[Federal Register: July 18, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 139)]
[Page 41359-41360]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Administration for Children and Families

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

    Title: Mentoring Children of Prisoners Service Delivery 
Demonstration Project Data Collection (MCP) Program.
    OMB No.: New Collection.
    Description: The Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments, as 
reauthorized (2006), amended Title IV-B of the Social Security Act (42 
U.S.C. 629-629e) providing funding for a service delivery demonstration 
project for the Mentoring Children of Prisoners (MCP) program. The 
grantee shall identify children of prisoners not being served by the 
grant program, provide families of identified children with a voucher 
for mentoring services and a list of quality mentoring programs, and 
monitor the delivery of mentoring services provided. The Family and 
Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) of the Administration for Children and 
Families, United States Department of Health and Human Services, 
administers the Mentoring Children of Prisoners (MCP) program. The MCP 
program provides children of prisoners with caring adult mentors, 
supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships. Research in other 
populations has shown that such relationships can lead to reductions in 
risk behaviors and improvements in academic, behavioral and 
psychological outcomes in children and youth. Although the MCP program 
was developed based on research documenting the efficacy of mentoring 
as a general intervention strategy, it is not yet known whether or not 
this particular intervention yields positive outcomes for the children 
of prisoners population. Little is known about how mentoring 
relationships work for these youth, and how effective mentoring 
relationships for children of prisoners differ from effective mentoring 
relationships for other youth. In addition, little is known about 
children of prisoners in general and thus a survey of MCP program youth 
has the potential to provide important data about this relatively 
unstudied population.
    The evaluation and data collection proposed in this notice are to 
fulfill the statutory requirement under Section 8, subsection h(1) of 
the Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006, as amended, that 
the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services evaluate 
outcomes of the MCP service delivery demonstration project and report 
to Congress on the findings. The information collected will also be 
used for accountability monitoring, management improvement, and 
research. Data collection will ensure that the grantee knows that 
mentoring relationships are meeting the established milestones and that 
mentoring activities are faithful to characteristics established by 
research as essential to success. Data collected will allow the 
Administration for Children and Families to compare the MCP service 
delivery demonstration project with the MCP grant program. Data 
collected will also support the grantee as it carries out ongoing 
responsibilities and manages information for internal uses.
    Respondents: Public, faith-based and community organizations 
applying to and implementing the MCP service delivery demonstration 

                                             Annual Burden Estimates
                                                                     Number of    Average burden
                   Instrument                        Number of     responses per     hours per     Total burden
                                                    respondents     respondent       response          hours
Program Application.............................             325               1            2                650
MentorPRO Basic Mentoring Practices and                      250             120            0.50          15,000
 Relationship Data..............................
Child Application...............................           4,200               1            0.50           2,100
Baseline Youth Survey...........................           3,000               1            0.50           1,500
Follow-Up Youth Survey..........................           2,000               1            0.50           1,000
Relationship Quality Survey.....................           2,250               1            0.50           1,125
Program Survey..................................             250               1            0.50             125
Mentor Survey...................................           2,000               1            0.50           1,000
Payment Information.............................               1              52            2                104

    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 22,604.
    Additional Information: Copies of the proposed collection may be 
obtained by writing to the Administration for Children and Families, 
Office of Administration, Office of Information Services, 370 L'Enfant 
Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447, Attn: ACF Reports Clearance 
Officer. All requests should be identified by the title of the 
information collection. E-mail address: infocollection@acf.hhs.gov.
    OMB Comment: OMB is required to make a decision concerning the 
collection of information between 30 and 60 days after publication of 

[[Page 41360]]

document in the Federal Register. Therefore, a comment is best assured 
of having its full effect if OMB receives it within 30 days of 
publication. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed 
information collection should be sent directly to the following: Office 
of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, Fax: 202-395-
6974, Attn: Desk Officer for the Administration for Children and 

    Dated: July 9, 2008.
Janean Chambers,
Reports Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E8-15898 Filed 7-17-08; 8:45 am]