[Federal Register: April 4, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 64)]
[Page 16825-16826]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Minerals Management Service

Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf, Western Planning Area, 
Oil and Gas Lease Sale 200 (2006) Environmental Assessment

AGENCY: Minerals Management Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of availability of an environmental assessment.


SUMMARY: The Minerals Management Service (MMS) is issuing this notice 
to advise the public, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act 
of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., that MMS has 
prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for proposed Outer 
Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas Lease Sale 200 in the Western Gulf 
of Mexico (GOM) (Lease Sale 200) scheduled for August 2006. Proposed 
Lease Sale 200 is the fifth Western Planning Area (WPA) lease sale 
scheduled in the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program: 
2002-2007 (5-Year Program, OCS EIS/EA MMS 2002-006). The preparation of 
this EA is an important step in the decisionmaking process for Lease 
Sale 200. The proposal for Lease Sale 200 (the offering of all 
available unleased acreage in the WPA) and its alternatives (the 
proposed action excluding the unleased blocks near biologically 
sensitive topographic features and no action) were identified by the 
MMS Director in January 2002 following the Call for Information and 
Nominations/Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact 
Statement (EIS) and were analyzed in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas 
Lease Sales: 2003-2007; Central Planning Area Sales 185, 190, 194, 198, 
and 201; Western Planning Area Sales 187, 192, 196, and 200--Final 
Environmental Impact Statement; Volumes I and II (Multisale EIS, OCS 
EIS/EA MMS 2002-052). The Multisale EIS analyzed the effects of a 
typical WPA lease sale by presenting a set of ranges for resource 
estimates, projected exploration and development activities, and 
impact-producing factors for any of the proposed WPA lease sales. The 
level of activities projected for proposed Lease Sale 200 falls within 
these ranges. In this EA, which tiers from the Multisale EIS and 
incorporates that document by reference, MMS reexamined the potential 
environmental effects of the proposed action and its alternatives based 
on any new information regarding potential impacts and issues that were 
not available at the time the Multisale EIS was prepared. No new 
significant impacts were identified for proposed Lease Sale 200 that 
were not already assessed in the Multisale EIS. As a result, MMS 
determined that a supplemental EIS is not required and prepared a 
Finding of No New Significant Impact (FONNSI).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Dennis Chew, Minerals Management 
Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, MS 
5410, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394. You may also contact Mr. Chew 
by telephone at (504) 736-2793.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In November 2002, MMS prepared a Multisale 
EIS that addressed nine proposed Federal actions that offer for lease 
areas on the GOM OCS that may contain economically recoverable oil and 
gas resources. Federal regulations allow for several related or similar 
proposals to be analyzed in one EIS (40 CFR 1502.4). Since each 
proposed lease sale and its projected activities are very similar each 
year for each planning area, a single EIS was prepared for the nine 
Central Planning Area (CPA) and WPA lease sales scheduled in the 5-Year 
Program. Under the 5-Year Program, five annual areawide lease sales are 
scheduled for the CPA (Lease Sales 185, 190, 194, 198, and 201) and 
five annual areawide lease sales are scheduled for the WPA (Lease Sales 
184, 187, 192, 196, and 200). Lease Sale 184 was not addressed in the 
Multisale EIS; a separate EA was prepared for that proposal. The 
Multisale EIS addressed CPA Lease Sales 185, 190, 194, 198, and 201 
scheduled for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively, and WPA 
Lease Sales 187, 192, 196, and 200 scheduled for 2003, 2004, 2005, and 
2006, respectively. Although the Multisale EIS addresses nine proposed 
lease sales, at the completion of the EIS process, decisions were made 
only for proposed CPA Lease Sale 185 and proposed WPA Lease Sale 187. 
In the year prior to each subsequent proposed lease sale, an additional 
NEPA review (an EA) has been conducted to address any new information 
relevant to that proposed action. After completion of the EA, MMS 
determines whether to prepare a FONNSI or a Supplemental EIS. The MMS 
then prepares and sends Consistency Determinations (CD's) to the 
affected States to determine whether the proposed lease sale is 
consistent with their federally-approved State coastal zone management 
programs. Finally, MMS will solicit comments via the Proposed Notice of 
Sale (PNOS) from the governors of the affected States on the size, 
timing, and location of the proposed lease sale. The tentative schedule 
for the prelease decision process for Lease Sale 200 is as follows: 
CD's sent to affected States, March 2006; PNOS sent to governors of the 
affected States, March 2006; Final Notice of Sale published in the 
Federal Register, July 2006; and Lease Sale 200, August 2006. To obtain 
single copies of the Multisale EIS, you may contact the Minerals 
Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, Attention: Public 
Information Office (MS 5034), 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Room 114, 
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394 (1-800-200-GULF). You may also view 
the Multisale EIS or check the list of libraries that have copies of 
the Multisale EIS on the MMS Web site at http://www.gomr.mms.gov.

    Public Comments: Interested parties are requested to send comments 
on this EA/FONNSI within 30 days of this Notice's publication. Comments 
may be submitted in one of the following three ways:
    1. Comments may be submitted using MMS's Public Connect on-line 
commenting system at http://ocsconnect.mms.gov. This is the preferred 

method for commenting. From the Public Connect ``Welcome'' screen, 
search for ``WPA Lease Sale 200 EA'' or select it from the ``Projects 
Open for Comment'' menu.
    2. Written comments may be enclosed in an envelope labeled 
``Comments on WPA Lease Sale 200 EA'' and mailed (or hand carried) to 
the Regional Supervisor, Leasing and Environment

[[Page 16826]]

(MS 5410), Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201 
Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394.
    3. Comments may be sent to the MMS e-mail address: 

    All comments received will be considered in the decisionmaking 
process for Lease Sale 200.
    EA Availability: To obtain a copy of this EA, you may contact the 
Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, Attention: 
Public Information Office (MS 5034), 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Room 
114, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394 (1-800-200-GULF). You may also 
view this EA on the MMS Web site at http://www.gomr.mms.gov.

    Dated: March 14, 2006.
Chris C. Oynes,
Regional Director, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.
 [FR Doc. E6-4813 Filed 4-3-06; 8:45 am]