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NOAA's Restoration Center Collection
Catalog of Images

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This image was taken early in restoration and shows the Greenhill Oil Facility and the berm building process.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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An image of the plants during the third season of growth.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1996
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Post restoration, this image shows the cell that did not perform well after being planted with Spartina alterniflora. The platform was considered too high to promote colonization of Spartina.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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This image was taken after the oil spill but before restoration construction of the marsh platforms. Birds roost at the restoration site.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Fall marsh at East Timbalier Island.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Spartina alterniflora in its second or third season, post restoration.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1995-1996
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Early restoration planting.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Spartina alterniflora in its third growing season, post restoration.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana 1996
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Monitoring growth of the marsh plants after year two of the growing season.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana 1995
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During restoration construction of the marsh platform, sediments being pumped into the cells created to contain the dredge material.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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During restoration construction of the marsh platform, sediments being pumped into the cells created to contain the dredge material.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Post restoration/marsh platform construction. A cell that did not perform well. All of the other cells were extremely successful.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Post restoration.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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A pond in the natural marsh on East Timbalier Island.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Natural marsh, East Timbalier Island.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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A berm, early restoration/construction.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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A walkway created to monitor the marsh platform. This image was taken prior to any planting that was done at the restoration site.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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This image shows the process of sediment deposition and was taken during construction. The dredged sediments are left to settle and and lose water before being used to construct the marsh platform.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Spartina alterniflora planted at the restoration site is in its fourth growing season.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana 1997
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A berm early in the construction process.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Spartina alterniflora planted at the restoration site is in its fourth growing season.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana 1997
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A site visit to monitor at the berm on the backside of the marsh platform after construction of the platform but prior to planting.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Black mangrove in the natural marsh on East Timbalier Island.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Circa January 1994
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Newly planted smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, is colonizing at the high intertidal zone at the Lake Barre restoration site.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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Newly planted smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, is inundated by the incoming tide.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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A close-up view of the seed heads on a newly planted marsh hay cordgrass, Spartina patens, plant. S patens was planted at the Lake Barre restoration site to stabilize high marsh areas.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, at low tide
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, flourishes at the western end of the restoration site, Lake Barre, East Timbalier Island.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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The left hand portion of this image shows the natural marsh at Lake Barre, the foreground shows the newly planted S. alterniflora seedlings beginning to colonize.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, a salt marsh plant native to the area is planted in rows to encourage rapid colonization of the restoration area and to prevent erosion of the newly created marsh platform.
East Timbalier Island, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana July 2000
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Chris Doley of the NOAA Restoration Center fishing gillnets to collect larger fish that inhabit near-shore shallow water habitats. The numbers and types of species were measured to compare and determine large species fish use of shallow water habitats at Poplar Island. The nets used had 3 sizes of mesh.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The catch being hauled in
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The gillnet catch being brought in. The species being fished for included, blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis; silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura; atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannosaurus; weakfish, Cynoscion regalis; Atlantic croaker, Micropogonus undulatus; white perch, Morone americanus; striped bass or rockfish, Morone saxatilis and; bluefish, Ponatomus saltatrix.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The gillnet catch being brought in.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The gillnet catch being hauled in.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The catch being brought in
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Placement of the catch/samples into buckets. There were 3 mesh sizes used for each gillnet. The catch from each panel was placed in separate buckets to track the size and quantity of species brought in for each net's mesh size.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Bringing in the gillnet catch
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The gillnet catch being hauled in.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Lee Crockett, formerly of NOAA, pilots the boat used in the sampling process.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Dave Meyers of the NOAA Beaufort Lab surveys the sampling area.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Dave Meyers of NOAA points to the next site.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Chris Doley, of NOAA, en route to begin sample sorting.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Trish Murphy, formerly of NOAA, takes a secchi depth reading to determine water turbidity and how it relates to the ability of the fish to recognize the sampling gillnets.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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A former NOAA staff member takes a secchi depth reading.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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Coaches Island, gillnet samples are processed and measured. The catch is identified by species and enumerated and recorded.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The crew waits for the fyke nets to fish. Fyke nets are used to sample small fish.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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A collection taken from a 16' semi-balloon otter trawl. The fish are small juvenile rockfish.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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The bag from the net is emptied into the tote. The fish are juvenile rockfish.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996
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A tray full of juvenile rockfish after the net is emptied into the tote for sampling.
Poplar Island, Talbot County, Maryland 1995-1996

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007