printing the confirmation page is an easy way to keep track of them. You will need a class ID code to enter forecast UV Index values and UV observations on the SunWise web site, and to display the values in a chart or table.

Thanks for participating, and we'll be in touch!


Privacy Notice

We (EPA) enter the information you provide in this registration form into a database of schools and educators participating in the SunWise program. We may create a mailing list to notify you (via email if available) of changes in the program and materials. We may use demographic information to tailor program materials to better serve educators who participate in the SunWise program. If your class reports UV Index or UV intensity measurements to our web site, we store those values in a database. As discussed in our general security and privacy notice, we collect minimal information about your Internet connection and web browser.

We may mention the names of schools participating in the SunWise Program, but we will not share your name or other personal information with anyone outside EPA without your permission. UV values that you report may be displayed, in a chart or table at our web site, by you or anyone who knows your SunWise class ID. Those displays will not identify the specific person who reported the UV values.

The public reporting and record-keeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate maintain, retain, disclose, or provide information to or for a federal agency. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. To comment on this collection (OMB control number 2060-0439) contact the Director, Collection Strategies Division (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460. To comment on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including the use of automated collection techniques, EPA has established a public docket for this ICR under Docket ID No. OAR-2003-0070. Also, you can send comments to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk Office for EPA. Please include the EPA Docket ID No. OAR-2003-0070 and OMB control number (2060-0439) in any correspondence.



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