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What we do

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Hawaii Occupational Safety & Health


What we do

The Office of Language Access’ (OLA) overall purpose is to affirmatively address the language access needs of limited English proficient (LEP) individuals by providing oversight, central coordination, and technical assistance to the State and state-funded agencies in the implementation of language access requirements.  OLA’s functions are:

  • Establishes statewide goals and objectives relating to improving access by LEP individuals to the programs, services and activities of state and state-funded agencies.
  • Provides central coordination to state and state-funded agencies in the development and implementation of their language access plans.
  • Provides oversight and monitors compliance by state and state-funded agencies with Hawaii’s language access law.
  • Provides technical assistance and training to state and state-funded agencies in the establishment and implementation of their language access plans.
  • Resolves complaints through informal methods.
  • Conducts research concerning the language access needs of LEP populations and evaluates the availability, adequacy, and accessibility of language access services in the State of Hawaii.
  • Works with public and private agencies, including community organizations, to address resource needs, develop innovative methods, and improve the effectiveness of language access services.
  • Monitors, analyzes and reports on legislation pertaining to language access and the LEP population of Hawaii.
  • Adopts rules and guidelines pursuant to Chapter 91 HRS.
  • Reports and makes recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature regarding steps taken and to be taken to improve and increase meaningful access to language access services by the LEP population.
  • Encourages and fosters local action on behalf of the LEP population.



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