Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



October 3, 2002

Italy Crop Tour Summary

Near-Normal Conditions in the Po River Valley

Western Veneto

Lombardia and Veneto are major growing regions for arable and horticultural crops.  The base layer of the maps below is the GeoCover Landsat mosaic (bands 7-4-2), created by Earth Satellite Corporation, and distributed by the NASA Earth Science Application Directorate.  Click on the link below to see a corn field adjacent to the Highway A22 in Veneto.

area The Po River Valley is a productive region.


Eastern Veneto

Much of the farmland near Venice was reclaimed from the Adriatic Sea and is drained by a network of canals, similar to the Netherlands.  Click on the region northeast of Venezia to see more detail.

area Farmland northeast of Venice is drained with canals.

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For more information, contact Jim Tringe,,
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at (202) 720-0882

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