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NOAA's Restoration Center Collection
Catalog of Images

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DEM biologists measure lobsters to determine size, frequency and distribution of dead lobsters.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Tracey Collier of NMFS dissects a flounder and removes bile to document exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Tracey Collier of NMFS dissects a flounder and removes bile to document exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Tracey Collier of NMFS deploys a skiff at Point Judith Pond to collect flounder samples.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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A worker takes samples at the oil spill site.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Hauling in a seine used to sample flounder to determine exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Point Judith Pond, RI DEM worker retrieves a lobster pot used to sample lobsters and determine their exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Tracey Collier of NMFS collects sediment samples using a Smith Macentyre Sediment Grab.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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The port at Point Judith Pond.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Fyke net sampling to determine flounder and other finfish exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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RI DEM collects stranded lobsters on Moonstone Beach after the oil spill.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Tracey Collier of NMFS seines for finfish to determine oil exposure.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Tracey Collier of NMFS deploys a fish trap to sample for finfish exposure to oil
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Trustom Pond, RI. Collecting fish to sample for exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Point Judith Pond, retrieving a fyke net used to sample fish for exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Point Judith Pond, Tracey Collier deploys a fish trap to sample fish and their exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Dead surf clams and other invertebrates after the spill. Sampling to determine mortality and other information about the animals killed during the spill lasted 4-5 months.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Dead surf clams and other invertebrates after the spill. Sampling to determine mortality and other information about the animals killed during the spill lasted 4-5 months.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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NMFS scientists open a surf clam to determine exposure to oil.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Point Judith Pond, RI.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Trustom Pond, RI.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Point Judith Pond, RI.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Trustom Pond shoreline.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Sunset over the Bay.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Seagulls feed on stranded lobsters and surf clams after the oil spill incident.
Bristol County, Rhode Island Circa, January 1996
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Nekton collection using fyke nets for Phragmites and Spartina project.
Marshy Creek North, Knapps Narrow, Maryland July 1997
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Fyke net sampling.
Marshy Creek North, Knapps Narrow, Maryland July 1997
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Fyke net sampling.
Marshy Creek North, Knapps Narrow, Maryland July 1997
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An oiled beach north of Blind Pass, Treasure Island
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida August 15, 1993
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Oiled mangrove habitat on Elenor Island, Pinellas County
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida October 27, 1993
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Oiled mangrove habitat on Elenor Island, Pinellas County
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida October 27, 1993
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Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida January 28, 1994
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Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida January 28, 1994
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Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida January 28, 1994
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Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Treasure Island, Pinellas County, Florida January 28, 1994

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April 23, 2007