Emerging Infectious Diseases * Volume 2 * Number 2            April-June 1996

News and Notes

BSE Meeting at CDC

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The recent report of a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (V-CJD) in Great Britain and the possible link between the disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has raised a number of health and safety concerns (1,2). On April 8, 1996, CDC organized a meeting of U.S. agency representatives to review information about the report of U.K. cases and about efforts to identify the existence of BSE and V-CJD in the United States. The meeting covered the scientific evidence for the report of V-CJD; recommendations from a meeting of international experts organized by the World Health Organization on April 2-3; and the current and proposed activities of U.S. agencies with regard to BSE and V-CJD.

Among the observations made during the meeting were the following:

Future cooperative efforts among U.S. agencies, industry, and other interested parties in response to the report of V-CJD are planned. The report of the April 8 meeting at CDC is available on the CDC NCID Web site at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/cjd/cjd.htm.


  1. Will RG, Ironside JW, Zeibler M, et al. A new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK. Lancet 1996;347:921-5.
  2. CDC. World Health Organization consultation on public health issues related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy and the emergence of a new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.MMWR 1996;45:295-6, 303.
  3. Holman RC, Khan AS, Kent J, Strine TW, Schonberger LB. Epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United States, 1979-1990: analysis of national mortality data. Neuroepidemiology 1995;14:174-81.

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Created: Tuesday, April 23, 1996, 11:08:15 AM