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For Jobseekers

Workforce Development Council

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For Jobseekers
One-Stop Center Services
Initial Assessment
Tutorials on use of internet services and One-Stop facilities
Self-help resources - internet or printed
Employment counseling, training information/matching, or other resource help
On-line and computer resources for job information, resume writing, and career planning
Computers, copiers, fax, telephone for job seeking related activities
  For more information, visit or call the nearest One-Stop Center near you.
  Hawaii's One-Stop Centers are accessible and open 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
WIA Service/Training Providers
  Counselors at One-Stop Centers determine the eligibility of job seekers for various training or services
On-Line Services
  What to do if you lose your job:
  First Things First
  Unemployment Insurance
  Job Banks  (Hawaii, Nationwide, Federal Jobs)
  Job Seeking & Career Planning
  Labor Market Information
  Career Assistance for Veterans
  Assistance for Job Seekers with Disabilities
Reading Room


Success Across the Islands




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