[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

Black Hills National Forest

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

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or Grassland (NG)

US Forest Service
Black Hills National Forest
1019 N. 5th Street
Custer, SD 57730

Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


Media Distribution Inquiry

The Black Hills National Forest public affairs office distributes press releases, videotape, photographs and radio news content from our facilities located in Custer, SD. If you have an interest in receiving news material, or would like to be added to our e-mail database for press releases, please provide us with a detailed request in the comment section below. A public affairs staff member will contact you to confirm your request. Thank you for your interest in our services.



Mailing Address:

  Email Address:
  Telephone Number:

US Forest Service, Black Hills National Forest
Website comments? Please let us know.
Last modified October 17, 2008

USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site.