[Federal Register: August 25, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 165)]
[Reader Aids]               
[Page vi-viii]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


[[Page vi]]



This checklist, prepared by the Office of the Federal Register, is 
published weekly. It is arranged in the order of CFR titles, stock 
numbers, prices, and revision dates.
An asterisk (*) precedes each entry that has been issued since last 
week and which is now available for sale at the Government Printing 
A checklist of current CFR volumes comprising a complete CFR set, also 
appears in the latest issue of the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), 
which is revised monthly.
The CFR is available free on-line through the Government Printing 
Office's GPO Access Service at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html. 
For information about GPO Access call the GPO User Support Team at 1-
888-293-6498 (toll free) or 202-512-1530.
The annual rate for subscription to all revised paper volumes is 
$1499.00 domestic, $599.60 additional for foreign mailing.
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Title                Stock Number             Price       Revision Date
1....................(869-064-00001-7)......   5.00    \4\ Jan. 1, 2008

2....................(869-064-00002-5)......   8.00        Jan. 1, 2008

3 (2006 Compilation  (869-064-00003-3)......  35.00    \1\ Jan. 1, 2008
and Parts 100 and 

4....................(869-064-00004-1)......  13.00        Jan. 1, 2008

5 Parts:
1-699............... (869-064-00005-0)......  63.00        Jan. 1, 2008
700-1199............ (869-064-00006-8)......  53.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1200-End............ (869-064-00007-6)......  64.00        Jan. 1, 2008
6....................(869-064-00008-4)......  13.50        Jan. 1, 2008

7 Parts:
1-26................ (869-064-00009-2)......  47.00        Jan. 1, 2008
27-52............... (869-064-00010-6)......  52.00        Jan. 1, 2008
53-209.............. (869-064-00011-4)......  40.00        Jan. 1, 2008
210-299............. (869-064-00012-2)......  65.00        Jan. 1, 2008
300-399............. (869-064-00013-1)......  49.00        Jan. 1, 2008
400-699............. (869-064-00014-9)......  45.00        Jan. 1, 2008
700-899............. (869-064-00015-7)......  46.00        Jan. 1, 2008
900-999............. (869-064-00016-5)......  63.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1000-1199........... (869-064-00017-3)......  22.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1200-1599........... (869-064-00018-1)......  64.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1600-1899........... (869-064-00019-0)......  67.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1900-1939........... (869-064-00020-3)......  31.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1940-1949........... (869-064-00021-1)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1950-1999........... (869-064-00022-0)......  49.00        Jan. 1, 2008
2000-End............ (869-064-00023-8)......  53.00        Jan. 1, 2008
8....................(869-064-00024-6)......  66.00        Jan. 1, 2008

9 Parts:
1-199............... (869-064-00025-4)......  64.00        Jan. 1, 2008
200-End............. (869-064-00026-2)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2008

10 Parts:
1-50................ (869-064-00027-1)......  64.00        Jan. 1, 2008
51-199.............. (869-064-00028-9)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2008
200-499............. (869-064-00029-7)......  46.00        Jan. 1, 2008
500-End............. (869-064-00030-1)......  65.00        Jan. 1, 2008
11...................(869-064-00031-9)......  44.00        Jan. 1, 2008

12 Parts:
1-199............... (869-064-00032-7)......  37.00        Jan. 1, 2008
200-219............. (869-064-00033-5)......  40.00        Jan. 1, 2008
220-299............. (869-064-00034-3)......  64.00        Jan. 1, 2008
300-499............. (869-064-00035-1)......  47.00        Jan. 1, 2008
500-599............. (869-064-00036-0)......  42.00        Jan. 1, 2008
600-899............. (869-064-00037-8)......  59.00        Jan. 1, 2008
900-End............. (869-064-00038-6)......  53.00        Jan. 1, 2008
13...................(869-064-00039-4)......  58.00        Jan. 1, 2008

14 Parts:
1-59................ (869-064-00040-8)......  66.00        Jan. 1, 2008
60-139.............. (869-064-00041-6)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2008
140-199............. (869-064-00042-4)......  33.00        Jan. 1, 2008
200-1199............ (869-064-00043-2)......  53.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1200-End............ (869-064-00044-1)......  48.00        Jan. 1, 2008

15 Parts:
0-299............... (869-064-00045-9)......  43.00        Jan. 1, 2008
300-799............. (869-064-00046-7)......  63.00        Jan. 1, 2008
800-End............. (869-064-00047-5)......  45.00        Jan. 1, 2008

16 Parts:
0-999............... (869-064-00048-3)......  53.00        Jan. 1, 2008
1000-End............ (869-064-00049-1)......  63.00        Jan. 1, 2008

17 Parts:
1-199............... (869-064-00051-3)......  53.00        Apr. 1, 2008
200-239............. (869-064-00052-1)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2008
240-End............. (869-064-00053-0)......  65.00        Apr. 1, 2008

18 Parts:
1-399............... (869-064-00054-8)......  65.00        Apr. 1, 2008
400-End............. (869-064-00055-6)......  29.00        Apr. 1, 2008

19 Parts:
1-140............... (869-064-00056-4)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2008
141-199............. (869-064-00057-2)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2008
200-End............. (869-064-00058-1)......  34.00        Apr. 1, 2008

20 Parts:
1-399............... (869-064-00059-9)......  53.00        Apr. 1, 2008
400-499............. (869-064-00060-2)......  67.00        Apr. 1, 2008
500-End............. (869-064-00061-1)......  66.00        Apr. 1, 2008

21 Parts:
1-99................ (869-064-00062-9)......  43.00        Apr. 1, 2008
100-169............. (869-064-00063-7)......  52.00        Apr. 1, 2008
170-199............. (869-064-00064-5)......  53.00        Apr. 1, 2008
200-299............. (869-064-00065-3)......  20.00        Apr. 1, 2008
300-499............. (869-064-00066-1)......  33.00        Apr. 1, 2008
500-599............. (869-064-00067-0)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2008
600-799............. (869-064-00068-8)......  20.00        Apr. 1, 2008
800-1299............ (869-064-00069-6)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2008
1300-End............ (869-064-00070-0)......  28.00        Apr. 1, 2008

22 Parts:
1-299............... (869-064-00071-8)......  66.00        Apr. 1, 2008
300-End............. (869-064-00072-6)......  48.00        Apr. 1, 2008
23...................(869-064-00073-4)......  48.00        Apr. 1, 2008

24 Parts:
0-199............... (869-064-00074-2)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2008
200-499............. (869-064-00075-1)......  53.00        Apr. 1, 2008
500-699............. (869-064-00076-9)......  33.00        Apr. 1, 2008
700-1699............ (869-064-00077-7)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2008
1700-End............ (869-064-00078-5)......  33.00        Apr. 1, 2008
25...................(869-064-00079-3)......  67.00        Apr. 1, 2008

26 Parts:
Secs. 1.0-1-1.60.... (869-064-00080-7)......  52.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.61-1.169.... (869-064-00081-5)......  66.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.170-1.300... (869-064-00082-3)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.301-1.400... (869-064-00083-1)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.401-1.440... (869-064-00084-0)......  59.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.441-1.500... (869-064-00085-8)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.501-1.640... (869-064-00086-6)......  52.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.641-1.850... (869-064-00087-4)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.851-1.907... (869-064-00088-2)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.908-1.1000.. (869-064-00089-1)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.1001-1.1400. (869-064-00090-4)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.1401-1.1550. (869-064-00091-2)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2008
Secs. 1.1551-End.... (869-064-00092-1)......  53.00        Apr. 1, 2008
2-29................ (869-064-00093-9)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2008
30-39............... (869-064-00094-7)......  44.00        Apr. 1, 2008
40-49............... (869-064-00095-5)......  31.00     \6\Apr. 1, 2008
50-299.............. (869-064-00096-3)......  45.00        Apr. 1, 2008

[[Page vii]]

300-499............. (869-064-00097-1)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2008
500-599............. (869-064-00098-0)......  12.00    \5\ Apr. 1, 2008
600-End............. (869-064-00099-8)......  20.00        Apr. 1, 2008

27 Parts:
1-39................ (869-064-00100-5)......  35.00        Apr. 1, 2008
40-399.............. (869-064-00101-3)......  67.00        Apr. 1, 2008
400-End............. (869-064-00102-1)......  21.00        Apr. 1, 2008
28 Parts:............

0-42................ (869-062-00103-7)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
43-End.............. (869-062-00104-5)......  60.00        July 1, 2007

29 Parts:
0-99................ (869-062-00105-3)......  50.00     \7\July 1, 2007
100-499............. (869-062-00106-1)......  23.00        July 1, 2007
500-899............. (869-062-00107-0)......  61.00     \7\July 1, 2007
900-1899............ (869-062-00108-8)......  36.00        July 1, 2007
1900-1910            (869-062-00109-6)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
(Secs. 1900 to 
1910                 (869-062-00110-0)......  46.00        July 1, 2007
(Secs. 1910.1000 to 
1911-1925........... (869-062-00111-8)......  30.00        July 1, 2007
1926................ (869-062-00112-6)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
1927-End............ (869-062-00113-4)......  62.00        July 1, 2007

30 Parts:
1-199............... (869-062-00114-2)......  57.00        July 1, 2007
200-699............. (869-062-00115-1)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
700-End............. (869-062-00116-9)......  58.00        July 1, 2007

31 Parts:
0-199............... (869-062-00117-7)......  41.00        July 1, 2007
200-499............. (869-062-00118-5)......  46.00        July 1, 2007
500-End............. (869-062-00119-3)......  62.00        July 1, 2007
32 Parts:
1-39, Vol. I..................................15.00....\2\ July 1, 1984
1-39, Vol. II.................................19.00....\2\ July 1, 1984
1-39, Vol. III................................18.00....\2\ July 1, 1984
1-190............... (869-062-00120-7)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
191-399............. (869-062-00121-5)......  63.00        July 1, 2007
400-629............. (869-062-00122-3)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
630-699............. (869-062-00123-1)......  37.00        July 1, 2007
700-799............. (869-062-00124-0)......  46.00        July 1, 2007
800-End............. (869-062-00125-8)......  47.00        July 1, 2007

33 Parts:
1-124............... (869-062-00126-6)......  57.00        July 1, 2007
125-199............. (869-062-00127-4)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
200-End............. (869-062-00128-2)......  57.00        July 1, 2007

34 Parts:
1-299............... (869-062-00129-1)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
300-399............. (869-062-00130-4)......  40.00        July 1, 2007
400-End & 35........ (869-062-00131-2)......  61.00        July 1, 2007

36 Parts:
1-199............... (869-062-00132-1)......  37.00        July 1, 2007
200-299............. (869-062-00133-9)......  37.00        July 1, 2007
300-End............. (869-062-00134-7)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
37...................(869-062-00135-5)......  58.00        July 1, 2007

38 Parts:
0-17................ (869-062-00136-3)......  60.00        July 1, 2007
18-End.............. (869-062-00137-1)......  62.00        July 1, 2007
39...................(869-062-00138-0)......  42.00        July 1, 2007

40 Parts:
1-49................ (869-062-00139-8)......  60.00        July 1, 2007
50-51............... (869-062-00140-1)......  45.00        July 1, 2007
52 (52.01-52.1018).. (869-062-00141-0)......  60.00        July 1, 2007
52 (52.1019-End).... (869-062-00142-8)......  64.00        July 1, 2007
53-59............... (869-062-00143-6)......  31.00        July 1, 2007
60 (60.1-End)....... (869-062-00144-4)......  58.00        July 1, 2007
60 (Apps)........... (869-062-00145-2)......  57.00        July 1, 2007
61-62............... (869-062-00146-1)......  45.00        July 1, 2007
63 (63.1-63.599).... (869-062-00147-9)......  58.00        July 1, 2007
63 (63.600-63.1199). (869-062-00148-7)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
63 (63.1200-63.1439) (869-062-00149-5)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
63 (63.1440-63.6175) (869-062-00150-9)......  32.00        July 1, 2007
63 (63.6580-63.8830) (869-062-00151-7)......  32.00        July 1, 2007
63 (63.8980-End).... (869-062-00152-5)......  35.00        July 1, 2007
64-71............... (869-062-00153-3)......  29.00        July 1, 2007
72-80............... (869-062-00154-1)......  62.00        July 1, 2007
81-84............... (869-062-00155-0)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
85-86 (85-86.599-99) (869-062-00156-8)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
86 (86.600-1-End)... (869-062-00157-6)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
87-99............... (869-062-00158-4)......  60.00        July 1, 2007
100-135............. (869-062-00159-2)......  45.00        July 1, 2007
136-149............. (869-062-00160-6)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
150-189............. (869-062-00161-4)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
190-259............. (869-062-00162-2)......  39.00     \7\July 1, 2007
260-265............. (869-062-00163-1)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
266-299............. (869-062-00164-9)......  50.00        July 1, 2007
300-399............. (869-062-00165-7)......  42.00        July 1, 2007
400-424............. (869-062-00166-5)......  56.00     \7\July 1, 2007
425-699............. (869-062-00167-3)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
700-789............. (869-062-00168-1)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
790-End............. (869-062-00169-0)......  61.00        July 1, 2007
41 Chapters:
1, 1-1 to 1-10................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
1, 1-11 to Appendix, 2 (2 Reserved)...........13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
3-6...........................................14.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
7..............................................6.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
8..............................................4.50....\3\ July 1, 1984
9.............................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
10-17..........................................9.50....\3\ July 1, 1984
18, Vol. I, Parts 1-5.........................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
18, Vol. II, Parts 6-19.......................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
18, Vol. III, Parts 20-52.....................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
19-100........................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
1-100............... (869-062-00170-3)......  24.00        July 1, 2007
101................. (869-062-00171-1)......  21.00        July 1, 2007
102-200............. (869-062-00172-0)......  56.00        July 1, 2007
201-End............. (869-062-00173-8)......  24.00        July 1, 2007

42 Parts:
1-399............... (869-062-00174-6)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2007
400-413............. (869-062-00175-4)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2007
414-429............. (869-062-00176-2)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2007
430-End............. (869-062-00177-1)......  64.00        Oct. 1, 2007

43 Parts:
1-999............... (869-062-00178-9)......  56.00        Oct. 1, 2007
1000-end............ (869-062-00179-7)......  62.00        Oct. 1, 2007
44...................(869-062-00180-1)......  50.00        Oct. 1, 2007

45 Parts:
1-199............... (869-062-00181-9)......  60.00        Oct. 1, 2007
200-499............. (869-060-00182-7)......  34.00     \9\Oct. 1, 2007
500-1199............ (869-062-00183-5)......  56.00        Oct. 1, 2007
1200-End............ (869-062-00184-3)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2007

46 Parts:
1-40................ (869-062-00185-1)......  46.00        Oct. 1, 2007
41-69............... (869-062-00186-0)......  39.00        Oct. 1, 2007
70-89............... (869-062-00187-8)......  14.00        Oct. 1, 2007
90-139.............. (869-062-00188-6)......  44.00        Oct. 1, 2007
140-155............. (869-062-00189-4)......  25.00        Oct. 1, 2007
156-165............. (869-062-00190-8)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2007
166-199............. (869-062-00191-6)......  46.00        Oct. 1, 2007
200-499............. (869-062-00192-4)......  40.00        Oct. 1, 2007
500-End............. (869-062-00193-2)......  25.00        Oct. 1, 2007

47 Parts:
0-19................ (869-062-00194-1)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2007
20-39............... (869-062-00195-9)......  46.00        Oct. 1, 2007
40-69............... (869-062-00196-7)......  40.00        Oct. 1, 2007
70-79............... (869-062-00197-5)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2007
80-End.............. (869-062-00198-3)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2007

48 Chapters:
1 (Parts 1-51)...... (869-062-00199-1)......  63.00        Oct. 1, 2007
1 (Parts 52-99)..... (869-062-00200-9)......  49.00        Oct. 1, 2007
2 (Parts 201-299)... (869-062-00201-7)......  50.00        Oct. 1, 2007
3-6................. (869-062-00202-5)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2007

[[Page viii]]

7-14................ (869-062-00203-3)......  56.00        Oct. 1, 2007
15-28............... (869-062-00204-1)......  47.00        Oct. 1, 2007
29-End.............. (869-062-00205-0)......  47.00        Oct. 1, 2007

49 Parts:
1-99................ (869-062-00206-8)......  60.00        Oct. 1, 2007
100-185............. (869-062-00207-6)......  63.00        Oct. 1, 2007
186-199............. (869-062-00208-4)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 2007
200-299............. (869-062-00208-1)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2007
300-399............. (869-062-00210-6)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2007
400-599............. (869-062-00210-3)......  64.00        Oct. 1, 2007
600-999............. (869-062-00212-2)......  19.00        Oct. 1, 2007
1000-1199........... (869-062-00213-1)......  28.00        Oct. 1, 2007
1200-End............ (869-062-00214-9)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2007

50 Parts:
1-16................ (869-062-00215-7)......  11.00        Oct. 1, 2007
17.1-17.95(b)....... (869-062-00216-5)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2007
17.95(c)-end........ (869-062-00217-3)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2007
17.96-17.99(h)...... (869-062-00218-1)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2007
17.99(i)-end and     (869-062-00219-0)......  47.00    \8\ Oct. 1, 2007
18-199.............. (869-062-00226-3)......  50.00        Oct. 1, 2007
200-599............. (869-062-00221-1)......  45.00        Oct. 1, 2007
600-659............. (869-062-00222-0)......  31.00        Oct. 1, 2007
660-End............. (869-062-00223-8)......  31.00        Oct. 1, 2007

CFR Index and        (869-064-00050-5)......  65.00        Jan. 1, 2008
Findings Aids.

Complete 2008 CFR set........................1,499.0........       2008

Microfiche CFR Edition:
  Subscription (mailed as issued)............406.00.........       2008
  Individual copies............................4.00.........       2008
  Complete set (one-time mailing)............332.00.........       2007
  Complete set (one-time mailing)............332.00.........       2006

\1\Because Title 3 is an annual compilation, this volume and all 
previous volumes should be retained as a permanent reference source.

\2\The July 1, 1985 edition of 32 CFR Parts 1-189 contains a note only for 
Parts 1-39 inclusive. For the full text of the Defense Acquisition 
Regulations in Parts 1-39, consult the three CFR volumes issued as of July 
1, 1984, containing those parts.

\3\The July 1, 1985 edition of 41 CFR Chapters 1-100 contains a note 
only for Chapters 1 to 49 inclusive. For the full text of procurement 
regulations in Chapters 1 to 49, consult the eleven CFR volumes issued 
as of July 1, 1984 containing those chapters.
\4\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
January 1, 2005, through January 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of 
January 1, 2005 should be retained.
\5\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
April 1, 2000, through April 1, 2007. The CFR volume issued as of April 
1, 2000 should be retained.
\6\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
April 1, 2006 through April 1, 2007. The CFR volume issued as of April 
1, 2006 should be retained.
\7\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period July 
1, 2006, through July 1, 2007. The CFR volume issued as of July 1, 2006 
should be retained.
\8\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
October 1, 2005, through October 1, 2007. The CFR volume issued as of 
October 1, 2005 should be retained.
\9\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
October 1, 2006, through October 1, 2007. The CFR volume issued as of 
October 1, 2006 should be retained.