[April 24, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 78)] [Unified Agenda] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [frwais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID: f:ua060460.wais] [Page 23734-23735] Surface Transportation Board ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part LX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiannual Regulatory Agenda [[Page 23734]] SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD (STB) _______________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board 49 CFR Ch. X [STB Ex Parte No. 536 (Sub-No. 20) Semiannual Regulatory Agenda AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board. ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda. _______________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY: The Surface Transportation Board (the Board), in accordance with the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, is publishing a semiannual agenda of: (1) current and projected rulemakings; and (2) existing regulations being reviewed to determine whether to propose modifications through rulemaking. Listed below are the regulatory actions to be developed or reviewed during the next 12 months. Following each rule identified is a brief description of the rule, including its purpose and legal basis. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A contact person is identified for each of the rules listed below. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. (RFA), sets forth a number of requirements for agency rulemaking. Among other things, the RFA requires that, semiannually, each agency shall publish in the Federal Registera regulatory flexibility agenda, which shall contain: (1) A brief description of the subject area of any rule that the agency expects to propose or promulgate, which is likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities; (2) A summary of the nature of any such rule under consideration for each subject area listed in the agenda pursuant to paragraph (1), the objectives and legal basis for the issuance of the rule, and an approximate schedule for completing action on any rule for which the agency has issued a general notice of proposed rulemaking; and (3) The name and telephone number of an agency official knowledgeable concerning the items listed in paragraph (1). Accordingly, a list of proceedings appears below containing information about subject areas in which the Board is currently conducting rulemaking proceedings or may institute such proceedings in the near future. It also contains information about existing regulations being reviewed to determine whether to propose modifications through rulemaking. The agenda represents the Board's best estimate of rules that will be considered over the next 12 months. However, section 602(d) of the RFA, 5 U.S.C. 602(d), provides: ``Nothing in [section 602] precludes an agency from considering or acting on any matter not included in a regulatory flexibility agenda or requires an agency to consider or act on any matter listed in such agenda.'' The Board is publishing its spring 2006 regulatory flexibility agenda as part of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (Unified Agenda). The Unified Agenda is coordinated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), pursuant to Executive Order 12866. The Board is participating in the program voluntarily to assist OMB. Decided: February 24, 2006. By the Board, Chairman Buttrey and Vice Chairman Mulvey. Vernon A. Williams, Secretary. Surface Transportation Board--Long-Term Actions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regulation Sequence Title Identifier Number Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4093 Small Rate Guidelines, STB Ex Parte No. 646........................................... 2140-AA70 4094 Class Exemption for Expedited Abandonment Procedure for Class II and Class III 2140-AA71 Railroads, STB Ex Parte No. 647....................................................... 4095 Rail Rate Challenges Under the Stand-Alone Cost Methodology, STB Ex Parte No. 657..... 2140-AA78 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ Surface Transportation Board (STB) Long-Term Actions _______________________________________________________________________ 4093. SMALL RATE GUIDELINES, STB EX PARTE NO. 646 Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Legal Authority: 49 USC 10701(d)(3) CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1109; 49 CFR 1114 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: The Board is seeking comments to revise the Simplified Guidelines (Rate Guidelines-Non-Coal Proceedings, 1 STB 1004 (1996)) to provide small shippers meaningful access to regulatory relief in cases where a full stand-alone cost presentation is too costly. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Notice 04/07/03 68 FR 16862 Hearing 06/29/04 69 FR 15553 Hearing 07/02/04 69 FR 40470 Next Action Undetermined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None URL For More Information: stb.dot.gov URL For Public Comments: stb.dot.gov Agency Contact: Joseph H. Dettmar, Deputy Director, Office of Proceedings, Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20423-0001 Phone: 202 565-1609 TDD Phone: 800 877-8339 [[Page 23735]] Fax: 202 565-9002 Email: dettmarj@stb.dot.gov RIN: 2140-AA70 _______________________________________________________________________ 4094. CLASS EXEMPTION FOR EXPEDITED ABANDONMENT PROCEDURE FOR CLASS II AND CLASS III RAILROADS, STB EX PARTE NO. 647 Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Legal Authority: 49 USC 10502; 49 USC 10903 CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined Legal Deadline: None Abstract: The Surface Transportation Board will consider a proposal to create a class exemption for Class II and Class III railroads from the prior approval abandonment requirements and any other matters interested persons may raise about the abandonment process. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 08/13/03 68 FR 48332 Hearing 07/27/04 69 FR 44727 ANPRM 01/19/06 71 FR 3030 Next Action Undetermined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None URL For More Information: stb.dot.gov URL For Public Comments: stb.dot.gov Agency Contact: Joseph H. Dettmar, Deputy Director, Office of Proceedings, Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20423-0001 Phone: 202 565-1609 TDD Phone: 800 877-8339 Fax: 202 565-9002 Email: dettmarj@stb.dot.gov RIN: 2140-AA71 _______________________________________________________________________ 4095. RAIL RATE CHALLENGES UNDER THE STAND-ALONE COST METHODOLOGY, STB EX PARTE NO. 657 Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Unfunded Mandates: Undetermined Legal Authority: 49 USC 10701(d); 49 USC 721 CFR Citation: 49 CFR 1111 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: The Board is soliciting comments, suggestions, and proposals from rail shippers, railroads, and other interested parties regarding modifications to how the Board considers rail rate reasonableness under the stand-alone cost methodology. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Public Hearing 02/23/05 70 FR 8874 Hearing Postponed 03/22/05 70 FR 14493 Other/Public Hearing 03/22/05 70 FR 14493 Next Action Undetermined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined Government Levels Affected: Undetermined Federalism: Undetermined URL For More Information: stb.dot.gov URL For Public Comments: stb.dot.gov Agency Contact: Ray A. Atkins, Attorney, Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20423-0001 Phone: 202 565-1624 TDD Phone: 800 877-8339 Fax: 202 565-9001 Email: atkinsr@stb.dot.gov RIN: 2140-AA78 [FR Doc. 06-2054 Filed 04-21-06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915-01-S