[Federal Register: March 10, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 47)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 12640-12644]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 65

[Docket No. FEMA-B-7766]

Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

ACTION: Interim rule.


SUMMARY: This interim rule lists communities where modification of the 
Base (1% annual-chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) is appropriate because

[[Page 12641]]

of new scientific or technical data. New flood insurance premium rates 
will be calculated from the modified BFEs for new buildings and their 

DATES: These modified BFEs are currently in effect on the dates listed 
in the table below and revise the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) in 
effect prior to this determination for the listed communities.
    From the date of the second publication of these changes in a 
newspaper of local circulation, any person has ninety (90) days in 
which to request through the community that the Mitigation Assistant 
Administrator of FEMA reconsider the changes. The modified BFEs may be 
changed during the 90-day period.

ADDRESSES: The modified BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering 
Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal Emergency Management 
Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3151.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The modified BFEs are not listed for each 
community in this interim rule. However, the address of the Chief 
Executive Officer of the community where the modified BFE 
determinations are available for inspection is provided.
    Any request for reconsideration must be based on knowledge of 
changed conditions or new scientific or technical data.
    The modifications are made pursuant to section 201 of the Flood 
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are in accordance 
with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq., 
and with 44 CFR part 65.
    For rating purposes, the currently effective community number is 
shown and must be used for all new policies and renewals.
    The modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management 
measures that the community is required to either adopt or to show 
evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or to remain 
qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program 
    These modified BFEs, together with the floodplain management 
criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are required. 
They should not be construed to mean that the community must change any 
existing ordinances that are more stringent in their floodplain 
management requirements. The community may at any time enact stricter 
requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established by the 
other Federal, State, or regional entities. The changed BFEs are in 
accordance with 44 CFR 65.4.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This interim rule is 
categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, 
Environmental Consideration. An environmental impact assessment has not 
been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood elevation determinations are 
not within the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-
612, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
    Regulatory Classification. This interim rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 
    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This interim rule involves no 
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132, 
    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This interim rule 
meets the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 65

    Flood insurance, Floodplains, Reporting and recordkeeping 

Accordingly, 44 CFR part 65 is amended to read as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 65 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  65.4  [Amended]

2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  65.4 are amended 
as follows:

                                                           Date and name of
         State and county            Location and case      newspaper where     Chief executive officer   Effective date of modification   Community No.
                                            No.          notice was published         of community
Alabama: Talladega...............  Unincorporated areas  December 14, 2007;    The Honorable James G.     March 21, 2008................          010297
                                    of Talladega          December 21, 2007;    Hilber, Administrator,
                                    County, (07-04-       The Daily Home.       Talladega County, P.O.
                                    6542P).                                     Box 6170, Talladega, AL
    Maricopa.....................  Town of Buckeye, (07- December 7, 2007;     The Honorable Bobby        December 19, 2007.............          040039
                                    09-1734P).            December 14, 2007;    Bryant, Mayor, Town of
                                                          West Valley View.     Buckeye, 100 North
                                                                                Apache Road, Suite A,
                                                                                Buckeye, AZ 85326.
    Yavapai......................  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Chip Davis,  March 20, 2008................          040093
                                    of Yavapai County,    December 20, 2007;    Chairman, Yavapai County
                                    (07-09-1369P).        Prescott Daily        Board of Supervisors,
                                                          Courier.              1015 Fair Street,
                                                                                Prescott, AZ 86305.
    Santa Barbara................  Unincorporated areas  December 20, 2007;    The Honorable Brooks       December 6, 2007..............          060331
                                    of Santa Barbara      December 27, 2007;    Firestone, Chair, Santa
                                    County, (06-09-       Santa Barbara News-   Barbara County Board of
                                    BF87P).               Press.                Supervisors, 105 East
                                                                                Anapamu Street, Santa
                                                                                Barbara, CA 93101.
    Riverside....................  City of Corona, (07-  November 1, 2007;     The Honorable Eugene       February 7, 2008..............          060250
                                    09-1194P).            November 8, 2007;     Montanez, Mayor, City of
                                                          The Press-            Corona, 400 South
                                                          Enterprise.           Vincentia Avenue,
                                                                                Corona, CA 92882.
    El Paso......................  Unincorporated areas  December 5, 2007;     The Honorable Dennis       March 12, 2008................          080059
                                    of El Paso County,    December 12, 2007;    Hisey, Chairman, El Paso
                                    (07-08-0324P).        El Paso County        County Board of
                                                          Advertiser and News.  Commissioners, 27 East
                                                                                Vermijo Avenue, Colorado
                                                                                Springs, CO 80903-2208.
    El Paso......................  Unincorporated areas  December 12, 2007;    The Honorable Dennis       November 30, 2007.............          080059
                                    of El Paso County,    December 19, 2007;    Hisey, Chairman, El Paso
                                    (07-08-0475P).        El Paso County        County Board of
                                                          Advertiser and News.  Commissioners, 27 East
                                                                                Vermijo Avenue, Colorado
                                                                                Springs, CO 80903.

[[Page 12642]]

    Jefferson....................  City of Arvada, (07-  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Ken          March 20, 2008................          085072
                                    08-0940P).            December 20, 2007;    Fellman, Mayor, City of
                                                          The Golden            Arvada, 8101 Ralston
                                                          Transcript.           Road, Arvada, CO 80002.
    Mesa.........................  City of Grand         December 6, 2007;     Mr. Jim Doody, Mayor,      March 13, 2008................          080117
                                    Junction, (07-08-     December 13, 2007;    City of Grand Junction,
                                    0859P).               The Daily Sentinel.   250 North Fifth Street,
                                                                                Grand Junction, CO 81501.
    Mesa.........................  Unincorporated areas  December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Craig J.     March 13, 2008................          080115
                                    of Mesa County, (07-  December 13, 2007;    Meis, Chairman, Mesa
                                    08-0859P).            The Daily Sentinel.   County Board of
                                                                                Commissioners, P.O. Box
                                                                                20000, Grand Junction,
                                                                                CO 81502-5010.
    Manatee......................  Unincorporated areas  December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Amy E.       March 13, 2008................          120153
                                    of Manatee County,    December 13, 2007;    Stein, Chairman, Manatee
                                    (07-04-4406P).        The Bradenton         County Board of
                                                          Herald.               Commissioners, P.O. Box
                                                                                1000, Bradenton, FL
    Polk.........................  City of Winter        December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Nathaniel    March 13, 2008................          120271
                                    Haven, (07-04-        December 13, 2007;    Birdsong, Mayor, City of
                                    5471P).               News Chief.           Winter Haven, P.O. Box
                                                                                2277, Winter Haven, FL
    Polk.........................  Unincorporated areas  December 12, 2007;    Mr. Bob English,           March 19, 2008................          120261
                                    of Polk County, (07-  December 19, 2007;    Chairman, Polk County
                                    04-5883P).            The Polk County       Board of Commissioners,
                                                          Democrat.             P.O. Box 9005, Drawer
                                                                                BC01, Bartow, FL 33831.
Georgia: Columbia................  Unincorporated areas  December 12, 2007;    The Honorable Ron C.       March 19, 2008................          130059
                                    of Columbia County,   December 19, 2007;    Cross, Chairman,
                                    (07-04-4973P).        Columbia County       Columbia County Board of
                                                          News-Times.           Commissioners, P.O. Box
                                                                                498, Evans, GA 30809.
    Cook.........................  City of Hickory       December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Michael      November 30, 2007.............          170103
                                    Hills, (07-05-        December 20, 2007;    Howley, Mayor, City of
                                    6033P).               The Reporter.         Hickory Hills, 8652 West
                                                                                95th Street, Hickory
                                                                                Hills, IL 60457.
    DuPage.......................  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Robert J.    March 20, 2008................          170197
                                    of DuPage County,     December 20, 2007;    Schillerstorm, Chairman,
                                    (07-05-2642P).        Daily Herald.         DuPage County Board, 505
                                                                                North County Farm Road,
                                                                                Wheaton, IL 60187.
    Marshall.....................  City of Marysville,   December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Bernie       March 13, 2008................          200212
                                    (07-07-0767P).        December 13, 2007;    Krug, Mayor, City of
                                                          The Marysville        Marysville, 209 North
                                                          Advocate.             Eighth Street,
                                                                                Marysville, KS 66508.
    Marshall.....................  Unincorporated areas  December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Michael J.   March 13, 2008................          200210
                                    of Marshall County,   December 13, 2007;    Keating, Head
                                    (07-07-0767P).        The Marysville        Commissioner, Marshall
                                                          Advocate.             County, 1201 Broadway,
                                                                                Marysville, KS 66508.
Kentucky: Jefferson..............  Metropolitan          December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Jerry E.     March 20, 2008................          210120
                                    Government of         December 20, 2007;    Abramson, Mayor,
                                    Louisville-           The Courier Journal.  Metropolitan Government
                                    Jefferson County,                           of Louisville-Jefferson
                                    (07-04-4634P).                              County, 527 West
                                                                                Jefferson Street,
                                                                                Louisville, KY 40202.
    Frederick....................  Town of Emmitsburg,   December 13, 2007;    The Honorable James E.     December 31, 2007.............          240029
                                    (07-03-0468P).        December 20, 2007;    Hoover, Mayor, Town of
                                                          The Frederick News-   Emmitsburg, 300A-1 South
                                                          Post.                 Seton Avenue,
                                                                                Emmitsburg, MD 21727.
    Frederick....................  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    Ms. Jan Gardner,           December 31, 2007.............          240027
                                    of Frederick          December 20, 2007;    President, Board of
                                    County, (07-03-       The Frederick News-   Commissioners, Frederick
                                    0468P).               Post.                 County, 12 East Church
                                                                                Street, Frederick, MD
Missouri: St. Charles............  Unincorporated areas  December 12, 2007;    The Honorable Steve        December 21, 2007.............          290315
                                    of St. Charles        December 19, 2007;    Ehlmann, County
                                    County, (07-07-       St. Charles Journal.  Executive, St. Charles
                                    1738P).                                     County, 201 North Second
                                                                                Street, St. Charles, MO
New Jersey: Monmouth.............  Township of Neptune,  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable James        November 28, 2007.............          340317
                                    (07-02-0634P).        December 20, 2007;    Manning, Jr., Mayor,
                                                          Asbury Park Press.    Township of Neptune,
                                                                                P.O. Box 1125, Neptune,
                                                                                NJ 07754.
North Carolina: Mecklenburg......  Unincorporated areas  January 14, 2008;     Mr. Harry Jones, Sr.,      April 20, 2008................          370158
                                    of Mecklenburg        January 21, 2008;     Mecklenburg County
                                    County, (07-04-       The Charlotte         Manager, 600 East Fourth
                                    6546P).               Observer.             Street, Charlotte, NC
    Greene.......................  City of Xenia, (07-   November 3, 2007;     The Honorable Phyllis      February 11, 2008.............          390197
                                    05-5432P).            November 10, 2007;    Pennewitt, Mayor, City
                                                          Xenia Daily Gazette.  of Xenia, 101 North
                                                                                Detroit Street, Xenia,
                                                                                OH 45385.
    Greene.......................  Unincorporated areas  November 3, 2007;     The Honorable Ralph        February 11, 2008.............          390193
                                    of Greene County,     November 10, 2007;    Harper, President,
                                    (07-05-5432P).        Xenia Daily Gazette.  Greene County Board of
                                                                                Commissioners, 35 Greene
                                                                                Street, Xenia, OH 45385.
Oregon: Clackamas................  City of Wilsonville,  December 12, 2007;    The Honorable Charlotte    December 31, 2007.............          410025
                                    (07-10-0469P).        December 19, 2007;    Lehan, Mayor, City of
                                                          Wilsonville           Wilsonville, 29786
                                                          Spokesman.            Southwest Lehan Court,
                                                                                Wilsonville, OR 97070.
South Carolina:

[[Page 12643]]

    Greenville...................  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Butch        March 20, 2008................          450089
                                    of Greenville         December 20, 2007;    Kirven, Chairman,
                                    County, (07-04-       The Greenville News.  Greenville County
                                    4899P).                                     Council, 213 League
                                                                                Road, Simpsonville, SC
    Greenville...................  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    Mr. Joseph Kernell,        March 20, 2008................          450089
                                    of Greenville         December 20, 2007;    County Administrator,
                                    County, (07-04-       The Greenville News.  Greenville County, 301
                                    5198P).                                     University Ridge, Suite
                                                                                2400, Greenville, SC
    Greenville...................  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Butch        March 20, 2008................          450089
                                    of Greenville         December 20, 2007;    Kirven, Chairman,
                                    County, (07-04-       The Greenville News.  Greenville County
                                    5413P).                                     Council, 213 League
                                                                                Road, Simpsonville, SC
South Dakota: Pennington.........  City of Hill City,    December 12, 2007;    The Honorable Don          November 30, 2007.............          460116
                                    (07-08-0906P).        December 19, 2007;    Voorhees, Mayor, City of
                                                          Hill City Prevailer-  Hill City, City Hall,
                                                          News.                 324 Main Street, Hill
                                                                                City, SD 57745.
    Collin.......................  City of McKinney,     December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Bill         March 20, 2008................          480135
                                    (07-06-1354P).        December 20, 2007;    Whitfield, Mayor, City
                                                          McKinney Courier-     of McKinney, 222 North
                                                          Gazette.              Tennessee Street,
                                                                                McKinney, TX 75070.
    Collin.......................  City of McKinney,     December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Bill         November 21, 2007.............          480135
                                    (08-06-0334P).        December 13, 2007;    Whitfield, Mayor, City
                                                          McKinney Courier-     of McKinney, 222 North
                                                          Gazette.              Tennessee Street,
                                                                                McKinney, TX 75069.
    Collin and Dallas............  City of Sachse, (07-  December 14, 2007;    The Honorable Mike Felix,  March 21, 2008................          480186
                                    06-2553P).            December 21, 2007;    Mayor, City of Sachse,
                                                          The Rowlett           5109 Peachtree Lane,
                                                          Lakeshore Times.      Sachse, TX 75048.
    Dallas.......................  Town of Highland      December 13, 2007;    The Honorable William D.   March 20, 2008................          480178
                                    Park, (07-06-1969P).  December 20, 2007;    White, Jr., Mayor, Town
                                                          The Park Cities       of Highland Park, 4700
                                                          News.                 Drexel Drive, Highland
                                                                                Park, TX 75205.
    El Paso......................  City of El Paso, (07- December 13, 2007;    The Honorable John Cook,   November 30, 2007.............          480214
                                    06-2364P).            December 20, 2007;    Mayor, City of El Paso,
                                                          El Paso Times.        Two Civic Center Plaza,
                                                                                Tenth Floor, El Paso, TX
    Johnson......................  City of Burleson,     December 12, 2007;    The Honorable Kenneth      March 19, 2008................          485459
                                    (07-06-2685P).        December 19, 2007;    Shetter, Mayor, City of
                                                          Burleson Star.        Burleson, 141 West
                                                                                Renfro Street, Burleson,
                                                                                TX 76028.
    Randall......................  City of Canyon, (07-  December 16, 2007;    The Honorable Quinn        March 24, 2008................          480533
                                    06-1472P).            December 23, 2007;    Alexander, Mayor, City
                                                          The Canyon News.      of Canyon, 301 16th
                                                                                Street, Canyon, TX 79015.
    Randall......................  Unincorporated areas  December 16, 2007;    The Honorable Ernie        March 24, 2008................          480532
                                    of Randall County,    December 23, 2007;    Houdashell, Randall
                                    (07-06-1472P).        The Canyon News.      County Judge, 400 16th
                                                                                Street, Canyon, TX 79015.
    Tarrant......................  City of Grapevine,    December 6, 2007;     The Honorable William D.   November 21, 2007.............          480598
                                    (07-06-1696P).        December 13, 2007;    Tate, Mayor, City of
                                                          Northeast Tarrant     Grapevine, P.O. Box
                                                          Star-Telegram.        95104, Grapevine, TX
    Tarrant......................  City of North         December 13, 2007;    The Honorable T. Oscar     March 20, 2008................          480607
                                    Richland Hills, (07-  December 20, 2007;    Trevino, Jr., P.E.,
                                    06-2421P).            Fort Worth Star-      Mayor, City of North
                                                          Telegram.             Richland Hills, 7301
                                                                                Northeast Loop 820,
                                                                                North Richland Hills, TX
    Travis.......................  City of Lakeway, (07- December 6, 2007;     The Honorable Steve Swan,  December 20, 2007.............          481303
                                    06-1024P).            December 13, 2007;    Mayor, City of Lakeway,
                                                          Austin American-      1102 Lohman's Crossing,
                                                          Statesman.            Lakeway, TX 78734.
    Fauquier.....................  Unincorporated areas  December 5, 2007;     The Honorable Harry        March 12, 2008................          510055
                                    of Fauquier County,   December 12, 2007;    Atherton, Chairman,
                                    (07-03-1209P).        Fauquier Times        Fauquier County Board of
                                                          Democrat.             Supervisors, 10 Hotel
                                                                                Street, Suite 208,
                                                                                Warrenton, VA 20186.
    Fauquier.....................  Unincorporated areas  October 31, 2007;     The Honorable Harry        February 7, 2008..............          510055
                                    of Fauquier County,   November 7, 2007;     Atherton, Chairman,
                                    (07-03-1250P).        Fauquier Times        Fauquier County Board of
                                                          Democrat.             Supervisors, 10 Hotel
                                                                                Street, Suite 208,
                                                                                Warrenton, VA 20186.
West Virginia: Jefferson.........  Unincorporated areas  December 13, 2007;    The Honorable Frances      March 20, 2008................          540065
                                    of Jefferson          December 20, 2007;    Morgan, President,
                                    County, 07-03-        The Journal.          Jefferson County Board
                                    0824P).                                     of Commissioners, P.O.
                                                                                Box 250, Charles Town,
                                                                                WV 25414.

[[Page 12644]]

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 97.022, ``Flood 

    Dated: February 26, 2008.
David I. Maurstad,
Federal Insurance Administrator of the National Flood Insurance 
Program, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management 
 [FR Doc. E8-4621 Filed 3-7-08; 8:45 am]