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Facility Updates Archive

As the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) has grown, so has its bimonthly report. Because this report now covers significant accomplishments and activities for all the ACRF infrastructure, our report has been renamed "Facility Updates."


Oct 31Breakthrough User Interface Delivers Statistical Views of Data
Oct 15Talk About Climate Change: Radiometer Moves from Arctic to South America
Sep 30Sensor Upgrades Improve Meteorological Systems at North Slope of Alaska Sites
Sep 30Website Update Links Publications to Related Information
Sep 30Education and Outreach Activities in the Tropics Get a Tune-up
Sep 15Global Earth Observations Portal Provides Gateway to ACRF Data
Aug 31Phase 2 of Orbiting Carbon Observatory Field Campaign Begins
Aug 15New Ceilometer Evaluated at Southern Great Plains Site
Jul 31Southern Great Plains Gets an “Assist” for Instrument Intercomparison
Jul 15Extract This! Enhanced Visualization Tool Available at the Data Archive
Jun 30Interagency Effort Will Help Dial In Carbon Profiles
Jun 30ACRF Science Liaison Chairs Climate Symposium at International Conference
Jun 15Mobile Facility Anchors Multi-site Aerosol Study in China
Jun 15Staying in Sync
May 15Cloud Radars on the Screen at Southern Great Plains Site
May 15North Slope of Alaska Site Hosts Guest Instruments for Arctic Aerosol Study
May 15National User Facility Organization Meets to Discuss Progress and Ideas
Apr 30Arctic Aerosol Study Flies By
Apr 30Team Scouts Graciosa Island for 2009 Mobile Facility Deployment Site
Apr 30ACRF Outreach Materials Chosen for Earth Day Display in Washington DC
Apr 15CLASIC Discussed at Workshop in Oklahoma
Mar 31Interagency Land Use Agreement Signed for North Slope of Alaska
Mar 312008 ARM Science Team Meeting Sails Off into the Sunset
Mar 15New Radiometer Tested for Measuring Thin Clouds
Feb 29Scout Team Scopes Out Sites for 2009 Field Campaign in Chile
Feb 29Radar Focus Group Zeroes in on Data Quality
Feb 29Wildlife Challenges Lead to Wireless Solutions
Feb 29Final Preparations Underway for Arctic Aerosol Field Campaign
Feb 15Science Board Welcomes Two New Members
Feb 15User Group Provides Recommendations for Data Archive Improvements
Jan 31ACRF Exhibit Showcases Continuous Data at American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Jan 15Future of User Facility Discussed at Fall Workshop
Jan 15ARM Mobile Facility Completes Field Campaign in Germany


Dec 15Radar Antenna Replacement Effort Begins at Barrow
Dec 15External Data Center Completes Storage Expansion
Dec 15ACRF Exhibit Draws Diverse Crowd at American Geophysical Union Meeting
Nov 30Interferometers Compared for ARM Mobile Facility Deployment in China
Nov 30High-Speed Internet Deflects Information Overload
Nov 15Commercial Infrared Sky Imagers Compared
Oct 31Long-term Radiosonde Validation Campaign Concludes
Oct 15Enchanted Isle Selected as Site for 2009 ARM Mobile Facility Deployment
Oct 15Aerial Vehicles Program to Support “CLOWD” Statistical Analyses
Oct 15Second Phase of Far-Infrared Study To Take Place in Chile
Sep 30Atqasuk Joins International Network of Meteorological Stations
Sep 30Improved Instrument Calibration Capabilities Benefit All Sites, Users
Sep 15Microwave Radiometers Put to the Test in Germany
Aug 31Records Set Again; New Process Enhances Reporting of User Facility Statistics
Aug 31New Calibration Method May Purge Old Procedure
Jul 31Multifilter Radiometer Added to Cessna Payload
Jul 31Review of ACRF Infrastructure Completed
Jul 15Conditions Range from Classic to Record-Breaking as Field Campaign Concludes
Jul 15Climate Education Kiosk Launched on Manus Island
Jun 30Science Teams Gather to Plan Arctic Field Campaigns in Fiscal Year 2008
Jun 30New Radar Wind Profiler Joins AMF Instrument Suite in Germany
Jun 15CLASIC Hits the Dirt—and the Air—in Oklahoma
Jun 15ACRF Data on Display at New Climate Research Facility
Apr 30Field Campaign to Benefit from Multimillion Dollar Radar Technology
Apr 30Alaskan Teachers Benefit from ACRF Support of International Polar Year
Apr 15Radiosonde Temperature Sensor Benefits from Stronger Structure
Mar 31Radiometers Operate in Low Water Vapor Conditions in Barrow, Alaska
Feb 28International Polar Year Draws on ARM Education and Outreach Efforts
Feb 28Unattended Performance of Lidar Makes Life “Easy”
Feb 15Adieu to Niger, Guten Tag to Germany
Feb 15Radar Looking Good with New Reflector
Jan 31ARM Archive Sets Record for User Accounts
Jan 31Datastream Database Speeds Flow of Information
Jan 15New ACRF Exhibit Makes Debut at Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union
Jan 15Radon Measurements to Help Scientists Estimate Carbon Dioxide Exchange


Dec 15Diffuse Irradiance Study to Set Measurement Standard
Dec 15Educational Kiosk Installed at ACRF Site in Nauru
Nov 30Radar Wind Profiler Upgrades Optimize Performance, Increase Reliability
Nov 30Mapping It Up With Google
Nov 15Radiometers Due for Checkup
Oct 31New High-Frequency Microwave Radiometer Provides Improved Sensitivity
Oct 15This “Roobik” is Part of the Answer, Not a Puzzle
Sep 30Precipitation Sensor on Duty at North Slope of Alaska
Sep 15Trace Gases Targeted During Aircraft Carbon Field Campaign
Sep 15New Instrument “Counts” Cloud Particles
Aug 31Infrared Loss Study Underway at North Slope of Alaska
Aug 31New Lidars Installed at Tropical Western Pacific Site
Aug 15Preparations Underway for 2007 ARM Mobile Facility Deployment in Germany
Aug 15Sunphotometer to Obtain Additional Aerosol Data in Niamey
Jul 31New Operations Status System Improves Tracking, Reporting
Jul 15Kids Learn About Weather at Day Camps in June
Jul 15Infrared Sky Imager Takes a Shot in the Dark
Jun 30“VAPs” Define Key Properties at ACRF Sites
Jun 15Data From Rotating Shadowband Spectroradiometer Now Available in Data Archive
May 31Comprehensive Instrument Validation Campaign Concludes
May 31New Shortwave Spectroradiometer Deployed at SGP
May 15New Micropulse Lidars to Replace Old Ones; Deployments Begin at SGP
May 15Radar Wind Profiler Joins ARM Mobile Facility Instrument Suite
Apr 30HydroKansas Follows Water Flowing Through Space and Time
Apr 30Disdrometer Joins Tipping Bucket to Improve Precipitation Measurements
Apr 15TWP Site Hosts Preliminary Study for Long Term Measurements of Greenhouse Gases
Mar 31W-Band Cloud Radar Added to ARM Mobile Facility in Africa
Mar 31Increased Weather Balloon Soundings Begin at Barrow
Mar 31New Chief Scientist Leads Annual ARM Science Team Meeting
Feb 28Network of Infrared Thermometers Nearly Complete at SGP
Feb 15School Visits and New Kiosk Promote Science Education at ACRF Darwin Site
Feb 15ACRF Exhibit Just Peachy in Atlanta
Feb 15Mother Nature Tests Emergency Preparedness at North Slope of Alaska
Jan 31Media Day Kicks Off Tropical Cloud Study in Australia
Jan 15ARM Mobile Facility Begins Year-Long Deployment in Africa
Jan 15Location, Location, Location… Field Campaign Focuses on Latitude Effects


Dec 31Take Two! ACRF Exhibit Returns to AGU Fall Meeting
Dec 15Upgrades to Darwin Radar Double Data Delivery
Nov 15More Server Power Improves Performance at the ACRF Data Management Facility
Oct 31Ancillary Site to Provide Key Data from Africa
Oct 15Room to Share—New Guest Facility Ready for Users at North Slope of Alaska
Oct 15Website Integration Effort Delivers One-Stop Shopping for Data
Sep 30Mission Under Control: Scientists Simulate Upcoming Field Campaign
Sep 30Bigger, Better Cessna Ready to Record Aerosol and Carbon Cycle Data
Sep 30Aircraft Comes ALIVE During Field Campaign at the Southern Great Plains
Sep 15From Coastal Clouds to Desert Dust: ARM Mobile Facility Headed to Africa
Sep 15More Storage Space, Better Reliability Now at the ACRF Data Management Facility
Aug 31North Slope of Alaska Draws Array of Distinguished Visitors
Aug 31Southern Great Plains Site Hosts Gathering to Discuss ACRF Instrumentation
Aug 31BBC Airs Segment on Arctic Research After Visit to North Slope of Alaska
Aug 15Aging, Overworked Computer Network at SGP Gets Overhauled
Jul 31Summertime Clouds Are All Wet in Alaska
Jul 15Battle With Bugs Nearly Over Thanks to New Radar
Jul 15New Data Streams Available for ARM Mobile Facility Deployment Sites
Jul 15ACRF Capabilities Promoted at Air & Waste Management Conference
Jun 30Coastal Clouds Field Campaign Takes Off in July
Jun 15Guest Instruments to Collect Aerosol Data During Coastal Field Campaign
Jun 15New Total Sky Imager Improves Reliability Picture in Tropics
Jun 15Cloud Animation Joins Learning Tools on Science Education Website
May 31Rain in the Plain Falls Mainly on the… Farm?
May 31History Tool Records Changes to Datastreams
May 15Announcing: The GoogleBox
May 15Alaskan Students and Teachers Treated to Demonstration of New Kiosk Archive
Apr 30ACRF Communication Products Garner Awards in Competition
Apr 30New Microwave Radiometer Makes Water Vapor Measurements in the Arid Cold a Snap
Apr 30Annual Quality Improvement Inspections Take Place
Apr 15Infrared Thermometers Complete Cloud Pictures
Apr 15User Facility Improvements Continue at North Slope of Alaska Locale
Mar 3115th Annual ARM Science Team Meeting Begins with a Roar
Mar 31Speedier Data Delivery Assists Storm Forecasters
Mar 31DeskPRO Database Streamlines Data Status
Mar 15Japanese Collaborators Take A Long Look at Lightning
Mar 15Bad Gas Examined During Field Campaign at North Slope of Alaska
Feb 28Readiness of New Lidar Evaluated at Southern Great Plains Site
Feb 15Improved Radiosonde Sensor Ready for Launch
Feb 15One More Step for Improving User Access; A Giant Leap Toward Integration
Jan 31Mobile Facility Beta Testing Complete; System Headed to California Seashore
Jan 31New Shortwave Spectrometer Performs Well in Field Evaluation
Jan 15Instruments Added and Upgraded at Tropical Western Pacific Sites


Dec 31New Technique Used to Measure Ice and Liquid in Clouds
Dec 15Webpages “Re-engineered” For New Look and Added Functionality
Nov 30Scientists Convene in Australia to Plan International Cloud Experiment
Nov 30New Thumbnail Browser for Data Archive Gives Users More Options
Nov 15Education and Outreach Program Visits Schools in the Tropics
Oct 31Intensive Arctic Field Campaign Concludes
Oct 31ACRF Lends Support to Military Flare Tests
Oct 31New Pump Shelter Kicks Off Upgrades to Aerosol Observing System
Oct 15Data Quality Application Gives Data Browsers a New View
Oct 15Radiosonde Data Distribution In Place for Modeling During M-PACE
Sep 30New Instrumentation on Proteus Aircraft Tested
Sep 30Raman Lidar Refurbishment and Upgrade Completed
Sep 30Narrow Field of View (NFOV) Radiometers Deployed
Sep 15Upgrades Improve Site Data System Reliability
Aug 31Satellite Data Conversion Supports Tropical Cloud Research
Aug 31New Look for Education and Outreach Website—Just in Time for School!
Aug 15SuomiNet-type Instruments Tested and Ready for Tropics
Aug 15Fancy Footwork Accomplishes Scheduling Feat for ER-AERI
Aug 15New Narrow Field of View Radiometer Widens Range of Radiance Data
Jul 31ACRF Achieves User Milestone Three Months Ahead of Schedule
Jul 15Military Facilities, Restricted Airspace Okayed to Support Arctic Cloud Experiment
Jul 15New Data Loggers Deployed
Jun 30Data Archive Hits Record High
Jun 15Satellite Service Conserves Cash
Jun 15New Data Stream Available from Millimeter Wave Cloud Radar
May 31New Backup Software Improves Processing, Reliability at Data Management Facility
May 31CIMEL Sunphotometer Helps Researchers See the Light in Australia
May 15Mid-latitude Cirrus Cloud Experiment Underway
May 15Upgrade to Millimeter Wave Cloud Radar Increases Volume of Data Collection
May 15Sunphotometer Re-installed at North Slope of Alaska
May 15Helping Hands Make Strong Partnerships
Apr 30Second Phase of AIRS Validation Exercise Completed; Third Phase In Progress
Apr 30The Tale of the Tapes—No More Boxes of Data!
Apr 30Upgrades to Raman Lidar Backup Laser Improve Reliability
Apr 30Arctic Winter Water Vapor IOP Completed
Apr 15Record Crowd Attends ARM 14th Annual Science Team Meeting
Apr 15Eddy Correlation Deployments Completed
Apr 15Instrument States Database Up and Running
Mar 31Science Board Established for ARM Climate Research Facility
Mar 31Arctic Winter Water Vapor IOP Starts; Microwave Radiometer Profiler Deployed
Mar 31External Data Center Gets a Big Boost
Mar 31High Speed Internet Service Established at Oliktok, Alaska
Mar 31Metrics Monitor Activity on ARM Education Website
Mar 15New Web Interface for Solar Tracking is Right on Target
Mar 15Disaster Plan Deflects Problems During Downpour