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National Mall & Memorial Parks
Cherry Blossom Recycling

Resource Protection


Please do not pick the blossoms.  Picking the blossoms or branches of the historic trees is very damaging.  Please respect the park and leave the blossoms for the next generation to enjoy too.





Recycle your plastic and aluminum beverage containers on any weekend of the National Cherry Blossom Festival! The National Park Service has partnered with the Environmental Protection Agency to provide “Recycling on the Go.”  Recycling receptacles will be placed throughout the Tidal Basin area for your convenience.


To learn more about recycling every day, visit one of three “Recycling on the Go” Stations open Saturdays and Sundays 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the Festival. Volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions and recycle your plastic and aluminum beverage containers.  Stations will be located at the west side of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, west of the Tidal Basin Inlet Bridge, and adjacent to the Tidal Basin Paddle Boats parking lot.


Please help keep your National Mall green by recycling your plastic and aluminum beverage containers in the recycling receptacles.

Independence Day Celebration on the National Mall  

Did You Know?
National Mall and Memorial Parks had twenty five million diverse visitors from all around the world in 2005.

Last Updated: March 08, 2007 at 08:39 EST