Colorado's Official Website
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Air Pollution Control Division Air Quality Advisory

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Regional Air Quality Council's Summer 2008 Ozone Action Day Alert Program has concluded. The winter High Pollution Advisory Program begins on November 1. Thank you for your interest in and support for efforts to improve air quality for the citizens of the Denver- metro area.

For smoke forecasts, air quality outlooks, open burning forecasts and current air quality information throughout the year, please call 303-782-0211 or visit our Web Page

For information about the High Pollution Advisory Program, please call 303-692-3281.

For an AQI value that considers all pollutants, please click here.

Ground-level ozone is a summertime air pollution problem that is created when other pollutants from sources like vehicle exhaust, paints, degreasing agents and cleaning fluids react with sunlight. Exposure to ground-level ozone can cause acute respiratory problems, reduced lung capacity and inflammation of lung tissues and can trigger asthma attacks.

Ground-level ozone should not be confused with the protective stratospheric ozone layer miles above the Earth's surface. This naturally-occuring ozone layer protects the Earth's surface from excessive ultra-violet radiation.

Do your share and be a part of the solution to the Denver-metropolitan area's summertime air pollution problems. These easy strategies will help reduce the harmful vapors that react in sunlight to create summertime air pollution:

At Home:

  • Tightly cap all solvents (paint thinners and strippers, degreasers, and some cleaning products). Solvents contain pollution-causing vapors.
  • Postpone painting, stripping and refinishing projects to avoid the morning and mid-day summertime heat. Better yet, wait until the Fall or Spring.
  • Use water-based products (paints, stains and sealants).

In the Yard:

  • Delay mowing your lawn to another day. Don't mow, let it grow!
  • Avoid using high-emitting, gasoline-powered yard equipment. Electric alternatives are an efficient, environmentally-friendly alternative.
  • Use an electric starter or a "charcoal chimney" to start your barbeque grill. Lighter fluid contains a lot of harmful vapors that escape into our air and contribute to summertime air pollution.

On the Go:

  • Stop at the click when refueling your car. Overfilling your tank often results in fuel spills and always allows unnecessary pollution-causing vapors to escape into our air.
  • Refuel in the evenings after dusk. By refueling after the sun goes down, fuel vapors do not have as much of a chance to "cook" in the mid-day sun and become harmful ground-level ozone.
  • Maintain your vehicle. A poorly-maintained vehicle can pollute as much as 25 times more than a well-maintained one.

© Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver, CO