[Federal Register: January 24, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 16)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 4066-4069]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2007-28973; Directorate Identifier 2007-NM-118-AD; 
Amendment 39-15344; AD 2008-02-14]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 747-400, -400D, and -400F 
Series Airplanes; Boeing Model 757 Airplanes; and Boeing Model 767 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for 
certain Boeing airplanes listed above. This AD requires an inspection 
of certain lighted pushbutton switches in the flight compartment for 
configuration `D' master modules and part numbers and corrective action 
if necessary. This AD also provides an option to inspect panel 
assemblies for part numbers. This AD results from a report indicating 
that the integrated drive generator failed in flight due to a possible 
switch malfunction. We are issuing this AD to ensure that certain 
lighted pushbutton switches in the flight compartment do not 
malfunction and cause the flightcrew to be unable to control critical 
airplane systems and continue safe airplane operation.

DATES: This AD becomes effective February 28, 2008.
    The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by 
reference of certain publications listed in the AD as of February 28, 

ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact 
Boeing Commercial Airplanes, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-

Examining the AD Docket

    You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov
; or in person at the Docket Management Facility 

between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, the regulatory evaluation, 
any comments received, and other information. The address for the 
Docket Office (telephone 800-647-5527) is the Document Management 
Facility, U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, 
West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
Washington, DC 20590.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Georgios Roussos, Aerospace Engineer, 
Systems and Equipment Branch, ANM-130S, FAA, Seattle Aircraft 
Certification Office, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Washington 98057-
3356; telephone (425) 917-6482; fax (425) 917-6590.



    The FAA issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 
CFR part 39 to include an AD that would apply to certain Boeing Model 
747-400, -400D, and -400F series airplanes; Boeing Model 757 airplanes; 
and Boeing Model 767 airplanes. That NPRM was published in the Federal 
Register on August 16, 2007 (72 FR 45986). That NPRM proposed to 
require an inspection of certain lighted pushbutton switches in the 
flight compartment for configuration `D' master modules and part 
numbers and corrective action if necessary. That NPRM also provided an 
option to inspect panel assemblies for part numbers.


    We provided the public the opportunity to participate in the 
development of this AD. We have considered the comments received.

Support for the NPRM

    Boeing, the airplane manufacturer, concurs with the content of the 

Request To Remove Reference to Revision 1 of the Service Bulletins

    Japan Airlines requests that we remove the reference in the NPRM to 
Boeing Alert Service Bulletins 747-33A2280 and 767-33A0087, both 
Revision 1, both dated September 25, 2003 (we referred to those service 
bulletins as appropriate sources of service information for doing the 
actions specified in the NPRM). The commenter notes that it has 
incorporated Boeing Alert Service Bulletins 747-33A2280 and 767-
33A0087, both dated December 19, 2001, for its Model 747-400 and Model 
767-200/-300 fleets. The commenter notes that it strictly controls the 
configuration `D' master module. However, the commenter states it did 
not carry out some top assembly module part number changes according to 
the instructions of Revision 1 of the service bulletins because in some 
cases the original top assembly module part number was not indicated 
anywhere, or was indicated unclearly.
    The commenter believes that it is impossible to follow the part 
number change indicated in Revision 1 of the service bulletins and 
notes that because it tracks the base module, it can ignore the top 
assembly module part number.
    The commenter also states that Boeing agrees that Japan Airlines 
does not need to perform Revision 1 of the service bulletins because 
the changes to the bulletin caused by Revision 1 do not affect Japan 
Airlines' fleet/units.
    We disagree with removing the reference to Boeing Alert Service 
Bulletins 747-33A2280 and 767-33A0087, both Revision 1. We acknowledge 
that each operator may wish to use different parts and have its own 
tracking methods. However, we cannot accommodate every operator's 
differences in each AD. We have determined that the best way to handle 
such circumstances is for operators to request an alternative method of 
compliance (AMOC) in accordance with paragraph (p) of this AD, rather 
than increasing the complexity of the AD by addressing each operator's 
unique situation. We have not revised this AD in this regard.


    We have carefully reviewed the available data, including the 
comments received, and determined that air safety and the public 
interest require adopting the AD as proposed.

Costs of Compliance

    There are about 2,511 airplanes of the affected designs in the 
worldwide fleet. This AD affects about 934 airplanes of U.S. registry.
    The inspection of switches takes about 8 work hours per airplane, 
at an average labor rate of $80 per work hour. Based on these figures, 
the estimated cost of the inspection for U.S. operators is $597,760, or 
$640 per airplane.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with

[[Page 4067]]

promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.

Regulatory Findings

    We have determined that this AD will not have federalism 
implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a 
substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between 
the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
    (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive 
Order 12866;
    (2) Is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT Regulatory Policies and 
Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
    (3) Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared a regulatory evaluation of the estimated costs to 
comply with this AD and placed it in the AD docket. See the ADDRESSES 
section for a location to examine the regulatory evaluation.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by 
reference, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, 
the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) amends Sec.  39.13 by 
adding the following new airworthiness directive (AD):

2008-02-14 Boeing: Amendment 39-15344. Docket No. FAA-2007-28973; 
Directorate Identifier 2007-NM-118-AD.

Effective Date

    (a) This AD becomes effective February 28, 2008.

Affected ADs

    (b) None.


    (c) This AD applies to Boeing airplanes listed in Table 1 of 
this AD, certificated in any category.

                         Table 1.--Applicability
                                          As identified in Boeing Alert
                Model--                         Service Bulletin--
747-400, -400D, and -400F series         747-33A2280, Revision 1, dated
 airplanes.                               September 25, 2003.
757-200, -200CB, and -200PF series       757-33A0044, Revision 1, dated
 airplanes.                               September 25, 2003.
757-300 series airplanes...............  757-33A0045, Revision 1, dated
                                          September 25, 2003.
767-200, -300, and -300F series          767-33A0087, Revision 1, dated
 airplanes.                               September 25, 2003.
767-400ER series airplanes.............  767-33A0088, including Appendix
                                          A, dated December 19, 2001.

Unsafe Condition

    (d) This AD results from a report indicating that the integrated 
drive generator (IDG) failed in flight due to possible switch 
malfunction. We are issuing this AD to ensure that certain lighted 
pushbutton switches in the flight compartment do not malfunction and 
cause the flightcrew to be unable to control critical airplane 
systems and continue safe airplane operation.


    (e) You are responsible for having the actions required by this 
AD performed within the compliance times specified, unless the 
actions have already been done.

Service Bulletin References

    (f) The term ``the service bulletin,'' as used in this AD, means 
the Accomplishment Instructions of the service bulletins listed in 
Table 1 of this AD, as applicable.

    Note 1: The Boeing service bulletins refer to Korry Service 
Bulletin 433-33-05, dated July 23, 2001, as an additional source of 
service information for finding configuration `D' switches, for 
replacing the switch master module with a configuration `D' master 
module, and for doing various operational tests after the 

Component Service Bulletin References

    (g) The Boeing service bulletins listed in Table 1 of this AD 
refer to the Boeing component service bulletins specified in Table 2 
of this AD as additional sources of service information for 
replacing the switch or switch master module at critical locations, 
for doing operational tests after the replacement, and for 
identifying new panel part numbers.

             Table 2.--Boeing Component Service Bulletins: Secondary Sources of Service Information
Boeing Component Service Bulletin--             Date--                    Model--           Critical location--
233N3203-21-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes.........  Equipment Cooling
233N3204-30-02, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes.........  Anti-ice Panel.
233N3206-28-02, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757-200, -200CB, and -  Fuel Control Panel.
                                                                   200PF series
233N3209-24-03, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes and 767-  Electrical Systems
                                                                   200, -300, and -300F    Panel.
                                                                   series airplanes.
233N3211-24-02, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes and 767   Battery/Standby Power
                                                                   airplanes.              Panel.
233N3215-36-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes.........  Bleed Air Panel
233N3216-22-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes and 767   Yaw Damper Panel
                                                                   airplanes.              Assembly.

[[Page 4068]]

233N3219-33-01, including Appendix   December 19, 2001..........  757-200, -200CB, and -  Emergency Lights/
 A.                                                                200PF series            Passenger Oxygen
                                                                   airplanes.              Panel.
233N3223-31-03, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes.........  Engine Start/Ram Air
                                                                                           Turbine Panel
233N3224-73-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757-200, -200CB, and -  Electronic Engine
                                                                   200PF series            Control Power Panel
                                                                   airplanes.              Assembly.
233N6203-26-10, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes and 767-  Auxiliary Power Unit/
                                                                   200, -300, and -300F    Cargo Fire Control
                                                                   series airplanes.       Panel Assembly.
233T3210-33-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes and 767   Emergency Lights
                                                                   airplanes.              Panel.
233T3215-24-01, including Appendix   December 19, 2001..........  767-400ER series        Electrical Control
 A.                                                                airplanes.              Module Assembly.
233T3235-28-05, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  767-200, -300, and -    Fuel Management Panel
                                                                   300F series airplanes.  Assembly.
233T3236-21-05, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  767 airplanes.........  Temperature Control
233T3237-36-04, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  767 airplanes.........  Bleed Air Control
233T3241-30-03, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757-200, -200CB, and -  Wing and Engine Anti-
                                                                   200PF series            ice Control Panel.
                                                                   airplanes, and 767-
                                                                   200, -300, and -300F
                                                                   series airplanes.
233T3242-73-02, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  757 airplanes and 767-  Electronic Engine
                                                                   200, -300, and -300F    Control Panel.
                                                                   series airplanes.
233T3244-74-03, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  767 airplanes.........  Engine Ignition and
                                                                                           Start Control Panel.
233T6211-26-01, including Appendix   December 19, 2001..........  767-400ER series        Auxiliary Power Unit
 A.                                                                airplanes.              and Cargo Fire
                                                                                           Control Module
233U3201-30-04, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  747-400, -400D, and -   Rain Removal/Anti-ice
                                                                   400F series airplanes.  Module.
233U3202-24-02, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  747-400, -400D, and -   Electrical and Standby
                                                                   400F series airplanes.  Power/Auxiliary Power
                                                                                           Unit Start Module.
233U3203-36-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  747-400, -400D, and -   Bleed Air Control
                                                                   400F series airplanes.  Module.
233U3206-28-01, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  747-400, -400D, and -   Engine Ignition
                                                                   400F series airplanes.  Control/Fuel Jettison
233U3208-22-02, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  747-400, -400D, and -   Passenger Oxygen and
                                                                   400F series airplanes.  Yaw Damper Module.
233U3214-26-06, Revision 1.........  September 25, 2003.........  747-400, -400D, and -   Fire Control Module.
                                                                   400F series airplanes.
257U0002-32-04, including Appendix   December 19, 2001..........  747-400, -400D, and -   Landing Gear Actuator
 A.                                                                400F series airplanes.  Control Lever Module


    (h) Within 60 months after the effective date of this AD: Do a 
general visual inspection of the switches specified in paragraphs 
(h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(3), (h)(4), and (h)(5) of this AD, as 
applicable, to identify configuration `D' master modules and the 
part number (P/N) of the switch, in accordance with the applicable 
service bulletin, except as provided by paragraph (i) of this AD.

    Note 2: For the purposes of this AD, a general visual inspection 
is ``A visual examination of a interior or exterior area, 
installation or assembly to detect obvious damage, failure or 
irregularity. This level of inspection is made from within touching 
distance unless otherwise specified. A mirror may be necessary to 
ensure visual access to all surfaces in the inspection area. This 
level of inspection is made under normal available lighting 
conditions such as daylight, hangar lighting, flashlight or drop-
light and may require removal or opening of access panels or doors. 
Stands, ladders or platforms may be required to gain proximity to 
the area being checked.''

    (1) For Model 757-200, -200CB, and -200PF series airplanes: 
Switches identified in step 1 and step 3 of Figure 1 of Boeing Alert 
Service Bulletin 757-33A0044, Revision 1, dated September 25, 2003.
    (2) For Model 757-300 series airplanes: Switches identified in 
step 1 of Figure 1 of Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 757-33A0045, 
Revision 1, dated September 25, 2003.
    (3) For Model 767-200, -300, and -300F series airplanes: 
Switches identified in step 1 of Figure 1 of Boeing Alert Service 
Bulletin 767-33A0087, Revision 1, dated September 25, 2003.
    (4) For Model 767-400ER series airplanes: Switches identified in 
step 1 of Figure 1 of Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-33A0088, 
dated December 19, 2001.
    (5) For all airplanes: Switches identified for the panel 
assemblies specified in the applicable service bulletin.

Optional Inspection

    (i) Instead of doing the inspection required by paragraph (h) of 
this AD, operators may inspect the part number of the panel 
assemblies specified in paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of this AD, as 
applicable, at the time specified in paragraph (h) of this AD. If 
the part number is identified as a new part number in paragraph 2.E. 
``Existing Parts Accountability'' or Appendix B of the applicable 
service bulletin, no further action is required. If the part number 
is not identified as a new part number, the inspection required by 
paragraph (h) of this AD must be done at the specified time.
    (1) For switches identified in paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), 
(h)(3), and (h)(4) of this AD: P3-1 and P10 panel assemblies, as 
    (2) For switches identified in paragraph (h)(5) of this AD: The 
panel assemblies identified in the applicable service bulletin.

Corrective Action

    (j) If during any inspection required by paragraph (h) of this 
AD, any switch is found that does not have a configuration `D' 
switch master module and no switch part number specified in 
paragraph (j)(1)(i) or (j)(1)(ii) of this AD is found: Before 
further flight, do the actions specified in either paragraph (j)(1) 
or (j)(2) of this AD and do the part number revision, as applicable, 
specified in paragraph (j)(3) of this AD.

[[Page 4069]]

    (1) Replace the switch with a switch specified in paragraph 
(j)(1)(i), (j)(1)(ii), or (j)(1)(iii) of this AD, in accordance with 
the applicable service bulletin, except as provided by paragraph (k) 
of this AD.
    (i) Switches having Boeing P/N S231T290-4201 through -4325 
    (ii) Switches having Korry P/N 4336731004-4201 through -4325 

    Note 3: One-to-one switch correlation between the existing 
switches and the new part number switches can be found in Korry 
Service Bulletin 433-33-06, dated November 7, 2001.

    (iii) Switches that have a configuration `D' master module.
    (2) Replace the switch master module with a new configuration 
`D' master module in accordance with the applicable service 
    (3) If all switches on a panel assembly have a configuration `D' 
master module or have a switch part number specified in paragraph 
(j)(1)(i) or (j)(1)(ii) of this AD: Revise the part number of the 
panel assembly in accordance with the applicable service bulletin.
    (k) If during any inspection required by paragraph (h) of this 
AD, a configuration `D' switch master module is found or the switch 
part number is specified in paragraph (j)(1)(i) or (j)(1)(ii) of 
this AD on all switches for a panel assembly: Before further flight, 
revise the part number of the panel assembly, in accordance with the 
applicable service bulletin.

Contact the FAA/Removal and Installation Procedures

    (l) If the applicable service bulletin specifies removal or 
installation of certain parts and does not specify removal or 
installation instructions: Before further flight, remove or install 
those parts according to a method approved by the Manager, Seattle 
Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, or by doing the actions 
specified in paragraph (l)(1) of this AD for removal or paragraph 
(l)(2) of this AD for installation, as applicable.
    (1) Remove the module/panel assembly by doing the actions 
specified in paragraphs (l)(1)(i), (l)(1)(ii), and (l)(1)(iii) of 
this AD.
    (i) Hold the module/panel assembly in position and loosen the 
quick-release screws.
    (ii) Carefully lower the module/panel assembly from the overhead 
    (iii) Remove the electrical connectors attached to the rear of 
the module/panel assembly.
    (2) Install the module/panel assembly by doing the actions 
specified in paragraphs (l)(2)(i) and (l)(2)(ii) of this AD.
    (i) Make sure that the module/panel assembly is correctly 
aligned, and connect the electrical connectors to the rear of the 
    (ii) Carefully lift the module/panel assembly into position and 
install it with the quick-release screws.

Operational Tests

    (m) If any panel assemblies, switches, or master modules are 
replaced during any action required by this AD: Before further 
flight, do all applicable operational tests in accordance with the 
applicable service bulletin, except as provided by paragraph (n) of 
this AD.
    (n) Where paragraph 3.B.14.b.(3) of the Accomplishment 
Instructions of Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-33A2280, Revision 
1, dated September 25, 2003, specifies procedures to do a test of 
the engine ignition control/fuel jettison module assembly, this AD 
requires that operators dry-motor the engine to remove the fuel from 
the tailpipe before doing the procedures in paragraph 3.B.14.b.(3). 
All fuel must be removed from the engine tailpipe before performing 
the test, because during the test the engine igniter will be 

Actions Accomplished According to Previous Issue of Service Bulletins

    (o) Actions accomplished before the effective date of this AD in 
accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 747-33A2280, 757-
33A0044, 757-33A0045, or 767-33A0087, all dated December 19, 2001, 
are considered acceptable for compliance with the corresponding 
action specified in this AD, provided that the actions specified in 
this AD are done on the switches for the additional panel assemblies 
specified in Revision 1 of the service bulletin.

Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

    (p)(1) The Manager, Seattle ACO, has the authority to approve 
AMOCs for this AD, if requested in accordance with the procedures 
found in 14 CFR 39.19.
    (2) To request a different method of compliance or a different 
compliance time for this AD, follow the procedures in 14 CFR 39.19. 
Before using any approved AMOC on any airplane to which the AMOC 
applies, notify your appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the FAA 
Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local 

Material Incorporated by Reference

    (q) You must use the service bulletins listed in Table 3 of this 
AD to perform the actions that are required by this AD, unless the 
AD specifies otherwise. The Director of the Federal Register 
approved the incorporation by reference of these documents in 
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Contact Boeing 
Commercial Airplanes, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Washington 98124-2207, 
for a copy of this service information. You may review copies at the 
FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, 
Washington; or at the National Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at 
NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html

                                  Table 3.--Material Incorporated by Reference
     Boeing Alert Service Bulletin--                Revision--                           Dated--
747-33A2280..............................  1...........................  September 25, 2003.
757-33A0044..............................  1...........................  September 25, 2003.
757-33A0045..............................  1...........................  September 25, 2003.
767-33A0087..............................  1...........................  September 25, 2003.
767-33A0088, including Appendix A........  Original....................  December 19, 2001.

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on January 14, 2008.
Stephen P. Boyd,
Assistant Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft 
Certification Service.
 [FR Doc. E8-969 Filed 1-23-08; 8:45 am]