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/* ** Plone style sheet for Netscape 4 and other non-CSS2-compatible browsers. ** Alexander Limi, 2002 - ** ** Tip: don't use margins or floats */ /* DTML instructions to set caching headers. */ /* */ /* Basic Elements */ body, td, th, div, span, table { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; } body { background: #FFFFFF; color: Black; padding: 0; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #009900; } p { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; } p a { text-decoration: underline; } p img { border: 0; } hr { margin:0; padding: 0; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: #0066FF; } ul { list-style-image: url("bullet.gif"); } form { border: none; } textarea { } input { } select { } abbr, acronym, .explain { border-bottom: 1px dotted #009900; cursor: help; } code { } pre { padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #8cacbb; background-color: #dee7ec; } /* Structural elements */ { background: transparent; width: 100%; } div.searchBox { float: right; text-align: right; } div.tabs { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0; } div.tabs a { background: transparent; color: #436976; font-weight: normal; } div.tabs a.selected { background: #DEE7EC; color: #436976; font-weight: normal; } div.personalBar { text-align: right; margin: 0; } div.personalBar a{ font-weight: normal; } div.pathBar { padding: 0 0 0 1em; margin: 0;} table.columns { width: 100%; } table.columns td.left { vertical-align: top; padding-top: 2em; width: 15%; } table.columns td.main { vertical-align: top; padding-top: 2em; width: 70%; } table.columns td.right { vertical-align: top; padding-top: 2em; width: 15%; } div.contentTabs { padding: 0;} div.contentTabs a { background: transparent; color: #578308; font-weight: normal; } div.contentTabs a.selected { background: #CDE2A7; color: #578308; font-weight: normal; } div.contentTabs a:hover { background-color: #CDE2A7; } div.contentBar { } div.document { background: None; } div.editableDocument { border: 1px solid #74AE0B; padding: 0em 1em 0em 1em; } div.message { background: #FFCE7B; font: bold 80% Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0.5em 1em; vertical-align: middle; } .description { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; display: block; } .footer { clear: both; float: none; padding: 0em 0em 0em 0em; text-align: center; } /* Widgets */ div.row { clear: both; } div.rowEven { clear: both; } div.rowOdd { clear: both; } .group { border: 1px solid #8cacbb; padding: 1em; } .legend { font-weight: bold; } input.standalone { cursor: pointer; font-weight: normal; } input.context { cursor: pointer; font-weight: normal; } .error { background: #FFCE7B; border: 1px solid #FFA500; } .required { background: url(required.gif) right no-repeat; } .label { font-weight: bold; padding: 0em 0em; } .field { padding: 0em 0em 0em 0em; text-align: left; } .info { padding: 0em 0em 0.2em 0em; text-align: left; } { font-weight: normal; } span.card { background: #DEE7EC; border-color: #0066FF; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; text-align: center;} span.left { float: left; text-align: left; width: 40%; } span.right { float: right; text-align: right; width: 40%; } table.listing { } table.listing th { background: #DEE7EC; color: Black; font-weight: normal; padding: 0em 1em 0em 1em; } table.listing tr.odd { background: transparent; } table.listing tr.even { background: #F7F9FA; } table.listing td { padding: 0em 1em;} table.listing a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } div.boxDetails { text-align: right; } { border: 1px #0066FF; margin-bottom: 1em; } .boxTitle { background: none; } a.comment { background-image: url(; background-position: 0px 0px; padding: 0em 0em 0.5em 2em; } a.plain { padding: 0; } span.folderName { font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold; } div.spacer { } .private { color: Black; } .published { color: #74AE0B; } .pending { color: #FFA500; } .syndicated { color: #008000; } .expired { color: Red; } /* Calendar elements */ { background-color: #FFFFBB; } { font-weight: bold; } table.calendar { border: 1px #0066FF; text-align: right; } table.calendar a { text-decoration: none; color: #006600; } table.calendar a:hover { text-decoration: none; } table.calendar th { background-color: none; color: #0066FF; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } table.calendar td { width: 1.5em; padding: 2px; } table.calendar td.weekdays { background-color: none; border: 1px #0066FF; border-style: solid none; text-align: center; } table.calendar td.event { background-color: none; font-weight: bold; } table.calendar td.noevent { } table.calendar td.othermonth { background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #8CACBB; vertical-align: bottom; } table.calendar { background-color: #CF6060; border: 1px solid #8CACBB; } table.calendar td.todayevent { background-color: none; border: 2px solid #FFA500; font-weight: bold; } table.calendar td.todaynoevent { border-collapse: collapse; border: 2px solid #FFA500; } /* */
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