[Federal Register: August 20, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 162)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 49100]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Coast Guard

33 CFR Part 117

RIN 1625-AA09

Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway 
(AIWW), Elizabeth River, Southern Branch, Chesapeake, VA

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.

ACTION: Notice of temporary deviation from regulations.


SUMMARY: The Commander, Fifth Coast Guard District, has issued a 
temporary deviation from the regulation governing the operation of the 
Gilmerton (U.S. 13/460) Lift Bridge, at AIWW mile 5.8, across the 
Elizabeth River (Southern Branch) in Chesapeake, VA. This deviation is 
necessary to facilitate structural repairs and allows the bridge to 
remain closed to navigation during the specified dates and times to 
facilitate structural repairs.

DATES: This deviation is effective from 8 p.m. on September 8, 2008, to 
5 a.m. on October 6, 2008.

ADDRESSES: Documents indicated in this preamble as being available in 
the docket are part of docket USCG-2008-0833 and are available online 
at www.regulations.gov. They are also available for inspection or 
copying at two locations: The Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. 
Department of Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays, and the Commander 
(dpb), Fifth Coast Guard District, Federal Building, 1st Floor, 431 
Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., 
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this rule 
call Mr. Bill H. Brazier, Bridge Management Specialist, Fifth Coast 
Guard District, at (757) 398-6422. If you have questions on viewing the 
docket, call Renee V. Wright, Program Manager, Docket Operations, 
telephone 202-366-9826.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The contractor on behalf of the City of 
Chesapeake, who owns and operates this double-leaf bascule drawbridge, 
has requested a temporary deviation from the current operating 
regulations set out in 33 CFR 117.997(d).
    The Gilmerton (U.S. 13/460) Lift Bridge, at AIWW mile 5.8, across 
the Elizabeth River (Southern Branch) in Chesapeake, VA, has a vertical 
clearance in the closed position to vessels of 11 feet above mean high 
    Under this temporary deviation, structural repairs will restrict 
the operation of the draw span on the following dates and times:
    1. Closed-to-navigation, each day from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., from 
September 8, 2008 to September 11, 2008, except vessel openings will be 
provided with at least two hours advance notice given to the bridge 
operator at (757) 545-1512 or via marine radio on Channel 13.
    2. Closed-to-navigation from 8 p.m. on September 12, 2008 through 5 
a.m. on September 15, 2008, except vessel openings will be provided at 
7 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. each day on September 13, 2008 and September 
14, 2008.
    3. Closed-to-navigation from 8 p.m. on September 19, 2008 through 5 
a.m. on September 22, 2008, except vessel openings will be provided at 
7 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. each day on September 20, 2008 and September 
21, 2008.
    4. Closed-to-navigation from 8 p.m. on September 26, 2008 through 5 
a.m. on September 29, 2008, except vessel openings will be provided at 
7 a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. each day on September 27, 2008 and September 
28, 2008.
    5. Closed-to-navigation from 8 p.m. on October 3, 2008 through 5 
a.m. on October 6, 2008, except vessel openings will be provided at 7 
a.m., 1 p.m., and 7 p.m. each day on October 4, 2008 and October 5, 
    The Coast Guard will inform the users of the waterway through our 
Local and Broadcast Notices to Mariners of the opening restrictions of 
the draw span to minimize transiting delays caused by the temporary 
    In accordance with 33 CFR 117.35(e), the drawbridge must return to 
its regular operating schedule immediately at the end of the designated 
time period.
    This deviation from the operating regulations is authorized under 
33 CFR 117.35.

    Dated: August 8, 2008.
Waverly W. Gregory, Jr.,
Chief, Bridge Administration Branch, Fifth Coast Guard District.
[FR Doc. E8-19317 Filed 8-19-08; 8:45 am]