HIV/AIDS Crisis Mitigated

Strategic Objective Title

HIV/AIDS Crisis Mitigated


Funding and Duration

US$33 million over 5 years


Implementation Status

Third Year of Implementation


Studies confirm that 96% of Zimbabweans are aware of the cause, method of transmission and ways to prevent HIV/AIDS.  In spite of this very high awareness, over 34% of the sexually active adult population in Zimbabwe are HIV positive or have AIDS.   Therefore the challenge is how to help people use the information they have about HIV/AIDS by translating it into behavior changes that prevent new infections thereby leading to a lower incidence of people affected by HIV/AIDS.

USAID’s new strategic objective helps meet this challenge through a package of interventions that mitigate the impact of the HIV/AIDS crisis in Zimbabwe. Comparative experience from other developing countries in Africa has informed the strategy that behavior change preceded by voluntary counseling and testing has been effective in slowing rates of infection.  USAID will also be contributing to the much-needed response to the burgeoning orphan population.

Activity Profile

Behavior Change Resulting from Increased Accessibility to Quality Services with Proven Effectiveness

The hallmark of this program is to promote behavior change among key high-risk target groups focusing primarily on social marketing of voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT), social marketing of male and female condoms and targeted innovative media campaign for behavior change.  Fourteen VCT clinics have been established at strategic locations nationwide and plans are underway to establish more sites in small towns and rural areas.

Enhance the Capacity of Institutions to Formulate and Advocate for Improved HIV/AIDS Policies

This is a critical component in a larger synergy of interventions that will result in behavior change and the mitigation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.  Two major impediments to the Mission’s Strategic Objective are the silence and stigma surrounding AIDS and a lack of leadership and policy to fight the AIDS epidemic effectively.  This project will address the root causes of the silence and stigma by creating an open and healthy dialogue about AIDS, and empowering people to face their HIV status.  It will also encourage civic, religious and political leaders to speak out about AIDS, and help civil society become a more effective advocate in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Enhanced Capacity at Regional and Local levels in Zimbabwe to support Community Responses to orphans and children affected by HIV/AIDS

The activity is aimed at supporting replicable, innovative, village/community-level, community-based programs and models, which can provide support and care for the nearly one million orphans and vulnerable children affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Zimbabwe.


All Zimbabweans can benefit from proven interventions that will decrease their chances of being affected by HIV/AIDS.

Local Partners

The local partners for this program are:  Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, the HIV, STI and TB Unit (formerly National AIDS Coordination Program), Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council, University of Zimbabwe, National AIDS Council, local non-governmental organizations and community based organizations.

Implementing Partners

A Program Agreement covering all aspects of support under this program has been signed with the Ministry of Finance.  USAID/Zimbabwe provides its assistance through agreements with Pact, Inc., Population Services International (PSI), Futures Group and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).  Pact competitively awards sub-grants to Zimbabwean organizations working to mitigate the HIV/AIDS crisis. 
