[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

Black Hills National Forest

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US Forest Service
Black Hills National Forest
1019 N. 5th Street
Custer, SD 57730

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


News Releases: 2008

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[Image]: Forest Service Shield.

News Release

USDA Forest Service

Black Hills National Forest

Contact: Tom Willems (605) 673 - 9217, or email us at r2 blackhills webinfo@fs.fed.us



Thanks to South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds, the Black Hills National Forest will have a new trail machine to build motorized trails.

The Governor has also provided money to improve motorized route signing.

Black Hills National Forest officials say the award total of $104,088 will be used to improve, build, or change motorized recreational trails, depending on need.

"This is huge for us," said Tom Willems, forest travel planner. "This equipment is normally beyond our reach and we now have lots of flexibility to create and maintain a high quality system."
The grant will help fund the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) which was authorized in 1998 to help states provide and maintain recreational trails. The program funds motorized and non-motorized trail use and it enhances trail results and opportunities that may not be possible without the aid of the program.

The RTP advisory board establishes priorities for funding after reviewing applications. A project is awarded a grant based on its merit rather than cost.

A project agreement will be developed between the Forest Service and the Department of Game, Fish, and Parks for execution.

For more information contact the U.S. Forest Service website at www.fs.fed.us/r2/blackhills


US Forest Service, Black Hills National Forest
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Last modified August 25, 2008

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