[Federal Register: August 31, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 169)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 51893-51928]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 51893]]


Part II

Department of Transportation


Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration


49 CFR Parts 171, 172, 173, et al.

Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations 
Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and 
International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; 
Proposed Rule

[[Page 51894]]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

49 CFR Parts 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178 and 180

[Docket No. PHMSA-06-25476 (HM-215I)]
RIN 2137-AE16

Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations 
Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and 
International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).


SUMMARY: PHMSA proposes to amend the Hazardous Materials Regulations to 
maintain alignment with international standards by incorporating 
various amendments, including changes to proper shipping names, hazard 
classes, packing groups, special provisions, packaging authorizations, 
air transport quantity limitations and vessel stowage requirements. 
These revisions are necessary to harmonize the Hazardous Materials 
Regulations with recent changes to the International Maritime Dangerous 
Goods Code, the International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical 
Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, and the 
United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.

DATES: Comments must be received by October 16, 2006.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by the docket number 
(PHMSA-06-25476) by any of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 

Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
     Web Site: http://dms.dot.gov. Follow the instructions for 

submitting comments on the DOT electronic docket site.
     Fax: 1-202-493-2251.
     Mail: Docket Management System; U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, PL-402, 
Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery: PL-402 on the plaza level of the Nassif 
Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC between 9 a.m. and 5 
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays.
    Instructions: All submissions must include the agency name and 
docket number or Regulatory Identification Number (RIN) for this 
notice. For detailed instructions on submitting comments and additional 
information on the rulemaking process, see the Public Participation 
heading of the Supplementary Information section of this document. Note 
that all comments received will be posted, without change, to http://dms.dot.gov
 including any personal information provided. Please see the 

Privacy Act heading under Regulatory Analyses and Notices.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to http://dms.dot.gov at any time or to the 

Docket Management System (see ADDRESSES).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Charles Betts, Office of Hazardous 
Materials Standards, telephone (202) 366-8553, or Shane Kelley, 
International Standards, telephone (202) 366-0656, Pipeline and 
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001.



I. Background
II. Sunset Provision
III. Overview of Proposed Changes in the NPRM
IV. Overview of Amendments Not Being Considered for Adoption in This 
V. Section-by-Section
VI. Regulatory Analyses and Notices
    A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This Rulemaking
    B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and 
    C. Executive Order 13132
    D. Executive Order 13175
    E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT 
Procedures and Policies
    F. Paperwork Reduction Act
    G. Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN)
    H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    I. Environmental Assessment
    J. Privacy Act

I. Background

    On December 21, 1990, the Research and Special Programs 
Administration (RSPA), the predecessor agency to the Pipeline and 
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA, we) published a final 
rule (Docket HM-181; 55 FR 52402) based on the UN Recommendations on 
the Transport of Dangerous Goods, to comprehensively revise the 
Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), 49 CFR parts 171 to 180, for 
harmonization with the international standards. Since publication of 
the 1990 final rule, we have issued six additional international 
harmonization final rules, (Dockets HM-215A, 59 FR 67390; HM-215B, 62 
FR 24690; HM-215C, 64 FR 10742; HM-215D, 66 FR 33316; HM-215E, 68 FR 
44992; and HM-215G, 69 FR 76044). The rules provided additional 
harmonization with international transportation requirements by more 
fully aligning the HMR with the corresponding biennial updates of the 
UN Recommendations, the IMDG Code and the ICAO Technical Instructions.
    The UN Recommendations are not regulations, but rather are 
recommendations issued by the UN Committee of Experts on the Transport 
of Dangerous Goods (TDG) and on the Globally Harmonized System of 
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). These recommendations 
are amended and updated biennially by the UN Committee of Experts. They 
serve as the basis for national, regional, and international modal 
regulations, including the International Maritime Organization's 
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), and the 
International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions for 
the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO Technical Instructions).
    The harmonization of domestic and international standards becomes 
increasingly important as the volume of hazardous materials transported 
in international commerce grows. Harmonization serves to facilitate 
international transportation, while maintaining appropriate protection 
of people, property, and the environment. Although the intent of the 
harmonization rulemakings is to align the HMR with international 
standards, we review and consider each amendment on its own merit. Each 
amendment is considered on the basis of its overall impact on 
transportation safety and the economic implications associated with its 
adoption into the HMR. Our goal is to harmonize without diminishing the 
level of safety currently provided by the HMR and without imposing 
undue burdens on the regulated public. In our efforts to continue 
aligning the HMR with international requirements, in this NPRM, we are 
proposing to incorporate changes into the HMR based on the Fourteenth 
revised edition of the UN Recommendations, Amendment 33 to the IMDG 
Code, and the 2007-2008 ICAO Technical Instructions which become 
effective January 1, 2007. We are also addressing petitions for 
rulemaking concerning harmonization with international standards and 
additional measures to facilitate international transportation.

[[Page 51895]]

II. Sunset Provision

    To assure the HMR account for new technologies and updated business 
practices, PHMSA is considering whether certain requirements proposed 
in this NPRM should be afforded a ``sunset'' provision. If we adopt 
such a provision, certain amendments adopted through this rulemaking 
would expire after a fixed amount of time (e.g., 10 years) from the 
publication date of the final rule.
    Harmonizing the HMR with international transportation requirements 
facilitates the transportation of hazardous materials in international 
commerce by eliminating the need for shippers and carriers to comply 
with two different sets of regulations. Certain standards that we are 
proposing to adopt by reference likely will be updated periodically in 
response to changes in international standards or may be replaced by 
other more relevant or technically superior standards. Future changes 
to these standards would have to consider whether to retain or extend 
the sunset date. If we choose to do nothing, a sunset provision would 
mean the HMR would revert to the language and requirements in effect 
before the issuance of the final rule. We are requesting comments on 
whether certain amendments should be tied to a sunset provision.

III. Overview of Proposed Changes in This NPRM

    In this NPRM, we are proposing the following amendments to the HMR:
     Adoption of a single shipping paper description sequence 
(identification number, proper shipping name, hazard class or division, 
packing group). Currently, the HMR permit the shipping paper 
description sequence to start with either the identification number or 
the proper shipping name.
     Requirement to indicate the net quantity of hazardous 
material per package on the shipping paper if transportation is by 
aircraft. The HMR do not currently require this information on a 
shipping paper.
     Incorporation by reference of the updated ICAO Technical 
Instructions, IMDG Code, and UN Recommendations.
     Amendments to the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) to add, 
revise, or remove certain proper shipping names, hazard classes, 
packing groups, special provisions, packaging authorizations, bulk 
packaging requirements, passenger and cargo aircraft maximum quantity 
limitations and vessels stowage provisions.
     Revision of the ORGANIC PEROXIDE label and placard.
     Revision of the classification criteria for PG III 
flammable liquids.
     Revision of the classification criteria and packing group 
assignment for Division 6.1 materials.
     Requirements for the transportation of fuel cells 
containing flammable liquid.
     Adoption of a one-packet limit for matches carried by 
airline passengers or crew members.

IV. Overview of International Standards Not Being Considered for 
Adoption in This NPRM

    This NPRM proposes changes to the HMR based on amendments to the 
Fourteenth revised edition of the UN Recommendations, Amendment 33 to 
the IMDG Code, and the 2007-2008 ICAO Technical Instructions, which 
become effective January 1, 2007. However, we are not proposing to 
adopt all of the amendments to those documents into the HMR. In many 
cases, amendments to the international regulations have not been 
adopted because the framework or structure of the HMR makes adoption 
unnecessary. In other cases, we have handled, or will be handling, the 
amendments in separate rulemaking proceedings. For example, we 
addressed requirements related to the transportation of infectious 
substances in a final rule published June 2, 2006, under Docket HM-226A 
(71 FR 32244). Similarly, we adopted amendments relating to the use of 
UN cylinders and pressure vessels in a final rule published June 12, 
2006, under Docket HM-220E (71 FR 33858).
    If we have inadvertently omitted an amendment in this NPRM, we will 
attempt to include the omission in the final rule. However, our ability 
to make changes in a final rule is limited by requirements of the 
Administrative Procedure Act. In some instances, we can adopt a 
provision inadvertently omitted in the NPRM if it is clearly within the 
scope of changes proposed in the notice, does not require substantive 
changes from the international standard on which it is based, and 
imposes minimal or no cost impacts on persons subject to the 
requirement. Otherwise, in order to provide opportunity for notice and 
comment, the change must be proposed in an NPRM.
    One of the goals of this rulemaking is to continue to maintain 
consistency between the HMR and the international requirements. We are 
not striving to make the HMR identical to the international regulations 
but rather to remove or avoid potential barriers to international 
    Below is a listing of those significant amendments to the 
international regulations that we are not proposing to adopt in this 
NPRM with a brief explanation of why the amendment was not included:
     Environmentally hazardous substances. The UN 
Recommendations have not yet been adopted by ICAO and IMO. These 
changes will be considered in a separate rulemaking proceeding.
     Hazardous materials security. Like the HMR, the UN 
Recommendations require carriers, consignors and others engaged in the 
transport of ``high consequence'' dangerous goods to adopt, implement 
and comply with a security plan that addresses the transportation risks 
associated with these materials. A major difference between the HMR and 
the UN Recommendations is the quantity of hazardous material that 
triggers the requirement for a security plan. We are analyzing the 
differences and, based on our conclusions, will consider a separate 
rulemaking to address this issue.
     Requirements for radioactive materials. We are not 
proposing to adopt provisions pertaining to the transportation of Class 
7 (radioactive) materials. Amendments to requirements pertaining to the 
transportation of Class 7 materials are based on changes contained in 
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) publication, ``IAEA 
Safety Standards Series: Regulations for the Safe Transport of 
Radioactive Materials.'' Due to their complexity, these changes will be 
addressed in a separate rulemaking.
     Default classification system for fireworks. We are not 
proposing to adopt these provisions of the UN Recommendations because 
we do not believe the UN classification system provides an equivalent 
level of safety to the current HMR requirements. Under the HMR, 
fireworks must be classed and approved by the Associate Administrator 
for Hazardous Materials Safety; the approvals are based on American 
Pyrotechnic Association Standard 87-1.
     Fuel cells. We are not proposing to adopt provisions for 
the carriage of fuel cell cartridges in the passenger cabin of a 
passenger aircraft that were adopted by ICAO. Also, we are not 
proposing to adopt the packaging provisions for the transport of 
``Hydrogen in a metal hydride storage system,'' (UN3468), as adopted by 
ICAO. Currently, the HMR allow transportation of these storage systems 
by motor vehicle and rail under the terms of an exemption and by motor 
vehicle, rail, cargo vessel and cargo aircraft with approval of the 
Associate Administrator. These issues will be

[[Page 51896]]

considered in a separate rulemaking proceeding.
     Marking of Limited Quantity shipments. The ICAO Technical 
Instructions adopted a marking requirement for packages containing a 
limited quantity of hazardous material that consists of the 
identification number of the material placed within a square-on-point 
border. The marking is anticipated to become effective January 1, 2009. 
Except for transportation by aircraft, this marking is currently 
authorized under the HMR as an alternative to marking the proper 
shipping name on the package; we are allowing continued use of this 
marking to minimize transportation costs and provide flexibility.

V. Section-by-Section Review

Part 171

Section 171.7
    Section 171.7 lists the standards incorporated by reference into 
the HMR. We propose to update the incorporation by reference materials 
for the ICAO Technical Instructions, the IMDG Code, the UN 
Recommendations and the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria. The updated 
editions of these standards become effective January 1, 2007.
    The standards would be updated as follows:
     The ICAO Technical Instructions, 2007-2008 Edition.
     The IMDG Code, Amendment 33.
     The UN Recommendations, Fourteenth revised edition.
     The UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Fourth revised 
edition (2003), and Addendum 2, (2004).
Section 171.14
    This section lists specific transition periods for certain 
provisions adopted into the HMR. Paragraph (b) lists transitional 
provisions related to revised placarding requirements. In this NPRM, we 
propose to remove paragraph (b) because the transitional period has 
    Paragraph (d) of this section specifies transition provisions for 
previously adopted amendments intended to harmonize the HMR with 
international standards. We are proposing revisions to this paragraph 
to provide specific transitional provisions for certain of the 
amendments proposed in this NPRM. We are proposing an effective date of 
January 1, 2007, and a mandatory compliance date of January 1, 2008. We 
propose to permit voluntary compliance as of January 1, 2007, to 
correspond with the effective implementation dates of the 2007-2008 
ICAO Technical Instructions and Amendment 33 of the IMDG Code. This 
authorization would allow shippers to prepare their international 
shipments in accordance with international standards that will become 
effective on January 1, 2007.
    Paragraph (e) of this section contains an outdated transition 
provision. In this NPRM, we propose to replace the outdated transition 
provision with a new paragraph (e) that would permit use for domestic 
shipments of the shipping description sequences in effect on December 
31, 2006, until January 1, 2009. See the Sec.  172.202 preamble 
discussion for a complete explanation of the shipping description 
sequence issue.
    Paragraph (f) of this section contains an outdated transitional 
provision. We propose to revise paragraph (f) by removing the current 
provision and adding a transitional provision to allow continued 
display of Division 5.2 labels and placards conforming to the 
specifications in effect on December 31, 2006, until January 1, 2011. 
See the Sec. Sec.  172.407 and 172.427 preamble discussions for a 
complete explanation of this issue.
    In new paragraph (g), we are proposing to allow continued use of 
the Class 3 and Division 6.1 classification criteria and packing group 
assignments in effect on December 31, 2006, until January 1, 2012. See 
Sec. Sec.  173.120 and 174.133 preamble discussions for a complete 
explanation of this issue.

Part 172

Section 172.101
    Section 172.101 contains the Hazardous Materials Table (HMT) and 
explanations for each of the columns in the HMT. Paragraph (d) of this 
section addresses column 3 of the HMT, which contains the hazard class 
or division for each specific material listed in the HMT. Paragraph 
(d)(4) addresses entries classed as combustible liquids. We are 
proposing to revise paragraph (d)(4) to revise the lower limit for 
classing a material as a combustible liquid from 60.5 [deg]C (141 
[deg]F) to 60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F). This is consistent with recent 
changes to the classification of flammable liquids based on the GHS and 
adoption into the UN Recommendations.
    The Sec.  172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT): In the Sec.  
172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT), we are proposing to make 
various amendments. Readers should review all changes for a complete 
understanding of the proposed Table amendments. For purposes of the 
Government Printing Office's typesetting procedures, proposed changes 
to the HMT will appear under three sections of the Table, ``remove,'' 
``add'' and ``revise.'' Certain entries in the HMT, such as those with 
proposed revisions to the proper shipping names, will appear as a 
``remove'' and ``add.'' Under this NPRM, the proposed amendments to the 
HMT for the purpose of harmonizing with international standards, unless 
otherwise stated, include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. We propose to correct Column (7) Special provisions of the HMT 
by removing Special provision 101 which requires the name of the 
particular substance or article to be specified. With the introduction 
of the letter ``G'' for these materials in Column (1), requiring the 
n.o.s. and generic proper shipping names to be supplemented with the 
technical name of the hazardous material, Special provision 101 becomes 
obsolete and duplicative. The affected entries are as follows:

UN0349............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0350............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0351............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0352............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0353............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0354............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0355............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0356............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0462............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0463............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0464............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0465............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0466............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0467............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0468............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.

[[Page 51897]]

UN0469............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0470............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0471............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0472............................  Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0382............................  Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0383............................  Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0384............................  Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0461............................  Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0357............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0358............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0359............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0473............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0474............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0475............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0476............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0477............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0478............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0479............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0480............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0481............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0485............................  Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0482............................  Substances, explosive, very
                                     insensitive, n.o.s. or Substances,
                                     EVI, n.o.s.

    2. Amendment 32 of the IMDG Code added a new segregation group for 
alkalis. For consistency with international regulations and in response 
to a petition from Horizon Lines (P-1470), we are proposing to revise 
the Vessel Stowage Provisions in Column (10B) by adding Segregation 
Code ``52'' (Stow ``Separated from'' acids) to certain entries. The 
affected entries are as follows:

UN2733............................  Amines, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
                                     or Polyamines, flammable,
                                     corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2671............................  Aminopyridines (o-; m-; p-).
UN1005............................  Ammonia, anhydrous.
UN3318............................  Ammonia solution, relative density
                                     less than 0.880 at 15 degrees C in
                                     water, with more than 50 percent
UN2672............................  Ammonia solutions, relative density
                                     between 0.880 and 0.957 at 15
                                     degrees C in water, with more than
                                     10 percent but not more than 35
                                     percent ammonia.
UN2073............................  Ammonia solutions, relative density
                                     less than 0.880 at 15 degrees C in
                                     water, with more than 35 percent
                                     but not more than 50 percent
UN3028............................  Batteries, dry, containing potassium
                                     hydroxide solid, electric, storage.
UN2795............................  Batteries, wet, filled with alkali,
                                     electric storage.
UN2797............................  Battery fluid, alkali.
UN2682............................  Caesium hydroxide.
UN2681............................  Caesium hydroxide solution.
UN1719............................  Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s.
UN1160............................  Dimethylamine solution.
UN2379............................  1, 3-Dimethylbutylamine.
UN2382............................  Dimethylhydrazine, symmetrical.
UN1163............................  Dimethylhydrazine, unsymmetrical.
UN3253............................  Disodium trioxosilicate.
UN2491............................  Ethanolamine or Ethanolamine
UN2270............................  Ethylamine, aqueous solution with
                                     not less than 50 percent but not
                                     more than 70 percent ethylamine.
UN1604............................  Ethylenediamine.
UN2386............................  1-Ethylpiperidine.
UN2029............................  Hydrazine, anhydrous.
UN3293............................  Hydrazine, aqueous solution with not
                                     more than 37 percent hydrazine, by
UN2030............................  Hydrazine, aqueous solutions, with
                                     more than 37 percent hydrazine, by
UN2680............................  Lithium hydroxide.
UN2679............................  Lithium hydroxide, solution.
UN1235............................  Methylamine, aqueous solution.
UN1244............................  Methylhydrazine.
UN2399............................  1-Methylpiperidine.
UN1813............................  Potassium hydroxide, solid.
UN1814............................  Potassium hydroxide, solution.
UN2033............................  Potassium monoxide.
UN1922............................  Pyrrolidine.
UN2678............................  Rubidium hydroxide.
UN2677............................  Rubidium hydroxide solution.
UN1907............................  Soda lime with more than 4 percent
                                     sodium hydroxide.
UN1819............................  Sodium aluminate, solution.
UN2318............................  Sodium hydrosulfide, with less than
                                     25 percent water of
UN1823............................  Sodium hydroxide, solid.
UN1824............................  Sodium hydroxide solution.
UN1825............................  Sodium monoxide.
UN1849............................  Sodium sulfide, hydrated with not
                                     less than 30 percent water.
UN2320............................  Tetraethylenepentamine.

[[Page 51898]]

UN3073............................  Vinylpyridines, stabilized.

    3. The entry ``Aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L 
capacity),'' UN1950, would be revised by adding vessel storage location 
code ``A'' in Column (10A). This code was inadvertently removed in a 
final rule published under Docket HM-189Y (70 FR 56084; September 23, 
    4. The entry ``Antimony trichloride, solid,'' UN1733, PG II, would 
be revised by adding Special provisions T3 and TP33. Special provision 
T3 specifies the applicable minimum test pressure, the minimum shell 
thickness, bottom opening requirements and pressure relief requirements 
when transporting this material in a UN portable tank. Special 
provision TP33 specifies requirements applicable to the transportation 
of this material in IM and UN Specification portable tanks.
    5. The entry, ``Articles, explosive, extremely insensitive or 
Articles, EEI, '' UN0486, would be revised by removing Special 
provision 101 which requires the name of the particular substance or 
article to be specified.
    6. The entry ``Benzyl bromide,'' UN1737, PG II, would be revised by 
removing the reference to Sec.  173.153 ``Exceptions for Division 6.1 
(poisonous materials)'' in Column (8A).
    7. The entry ``Benzyl chloride,'' UN1738, PG II, would be revised 
by removing the reference to Sec.  173.153 ``Exceptions for Division 
6.1 (poisonous materials)'' in Column (8A).
    8. In accordance with changes in the Fourteenth revised edition of 
the UN Recommendations, we propose to remove the following entries:

--The entry ``Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide mixtures,'' UN1015;
--The entry ``Carbon dioxide and oxygen mixtures, compressed,'' UN1014; 
--The entry ``Carbon monoxide and hydrogen mixture, compressed,'' 

    9. The entry, ``Charges, shaped, flexible, linear,'' UN0288, would 
be revised by removing Special provision 101, which requires the name 
of the particular substance or article to be specified.
    10. The entry ``Chlorosilanes, corrosive, n.o.s.,'' UN2987, PG II, 
would be revised by removing the reference to Sec.  173.154 
``Exceptions for Class 8 (corrosive materials)'' in Column (8A).
    11. The entry ``Chlorosilanes, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.,'' 
UN2985, PG II, would be revised by removing the reference to Sec.  
173.150 ``Exceptions for Class 3 (flammable) and combustible liquids'' 
in Column (8A).
    12. The entry ``Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s.,'' UN3361, 
PG II, would be revised by removing the reference to Sec.  173.153 
``Exceptions for Division 6.1 (poisonous materials)'' in Column (8A).
    13. The entry ``Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, flammable, 
n.o.s.,'' UN3362, PG II, would be revised by removing the reference to 
Sec.  173.153 ``Exceptions for Division 6.1 (poisonous materials)'' in 
Column (8A).
    14. The entry ``Chromium trioxide, anhydrous,'' UN1463, Column (6) 
would be revised by adding the Division 6.1 subsidiary hazard labeling 
    15. The entry ``Compressed gas, n.o.s.,'' UN1956, would be revised 
by adding Special provision 77. Special provision 77 requires, for 
domestic transportation, a Division 5.1 subsidiary risk label when a 
carbon dioxide and oxygen mixture contains more than 23.5% oxygen.
    16. The entry, ``Contrivances, water-activated, with burster, 
expelling charge or propelling charge,'' UN0248, would be revised by 
removing Special provision 101, which requires the name of the 
particular substance or article to be specified. In addition, the 
letter ``G'' would be added to Column (1), requiring the proper 
shipping name to be supplemented with the technical name of the 
hazardous material.
    17. The entry, ``Contrivances, water-activated, with burster, 
expelling charge or propelling charge,'' UN0249, would be revised by 
removing Special provision 101, which requires the name of the 
particular substance or article to be specified. In addition, the 
letter ``G'' would be added to Column (1), requiring the proper 
shipping name to be supplemented with the technical name of the 
hazardous material.
    18. The entry ``Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s.,'' 
UN3264, PG II, would be revised by removing Special provision A6. 
Special provision A6 specifies that for combination packagings, if 
plastic inner packagings are used, they must be packed in tightly 
closed metal receptacles before packing in outer packagings. Special 
provision A6 applies only to the PG I entry of this material.
    19. The proper shipping name for the entry ``Crotonaldehyde, 
Stabilized,'' UN1143, would be revised to read ``Crotonaldehyde or 
Crotonaldehyde, stabilized'' and to add proposed new Special provision 
175. New Special provision 175 specifies this material is required to 
be stabilized when in concentrations of not more than 99%. The revision 
appears as a ``Remove/Add'' in this rulemaking.
    20. The proper shipping name for the entry ``Crotonic acid, 
liquid,'' UN2823, would be corrected to read ``Crotonic acid, liquid'' 
and the Identification Number would be revised to read ``UN3472.'' This 
revision appears as a ``Remove/Add'' in this rulemaking.
    21. The proper shipping name for the entry ``Crotonic acid, 
solid,'' UN2823, would be corrected to read ``Crotonic acid, solid,'' 
UN2823. This correction appears as a ``Remove/Add'' in this rulemaking.
    22. In accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions, the entry 
``Dangerous Goods in Machinery or Dangerous Goods in Apparatus,'' UN 
3363, would be revised by adding quantity limits for transportation by 
aircraft. The quantity limits will be specified in a new Special 
provision A105.
    23. The entry ``Ethyltrichlorosilane,'' UN1196, PG II, would be 
revised by removing the reference to Sec.  173.150 ``Exceptions for 
Class 3 (flammable) and combustible liquids'' in Column (8A).
    24. The entry ``Formic acid,'' UN1779, would be revised to read 
``Formic acid with more than 85% acid by mass'' and the Class 3 
subsidiary hazard would be added in Column (6). This revision appears 
as a ``Remove/Add'' in this rulemaking.
    25. A new entry, ``Formic acid with not less than 10% but not more 
than 85% acid by mass,'' UN3412, would be added.
    26. A new entry, ``Formic acid with not less than 5% but less than 
10% acid by mass,'' UN3412, would be added.
    27. A new entry, ``Fuel cell cartridges containing flammable 
liquids,'' UN3473, would be added.
    28. The entry ``Hydrazine aqueous solutions, with more than 37% 
hydrazine, by mass'' UN2030, PG I, would be revised by removing Special 
provision 151. Special provision 151 specifies that if this material 
meets the definition of a flammable liquid in Sec.  173.120 of the HMR, 
a FLAMMABLE LIQUID label is required and the basic description on the 
shipping paper must indicate the Class 3 subsidiary hazard. Changes to 
the Fourteenth revised edition of the UN Recommendations removed this 
requirement. Shipping paper and labeling requirements for materials 
with subsidiary hazards are addressed in Sec. Sec.  172.202 and 
172.402, respectively. 28a. The entry ``Hydrogen in a metal hydride 
storage system,''

[[Page 51899]]

UN3468, would be revised by amending Column (9B) to authorize 100 kg 
    29. The entry ``Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid mixtures, 
stabilized with acids, water, and not more than 5 percent peroxyacetic 
acid,'' UN3149, would be revised by adding Special provision IP5. When 
this material is transported in an IBC, Special provision IP5 specifies 
the IBC must have a device to allow venting.
    30. The entry ``Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with more than 
40 percent but not more than 60 percent hydrogen peroxide (stabilized 
as necessary),'' UN2014, would be revised by adding Special provision 
IP5. When this material is transported in an IBC, Special provision IP5 
specifies the IBC must have a device to allow venting.
    31. The entry ``Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less 
than 20 percent but not more than 40 percent hydrogen peroxide 
(stabilized as necessary),'' UN2014, would be revised by adding Special 
provision IP5. When this material is transported in an IBC, Special 
provision IP5 specifies the IBC must have a device to allow venting.
    32. The entry ``Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less 
than 8 percent but less than 20 percent hydrogen peroxide (stabilized 
as necessary),'' UN2984, would be revised by adding Special provision 
IP5. When this material is transported in an IBC, Special provision IP5 
specifies the IBC must have a device to allow venting.
    33. The entry ``Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized or Hydrogen peroxide 
aqueous solutions, stabilized with more than 60 percent hydrogen 
peroxide,'' UN2015, would be revised by removing Special provision T10 
and adding Special provision T9. When this material is transported in a 
UN portable tank, Special provision T10 requires the UN portable tank 
pressure relief device to comply with the requirements specified in 
Sec.  178.275(g)(3) of the HMR. The proposed addition of Special 
provision T9 would remove this requirement.
    34. For the entry ``Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s.,'' UN1740, PG II 
and III, the proper shipping name would be revised by to read 
``Hydrogendifluorides, solid, n.o.s.'' This revision appears as a 
``Remove/Add'' in this rulemaking.
    35. A new entry ``Hydrogendifluorides, solution, n.o.s.,'' UN3471, 
PG II and III, would be added.
    36. The entry ``Hydroquinone, solid,'' UN2662, would be removed.
    37. The entry ``Hydroquinone solution,'' UN3435, would be removed.
    38. The entry ``Hypochlorite solutions,'' UN1791, PG II, would be 
revised by adding Special provision IP5. When this material is 
transported in an IBC, Special provision IP5 specifies the IBC must 
have a device to allow venting.
    39. For the entry ``Lead phosphite, dibasic,'' UN2989, PG II, the 
quantity limitations in Columns (9A) and (9B) would be revised to read 
15 kg and 50 kg, respectively.
    40. For the entry ``Lead phosphite, dibasic,'' UN2989, PG III, the 
quantity limitations in Columns (9A) and (9B) would be revised to read 
25 kg and 100 kg, respectively.
    41. The entry ``Methylphenyldichlorosilane,'' UN2437, PG II, would 
be revised by removing the reference to Sec.  173.154 ``Exceptions for 
Class 8 (corrosive materials)'' in Column (8A).
    42. The entry ``Motor fuel anti-knock mixtures,'' UN1649, would be 
corrected by removing the subsidiary hazard label requirement in Column 
    43. The entry ``Organometallic substance, solid, pyrophoric,'' 
UN3391, PG I, would be revised by correcting the Column (8B) Non-bulk 
packaging entry ``181'' to read ``187.''
    44. The entry ``Organometallic substance, solid, pyrophoric, water-
reactive,'' UN3393, PG I, would be revised by correcting the Column 
(8B) Non-bulk packaging entry ``181'' to read ``187.''
    45. A new entry, ``Paint, corrosive, flammable (including paint, 
lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and 
liquid lacquer base),'' UN3470, PG II, would be added.
    46. A new entry ``Paint, flammable, corrosive (including paint, 
lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and 
liquid lacquer base),'' UN3469, PG I, II, and III, would be added.
    47. The entry ``Paint including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, 
shellac solutions, varnish, polish, liquid filler and liquid lacquer 
base,'' UN1263, would be revised by adding the following Special 
provisions to the PG I, II, and III entries, respectively:

--TP27 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test 
pressure is 4 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
--TP28 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 2.65 bar (265 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test 
pressure is 2.65 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
--TP29 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 1.5 bar (150.0 kPa) may be used provided the calculated 
test pressure is 1.5 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.

    48. The entry ``Paint or Paint related materials,'' UN3066, would 
be revised by adding the following Special provisions to the PG II and 
III entries, respectively:

--TP28 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 2.65 bar (265 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test 
pressure is 2.65 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
--TP29 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 1.5 bar (150.0 kPa) may be used provided the calculated 
test pressure is 1.5 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.

    49. A new entry, ``Paint related material, corrosive, flammable 
(including paint thinning or reducing compound),'' UN3470, PG II, would 
be added.
    50. A new entry, ``Paint related material, flammable, corrosive 
(including paint thinning or reducing compound),'' UN3469, PG I, II, 
and III would be added.
    51. The entry ``Paint related material including paint thinning, 
drying, removing, or reducing compound,'' UN1263, would be revised by 
adding the following Special provisions to the PG I, II, and III 
entries, respectively:

[[Page 51900]]

--TP27 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test 
pressure is 4 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
--TP28 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 2.65 bar (265 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test 
pressure is 2.65 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
--TP29 to specify that when this material is transported in an IM or UN 
Specification portable tank, a portable tank having a minimum test 
pressure of 1.5 bar (150.0 kPa) may be used provided the calculated 
test pressure is 1.5 bar or less based on the maximum allowable working 
pressure of the material, as defined in Sec.  178.275 of the HMR, where 
the test pressure is 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure.

    52. The entry ``Plastic molding compound in dough, sheet or 
extruded rope form evolving flammable vapor, UN3314, PG III, would be 
revised by removing vessel stowage location A and adding location E in 
Column (10A), and by adding Vessel Stowage provisions 19, 25 and 
proposed new Vessel Stowage provision 144 in Column (10B).
    53. The entry ``Polymeric beads, expandable, evolving flammable 
vapor, UN2211, PG III, would be revised by removing stowage location A 
and adding location E in Column (10A), and by adding Vessel Stowage 
provisions 19, 25 and proposed new Vessel Stowage provision 144 in 
Column (10B).
    54. For the entry ``Propionic acid,'' UN1848, the proper shipping 
name would be revised to read, ``Propionic acid with not less than 10% 
and less than 90% acid by mass.'' This revision appears as a ``Remove/
Add'' in this rulemaking.
    55. A new entry, ``Propionic acid with not less than 90% acid by 
mass,'' UN3463, would be added.
    56. The entry ``Rare gases mixtures, compressed,'' UN1979, would be 
    57. The entry ``Rare gases and oxygen mixtures, compressed,'' 
UN1980, would be removed.
    58. The entry ``Rare gases and nitrogen mixtures, compressed,'' 
UN1981, would be removed.
    59. The proper shipping name ``Regulated medical waste,'' UN3291, 
would be removed and a new proper shipping name ``Regulated medical 
waste, n.o.s. or Clinical waste unspecified, n.o.s. or (BIO) Medical 
waste, n.o.s.,'' UN3291, would be added in its place.
    60. For the international entry for ``Sulfur,'' UN1350, the 
quantity limitations in Columns (9A) and (9B) would be revised to read 
25 kg and 100 kg, respectively.
    61. The entry ``Trimethylchlorosilane,'' UN1298, PG II, would be 
revised by removing the reference to Sec.  173.150 ``Exceptions for 
Class 3 (flammable) and combustible liquids'' in Column (8A).
    Also, see Sec.  172.102 for additional HMT amendments.

Appendix B to Sec.  172.101

    Appendix B to Sec.  172.101 lists Marine Pollutants regulated under 
the HMR. For the entry ``Copper chloride'' we are proposing to add the 
designation ``PP'' to indicate that copper chloride is a severe marine 
pollutant. We are also proposing to correct an oversight by removing 
the entries ``Alcohol C-13--C-15 poly (1-6) ethoxylate'' and ``1,2-
Dichlorobenzene.'' Removal of the entry ``Alcohol C-13--C-15 poly (1-6) 
ethoxylate'' was overlooked in a final rule published under Docket HM-
215G (69 FR 76044; December 20, 2004) and removal of the entry ``1,2-
Dichlorobenzene'' was overlooked in a final rule published under Docket 
HM-215D (66 FR 33316; June 21, 2001).
Section 172.102
    Section 172.102 lists a number of special provisions applicable to 
the transportation of specific hazardous materials. Special provisions 
contain packaging provisions, prohibitions, and exceptions applicable 
to particular quantities or forms of hazardous materials. For 
consistency with international standards, we propose to amend Sec.  
172.102, Special provisions, as follows:
     Special provision 15 specifies the types of materials and 
packaging requirements for chemical kits and first aid kits. We propose 
to revise Special provision 15 to list examples that may be described 
as ``Chemical kits'' and ``First aid kits.''
     Special provision 47 specifies requirements for mixtures 
of non-hazardous solids and flammable liquids. In accordance with the 
UN Recommendations, Special provision 47 would be revised to specify 
that, in addition to sealed packets, articles containing less than 10 
mL of a Class 3 Packing Group II or III liquid absorbed into a solid 
material would be excepted from the HMR provided there is no free 
liquid in the packet.
     Special provision 77 applies to use of Division 5.1 
subsidiary risk label. We propose to revise this special provision for 
consistency with the wording in the UN Recommendations. As proposed, 
Special provision 77 would no longer apply only to ``domestic 
transportation.'' Further, we propose to clarify that a Division 5.1 
label is required if other oxidizing gases are present. Also, the 
provision would be applied to the entry ``Compressed gas, n.o.s.,'' 
UN1956, which is the most appropriate description for mixtures 
currently described as ``Carbon dioxide and oxygen mixtures, 
compressed.'' In this NPRM, we are proposing to remove the entry for 
``Carbon dioxide and oxygen mixtures, compressed,'' which is consistent 
with its removal from the UN Recommendations.
     Special provision 146 would be amended to authorize the 
domestic classification of a material as environmentally hazardous if 
it is designated as such by foreign competent authorities. The 
provision as currently worded may be interpreted to only allow such 
classification for international shipments. Due to current differences 
in criteria for the classification of environmentally hazardous 
substances world-wide, we believe the amended provision will afford 
additional flexibility to industry and reduce shipping costs by 
allowing both domestic and international shipments to be treated 
     Special provision 147 applies to non-sensitized emulsions, 
suspensions and gels consisting primarily of a mixture of ammonium 
nitrate and fuel, intended to produce a Type E blasting explosive only 
after further processing prior to use. In accordance with the UN 
Recommendations, this special provision would be revised to specify the 
composition of mixtures for suspensions and gels and to specify these 
substances be tested in accordance with Test Series 8 of the UN Manual 
of Tests and Criteria.
     Special provision 166 authorizes non-friable, tablet form 
calcium hypochlorite, dry or hydrated, to be transported as a Packing 
Group III material. In accordance with the UN Recommendations, we 
propose to revise Special provision 166 to remove the authorization for 
``hydrated'' non-friable tablet forms of calcium hypochlorite to be 
transported as a PG III material.

[[Page 51901]]

     A new Special provision 175 would be added to require 
stabilization for certain substances when transported in concentrations 
of not more than 99%.
     Special provision 101 would be removed. This special 
provision requires the name of the particular substance or article to 
be specified. With the introduction of the letter ``G'' in Column (1), 
which requires the n.o.s. and generic proper shipping names to be 
supplemented with the technical name of the hazardous material, Special 
provision 101 becomes obsolete.
     A new Special provision A105 would be added to specify the 
quantity of hazardous materials allowed in equipment or apparatus.
Section 172.202
    Section 172.202 establishes requirements for shipping descriptions 
on shipping papers. Currently, the basic description of a hazardous 
material consists of the proper shipping name, hazard class, ID number 
and packing group, in that order. The HMR also authorize an alternative 
description sequence, which lists the identification number first, 
followed by the proper shipping name, hazard class, and packing group. 
Beginning January 1, 2007, the alternative shipping description 
sequence will be mandatory on shipping documents prepared according to 
the ICAO Technical Instructions and the IMDG Code. In this NPRM, we 
propose to adopt the alternative shipping description sequence. We are 
also proposing a 2-year transition period to allow offerors sufficient 
time to convert to the new shipping description sequence. Readers are 
invited to comment on this proposal, especially on the length of the 
transition period.
    The description of a hazardous material on a shipping paper must 
include the total quantity of hazardous material (by mass or volume) 
covered by the description (see Sec.  172.202(a)(5)). The majority of 
quantity limitations set forth for transportation by aircraft, in 
Columns (9A) and (9B), are ``net'' quantities. Section 175.75 limits 
the quantity of hazardous materials, expressed in net mass, aboard an 
aircraft. To facilitate compliance with the aircraft operator's 
requirements, we are proposing that, for transportation by aircraft, 
the total quantity per package be shown, expressed as net mass, except 
as otherwise specified. For example:

UN1263, Paint, 3, PG II, 5 fiberboard boxes x 5 L each

    Different size packages containing different quantities of the same 
hazardous material must be clearly identified. For example:

UN 1263, Paint, 3, PG II, 5 fiberboard boxes x 5 L, 6 fiberboard boxes 
x 10 L
    Where the letter ``G'' follows the quantity in Column (9A) or (9B), 
the gross mass must be indicated, rather than the net quantity.
    Also, we are proposing the following additional requirements:

--For empty uncleaned packaging, only the number and type of packaging 
must be shown;
--For chemical kits and first aid kits, the total net mass of hazardous 
materials must be shown. Where a kit contains solids and/or liquids, 
the net mass of liquids within the kit is to be calculated on a 1 to 1 
basis, i.e., 1 liter equals 1 kilogram;
--For dangerous goods in machinery or apparatus, the individual total 
quantities of dangerous goods in solid, liquid or gaseous state, 
contained in the article must be shown;
--For dangerous goods transported in a salvage packaging, an estimate 
of the quantity of dangerous goods per package must be shown;
--For cylinders, the total quantity may be indicated by the number of 
cylinders, for example, ``10 cylinders;''
--For items where ``No Limit'' is shown in Column (9A) or (9B) of the 
HMT, the quantity shown should be the net mass or volume of the 
material, except for UN2800, UN2807, UN3072, UN3166 and UN3173, where 
the quantity should be the gross mass of the article.
Section 172.312
    Section 172.312 addresses marking requirements for liquid hazardous 
materials in non-bulk packagings. Specifically, the packaging must be 
marked with orientation arrows to indicate how the package should be 
oriented during transportation; the arrows indicate which end of the 
package is ``up.'' Currently the HMR require orientation markings only 
on a non-bulk combination package with inner packagings that contain a 
liquid hazardous material, unless specifically excepted. In this NPRM, 
we propose to revise paragraph (a) to require orientation markings on 
single packagings fitted with vents and on open cryogenic receptacles 
intended for the transport of refrigerated liquefied gases. Also, we 
propose to require the size of the marking to be proportioned so that 
it is clearly visible in relation to the size of the package, and to 
require the color of the arrows to be either black or red on a suitable 
contrasting background. Currently, the HMR do not specify either size 
or color requirements. Finally, we are proposing to add a new paragraph 
(c)(7) to except Class 7 radioactive materials in type A, IP-2, IP-3, 
B(U), B(M) or C packages from the orientation marking requirement.
Sections 172.407 and 172.427
    Section 172.407 establishes specifications for package labels. 
Section 172.427 establishes requirements for the ORGANIC PEROXIDE 
label. In accordance with the UN Recommendations, we are proposing to 
revise the ORGANIC PEROXIDE label. The new label will reflect the fact 
that organic peroxides are highly flammable and will enable transport 
workers to readily distinguish peroxides from oxidizers with which they 
are generally not compatible. We also propose to allow labels meeting 
the specifications in effect on December 31, 2006, to continue to be 
displayed until January 1, 2011 (see Sec.  171.14). Adoption of the 
redesigned label will eliminate the current requirement in Sec.  
172.402 for a package containing an organic peroxide to bear a 
FLAMMABLE LIQUID subsidiary label in addition to the ORGANIC PEROXIDE 
primary hazard class label.
Section 172.552
    Section 172.552 establishes specific requirements for the ORGANIC 
PEROXIDE placard. In accordance with the UN Recommendations, in 
paragraph (b), we are proposing to revise the ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard. 
The new placard will reflect the fact that organic peroxides are highly 
flammable and will enable transport workers to readily distinguish 
peroxides from oxidizers with which they are generally not compatible. 
We also propose to allow placards meeting the specifications in effect 
on December 31, 2006, to continue to be displayed until January 1, 2011 
(see Sec.  171.14).

Part 173

Section 173.9
    Section 173.9 sets forth requirements for transporting cargo that 
has been fumigated or is undergoing fumigation. Such shipments must 
have a FUMIGANT marking. As specified in this section, the FUMIGANT 
marking includes an indication of the material used for fumigation and 
the date and time the fumigant was applied. Currently, transport 
vehicles or freight containers containing fumigated cargoes are not 
required to show the date the fumigant transport vehicle or freight 
container was ventilated to remove harmful concentration of fumigant 

[[Page 51902]]

To minimize the possibility of an individual entering a fumigated 
transport vehicle or freight container prematurely, we are proposing to 
add the date of ventilation on the FUMIGANT marking. We are also 
proposing to revise the specifications for the FUMIGANT marking to 
allow either red or black marking on a white background. Finally, we 
are proposing to revise the section for clarity.
Sections 173.35, 173.120, 173.121, and Appendix H to Part 173
    Section 173.35 sets forth requirements for transporting hazardous 
materials in intermediate bulk containers (IBCs); Sec.  173.120 
establishes classification criteria for flammable liquid (Class 3) 
materials; Sec.  173.121 addresses packing group assignments for Class 
3 materials; and Appendix H to Part 173 sets forth methods to test a 
material to determine its combustibility. We are proposing revisions in 
all of these sections to revise the upper limit for a PG III flammable 
liquid from 60.5 [deg]C (141 [deg]F) to 60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F). This is 
consistent with recent changes to the classification of flammable 
liquids based on the GHS and adoption into the UN Recommendations. 
PHMSA is also proposing a five-year transition period.
Section 173.115
    The HMR define a Division 2.2 non-flammable gas as any material or 
mixture that ``exerts in the packaging an absolute pressure of 280 kPa 
(40.6 psia) or greater at 20 [deg]C (68 [deg]F), * * *.'' In paragraph 
(b)(1), we propose to add the phrase ``or is a cryogenic liquid,'' to 
clarify that a cryogenic liquid, whether or not it meets the definition 
of a Division 2.2 non-flammable gas, is subject to the HMR. This is 
consistent with the current requirements for cryogenic liquids in Sec.  
    Currently, paragraph (k)(5) of this section requires aerosols 
containing Class 8, PG III materials to be assigned a Class 8 
subsidiary hazard. We are proposing to amend paragraph (k)(5) to 
specify that aerosols containing Class 8, PG II or PG III materials 
must be assigned a Class 8 subsidiary hazard.
Section 173.124
    Section 173.124 establishes classification criteria for Division 
4.1 (flammable solid), Division 4.2 (spontaneously combustible), and 
Division 4.3 (dangerous when wet) materials. We are proposing to 
require mixtures of oxidizing substances containing 5.0% or more 
combustible organic substances to be subject to the self-reactive 
substance classification procedure. This will ensure that oxidizing 
substances containing 5.0% or more of combustible organic substances 
are also tested for their ability to self-react and to ensure that in 
such instances, these substances are appropriately classed for their 
self-reactive hazard.
Section 173.133
    Section 173.133 establishes criteria for assignment of packing 
groups to poisonous (Division 6.1) materials. We are proposing to amend 
the toxicity criteria for consistency with the toxicity criteria 
adopted in the UN Recommendations on the basis of the limits 
established in the GHS. As a result, some materials that were not 
previously regulated under the HMR will be regulated as Division 6.1, 
Packing Group III; some materials currently regulated as Division 6.1, 
Packing Group I or II will be assigned to a different packing group; 
and some materials that were previously regulated as Division 6.1, 
Packing Group III will not be subject to regulation under the HMR. 
PHMSA is proposing a five year transition period.
    The effect of these changes to packing group assignments for 
Division 6.1 materials is summarized as follows:

                                     Current PG          Proposed PG
      Material properties            assignment           assignment
Oral LD50 > 200, <= 300         Not regulated......  III.
Oral LD50 > 300, <= 500         III................  Not regulated.
Dermal LD50 > 40, <= 50.......  II.................  I.
Inhalation toxicity by dusts    I..................  II.
 and mists LC50 > 0.2, <= 0.5.
Inhalation toxicity by dusts    III................  Not regulated.
 and mists LC50 > 4, <= 10.

Sections 173.134 and 173.197
    These sections are revised by replacing the wording ``Regulated 
medical waste'' with the wording ``Regulated medical waste or clinical 
waste or (bio) medical waste.''
Section 173.136
    Currently, the HMR define ``corrosive material'' to mean ``a liquid 
or solid that causes full thickness destruction of human skin at the 
site of contact within a specified period of time. A liquid that has a 
severe corrosion rate on steel or aluminum based on the criteria in 
Sec.  173.137(c)(2) is also a corrosive material.'' Certain solids with 
a low melting point may become liquid during transportation, and others 
may be intentionally heated above their melting point and transported 
as a liquid in the molten state. We believe that the Class 8 definition 
should apply equally to liquids and to solids offered for 
transportation or transported in a liquid state. Therefore, we are 
proposing to revise the definition of a ``corrosive material'' in 
paragraph (a), to include a solid material that is offered for 
transportation or transported as a liquid and has a severe corrosion 
rate on steel or aluminium.
    Also, we are proposing to remove the grandfather provision in Sec.  
173.136(d) on the basis that it is no longer necessary because tests 
other than the one specified in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria 
will be authorized. See the Sec.  173.137 preamble discussion below.
Section 173.137
    Section 173.137 establishes packing group criteria for corrosive 
(Class 8) materials. In a final rule published under Docket HM-215G (69 
FR 76155; December 20, 2004), we revised the language in paragraph 
(c)(2) mandating the corrosion test in the UN Manual of Tests and 
Criteria as the only acceptable test method for determining the 
corrosivity of a material. That was not our intent. In this NPRM, we 
are proposing to revise paragraph (c)(2) to specify that corrosivity 
may be determined in accordance with methods described in the UN Manual 
of Tests and Criteria, as well as other equivalent methods such as 
those described in ASTM G 31-72.
Section 173.159
    Section 173.159 establishes transportation requirements for wet 
electric storage batteries. In accordance with the ICAO Technical 
Instructions, we are proposing to revise paragraphs (a), (c)(1), 
(c)(2), (c)(4), (c)(5), (d)(1) and (e)(2) to clarify that batteries may 
be protected against short circuits by the use of non-conductive caps 
that cover the entire terminal(s).

[[Page 51903]]

Section 173.166
    Section 173.166 establishes transportation requirements for air bag 
inflators, air bag modules, and seat-belt pretensioners. Currently, 
paragraph (d)(1) excepts from the HMR air bag modules and seat-belt 
pretensioners approved by the Associate Administrator and installed in 
a motor vehicle or a completed motor vehicle component. We propose to 
revise paragraph (d)(1) to expand the exception to include air bag 
modules and seat-belt pretensioners installed in other means of 
conveyance, such as boats and aircraft, or their components.
Section 173.187
    Section 173.187 establishes transportation requirements for 
pyrophoric solids, metals, or alloys, not otherwise specified (n.o.s.). 
We propose to revise this section for clarity and to correct an 
oversight by adding 4A steel boxes to the list of authorized packagings 
for pyrophoric solids, metals or alloys, n.o.s.
Section 173.216
    Section 173.216 establishes transportation requirements for blue, 
brown, or white asbestos. Paragraph (c) of this section specifies 
packaging requirements for these materials. In paragraph (c), we are 
proposing to require bags or other non-rigid packages containing 
asbestos to be transported in rigid outer packages or closed freight 
Section 173.220
    Section 173.220 establishes transportation requirements for 
internal combustion engines, self-propelled vehicles, mechanical 
equipment containing internal combustion engines, and battery powered 
vehicles and equipment. For transportation by aircraft, the HMR impose 
a pressure limit of not more than 5% of the maximum allowable working 
pressure in any part of the system between the pressure receptacle and 
the shut off valve of a flammable gas powered vehicle. We are proposing 
to revise paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(B)(3) to specify that the pressure limit 
imposed applies to the entire closed system and that the maximum 
pressure allowed is 290 psig (2000 kPa). Also, consistently with the 
ICAO Technical Instructions, we are proposing to revise paragraphs (c) 
and (d) to clarify that batteries may be protected against short 
circuits by the use of non-conductive caps that cover the entire 
Section 173.222
    This section establishes requirements for hazardous materials in 
equipment, machinery and apparatus. Because of the addition of Special 
provision A105 in the HMT, the shipping paper requirements in paragraph 
(d) no longer apply to transportation by aircraft. We are proposing to 
revise paragraph (d) accordingly.
Section 173.224
    Section 173.224 establishes packaging and control and emergency 
temperatures for self-reactive materials. The Self-Reactive Materials 
Table in paragraph (b)(7) of this section specifies self-reactive 
materials authorized for transportation without first being approved 
for transportation by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous 
Materials Safety and requirements for transporting these materials. In 
paragraph (b)(7), we propose to add a new entry ``Acetone-pyrogallol 
copolymer 2-diazo-1-naphthol-5-sulphonate'' to the Self-Reactive 
Materials Table.
Section 173.230
    We are proposing to add a new packaging section (Sec.  173.230) for 
the transportation of ``Fuel cell cartridges containing flammable 
liquids, UN 3473'' including methanol or methanol/water solutions. For 
consistency with the ICAO Technical Instructions, we are proposing to 
require fuel cell cartridges containing flammable liquids, other than 
those packaged with equipment, to be packaged in specification 
packagings for all modes of transportation. Fuel cell cartridges 
packaged in or with equipment must be packaged in strong outer 
Section 173.306
    This section establishes transportation requirements for limited 
quantities of compressed gases. Paragraph (i) of this section excepts 
aerosols with capacities under 50 mL (1.7 oz) and pressures not 
exceeding 970 kPa (141 psig) at 55 [deg]C (131 [deg]F) from all HMR 
requirements. In this NPRM, we propose to expand this exception to 
aerosols with capacities of less than 50 mL (1.7 oz) and pressures of 
up to 290 psig (2000 kPa) provided the packagings conform to the 
general packaging requirements of Sec.  173.24. The proposed amendment 
is not consistent with provisions of the UN Recommendations or the ICAO 
Technical Instructions, which do not limit the pressure within the 
aerosol or small receptacle. We are not convinced that aerosols should 
be excepted from all regulation when the pressure in the container 
exceeds 290 psig (2000 kPa). Because the aerosols and small gas 
receptacles would not be subject to the shipping paper, package 
marking, or labeling requirements, a carrier might be unaware of the 
potential risks. In addition, to avoid confusion and further clarify 
the intent of this exception, we are proposing to revise paragraph (i) 
to specify that the 50 mL exception for aerosols does not apply to 
self-defense sprays. It was not our intent to authorize the use of this 
exception for self-defense sprays.
    Also, we are proposing to add a new paragraph (j) to alert readers 
to additional exceptions for compressed gases in Sec.  173.307.

Part 175

Section 175.10
    Currently, safety matches or a lighter intended for use by a 
passenger or crew member are excepted from the HMR. In accordance with 
the ICAO Technical Instructions, in this NPRM, we are proposing to 
revise paragraph (a)(2) to limit the number of safety matches that may 
be carried on one's person or in carry-on baggage by a passenger or 
crewmember to one packet.
Section 175.78
    Section 175.78 establishes requirements for stowing hazardous 
materials on an airplane. We propose to amend paragraph (c)(4) to 
clarify which explosive materials may be stowed together aboard an 
aircraft and to remove existing stowage references for explosive 
materials not authorized for transportation aboard aircraft under any 

Part 176

Section 176.76
    Section 176.76 establishes requirements for vessel transportation 
of transport vehicles, freight containers, and portable tanks 
containing hazardous materials. Paragraph (f) includes requirements for 
portable tanks containing flammable liquids or gases. Consistently with 
recent changes to the classification of flammable liquids based on the 
GHS and adopted into the UN Recommendations discussed elsewhere in this 
preamble, we are proposing to revise paragraph (f)(2) to specify the 
new upper limit for a PG III flammable liquid to be 60 [deg]C (140 
Section 176.83
    Section 176.83 establishes segregation requirements for hazardous 
materials transported by vessel. We are proposing to revise paragraph 
(a)(4) to identify materials of different hazard classes that do not 
react dangerously with each

[[Page 51904]]

other and, therefore, do not need to be segregated.
Section 176.84
    Section 176.84 contains additional stowage and segregation 
requirements for hazardous materials on cargo and passenger vessels. 
Consistently with the 2004 Edition of the IMDG Code, incorporating 
Amendment 33-06, in the paragraph (b) Table of provisions, we are 
proposing to add a new Code ``144.''
    Code ``144'' would be added to the entries ``Plastic molding 
compound in dough, sheet or extruded rope from evolving flammable 
vapor,'' UN3314, and ``Polymeric beads expandable, evolving flammable 
vapor,'' UN2211, to specify these materials must be mechanically 
ventilated in accordance with SOLAS regulation II-2/19 (IBR; see Sec.  
171.7 of this subchapter) for flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 
23 [deg]C (73 [deg]F) when stowed under deck.
    Also, we are proposing to add a new note ``2'' following the Table. 
Note ``2'' provides an exception from the segregation requirements for 
Class 8, PG II and III materials, provided the substances do not react 
dangerously with each other and the quantities per package do not 
exceed 30 L (7.8 gallons) for liquids and 30 kg (66 lbs.) for solids. 
We are also proposing to revise Codes ``26,'' ``27,'' ``52,'' and 
``53'' to add the new proposed note ``2.'' These provisions are 
consistent with the IMDG Code.

Part 178

Section 178.274
    Section 178.274 establishes design, manufacturing, and test 
requirements for UN portable tanks. Currently, a prototype UN portable 
tank must be shown capable of absorbing the forces resulting from an 
impact not less than four times the maximum permissible gross weight of 
the fully loaded portable tank at a duration that is typical of the 
mechanical shocks experienced in rail transportation. Several standards 
describing methods acceptable for performing the impact test were 
previously listed in the UN Recommendations ( The Fourteenth 
revised edition of the UN Recommendations includes a dynamic 
longitudinal impact test for portable tanks. All procedures, test 
requirements, processing and analysis of data are found in Section 41 
of Addendum 2 to the UN Recommendations.
    We propose to revise paragraph (j)(6) to require each UN portable 
tank design type be subjected to a dynamic longitudinal impact test to 
prove the ability of the portable tank to withstand the effects of a 
longitudinal impact. This requirement would take effect on January 1, 
2008, and is consistent with the international requirements. UN 
portable tanks impact-tested based on the criteria in effect on October 
1, 2005, would not need to be retested.
Section 178.602
    Section 178.602 establishes requirements for the preparation of 
packagings for testing to ascertain that the packaging conforms to the 
design requirements of the applicable specification. Currently, for the 
preparation of bags for the drop and stacking tests, paragraph (b) 
requires bags to be filled to the maximum mass at which they may be 
used. We are proposing to revise paragraph (b) to clarify that the 
preparation of bags for the drop and stacking tests only applies to 
bags containing solids.
Section 178.810
    Section 178.810 establishes requirements for performing the drop 
test for IBCs. We are proposing to revise paragraph (b)(1) to clarify 
that metal, rigid plastic, and composite IBCs must be filled to not 
less than 95% of their maximum capacity when conducting drop tests for 
solids, and not less than 98% of their maximum capacity for liquids. 
Similarly, in paragraph (b)(2), we are proposing to require fiberboard 
and wooden IBCs to be filled with a solid material to not less than 95% 
of their maximum capacity. Also, we are proposing to add a new 
paragraph (b)(3) to require filling flexible IBCs to the maximum 
permissible gross mass and even distribution of the contents.

Part 180

Section 180.352
    Section 180.352 establishes requirements for retesting and 
inspection of IBCs to ensure that they continue to conform to the 
applicable specification. We are proposing to revise paragraph (b) to 
specify that each IBC intended to contain solids that are loaded or 
discharged under pressure or intended to contain liquids must be tested 
in accordance with the leakproofness test prescribed in Sec.  178.813 
prior to its first use in transportation. For this test, the IBC is not 
required to have its closures fitted. These additions incorporate 
clarifications adopted in the Fourteenth revised edition of the UN 
Recommendations. We are proposing to editorially revise paragraph (g) 
for clarity.

VI. Regulatory Analyses and Notices

A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This Rulemaking

    This proposed rule is published under the following statutory 
    1. 49 U.S.C. 5103(b) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to 
prescribe regulations for the safe transportation, including security, 
of hazardous material in intrastate, interstate, and foreign commerce. 
This proposed rule amends regulations to maintain alignment with 
international standards by incorporating various amendments, including 
changes to proper shipping names, hazard classes, packing groups, 
special provisions, packaging authorizations, air transport quantity 
limitations and vessel stowage requirements. To this end, as discussed 
in detail earlier in this preamble, the proposed rule amends the HMR to 
more fully align them with the biennial updates of the UN 
Recommendations, the IMDG Code and the ICAO Technical Instructions; 
this will facilitate the transport of hazardous materials in 
international commerce.
    2. 49 U.S.C. 5120(b) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to 
ensure that, to the extent practicable, regulations governing the 
transportation of hazardous materials in commerce are consistent with 
standards adopted by international authorities. This rule proposes to 
amend the HMR to maintain alignment with international standards by 
incorporating various amendments to facilitate the transport of 
hazardous material in international commerce. To this end, as discussed 
in detail earlier in this preamble, the rule proposes to incorporate 
changes into the HMR based on the Fourteenth revised edition of the UN 
Recommendations, Amendment 33 to the IMDG Code, and the 2007-2008 ICAO 
Technical Instructions, which become effective January 1, 2007. The 
continually increasing amount of hazardous materials transported in 
international commerce warrants the harmonization of domestic and 
international requirements to the greatest extent possible. 
Harmonization serves to facilitate international transportation; at the 
same time, harmonization ensures the safety of people, property, and 
the environment by reducing the potential for confusion and 
misunderstanding that could result if shippers and transporters were 
required to comply with two or more conflicting sets of regulatory 
requirements. While the intent of this rulemaking is to align the HMR 
with international standards, we review and consider each amendment on 
its own merit based on its overall impact on

[[Page 51905]]

transportation safety and the economic implications associated with its 
adoption into the HMR. Our goal is to harmonize without sacrificing the 
current HMR level of safety and without imposing undue burdens on the 
regulated public. Thus, as discussed in detail earlier in this 
preamble, there are several instances where we elected not to adopt a 
specific provision of the UN Recommendations, the IMDG Code or the ICAO 
Technical Instructions; further, we are maintaining a number of current 
exceptions for domestic transportation that should minimize the 
compliance burden on the regulated community.

B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures

    This proposed rule is not considered a significant regulatory 
action under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, was 
not reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. The proposed rule 
is not considered a significant rule under the Regulatory Policies and 
Procedures of the Department of Transportation [44 FR 11034]. This 
proposed rule applies to offerors and carriers of hazardous materials, 
such as chemical manufacturers, chemical users and suppliers, packaging 
manufacturers, distributors, battery manufacturers, radiopharmaceutical 
companies, and training companies. Benefits resulting from the adoption 
of the amendments in this proposed rule include enhanced transportation 
safety resulting from the consistency of domestic and international 
hazard communications and continued access to foreign markets by U.S. 
manufacturers of hazardous materials.
    The majority of amendments in this proposed rule should result in 
cost savings and ease the regulatory compliance burden for shippers 
engaged in domestic and international commerce, including trans-border 
shipments within North America.
    We propose a delayed effective date and a one-year transition 
period to allow for training of employees and to ease any burden on 
entities affected by the amendments. The total net increase in costs to 
businesses in implementing the proposed rule is considered to be 
minimal. The costs are the result of reprogramming shipping paper 
computer programs, replacement of pre-printed forms for firms that do 
not use automated systems, and changes to package markings and labels. 
Initial start-up and inventory costs would result from these changes; 
however, the costs would be offset by greater long-term savings of 
conformance with one set of regulations and a one year transition 
period. A regulatory evaluation is available for review in the public 
docket for this rulemaking.

C. Executive Order 13132

    This proposed rule has been analyzed in accordance with the 
principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 13132 
(``Federalism''). This proposed rule preempts State, local and Indian 
tribe requirements but does not propose any regulation that has 
substantial direct effects on the States, the relationship between the 
national government and the States, or the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, the 
consultation and funding requirements of Executive Order 13132 do not 
    The Federal hazardous material transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101-
5128, contains an express preemption provision (49 U.S.C. 5125(b)) that 
preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements on certain covered 
subjects. Covered subjects are:
    (1) The designation, description, and classification of hazardous 
    (2) The packing, repacking, handling, labeling, marking, and 
placarding of hazardous material;
    (3) The preparation, execution, and use of shipping documents 
related to hazardous material and requirements related to the number, 
contents, and placement of those documents;
    (4) The written notification, recording, and reporting of the 
unintentional release in transportation of hazardous material; and
    (5) The design, manufacture, fabrication, inspection, marking, 
maintenance, recondition, repair, or testing of a packaging or 
container represented, marked, certified, or sold as qualified for use 
in transporting hazardous material in commerce.
    This proposed rule addresses covered subject items (1), (2), (3), 
and (5) above and preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements 
not meeting the ``substantively the same'' standard. This proposed rule 
is necessary to incorporate changes adopted in international standards, 
effective January 1, 2007. If the changes in this proposed rule are not 
adopted in the HMR, U.S. companies, including numerous small entities 
competing in foreign markets, would be at an economic disadvantage. 
These companies would be forced to comply with a dual system of 
regulations. The changes in this proposed rulemaking are intended to 
avoid this result. Federal hazardous materials transportation law 
provides at section 5125(b)(2) that, if DOT issues a regulation 
concerning any of the covered subjects, DOT must determine and publish 
in the Federal Register the effective date of Federal preemption. The 
effective date may not be earlier than the 90th day following the date 
of issuance of the final rule and not later than two years after the 
date of issuance. PHMSA proposes the effective date of Federal 
preemption be 90 days from publication of a final rule in this matter 
in the Federal Register.

D. Executive Order 13175

    This proposed rule was analyzed in accordance with the principles 
and criteria contained in Executive Order 13175 (``Consultation and 
Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments''). Because this proposed 
rule does not have tribal implications, does not impose substantial 
direct compliance costs, and is required by statute, the funding and 
consultation requirements of Executive Order 13175 do not apply.

E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT 
Procedures and Policies

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires an 
agency to review regulations to assess their impact on small entities, 
unless the agency determines that a rule is not expected to have a 
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. This 
proposed rule facilitates the transportation of hazardous materials in 
international commerce by providing consistency with international 
standards. This proposed rule applies to offerors and carriers of 
hazardous materials, some of whom are small entities, such as chemical 
users and suppliers, packaging manufacturers, distributors, battery 
manufacturers, and training companies. As discussed above, under 
Executive Order 12866, the majority of amendments in this proposed rule 
should result in cost savings and ease the regulatory compliance burden 
for shippers engaged in domestic and international commerce, including 
trans-border shipments within North America.
    Many companies will realize economic benefits as a result of these 
amendments. Additionally, the changes effected by this final rule will 
relieve U.S. companies, including small entities competing in foreign 
markets, from the burden of complying with a dual system of 
regulations. Therefore, I certify that these amendments will not, if 
promulgated, have a significant economic impact on a substantial number 
of small entities.
    This proposed rule has been developed in accordance with Executive

[[Page 51906]]

Order 13272 (``Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency 
Rulemaking'') and DOT's procedures and policies to promote compliance 
with the Regulatory Flexibility Act to ensure that potential impacts of 
draft rules on small entities are properly considered.

F. Paperwork Reduction Act

    Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no person is required to 
respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. Section 
1320.8(d), Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations requires that PHMSA 
provide interested members of the public and affected agencies an 
opportunity to comment on information collection and recordkeeping 
requests. PHMSA currently has two approved information collections 
affecting this proposed rule: OMB Control Number 2137-0557, ``Approvals 
for Hazardous Materials'' with 25,605 burden hours and $562,837.40 
burden costs; and OMB Control Number 2137-0613, ``Subsidiary Hazard 
Class & Number/Type of Packagings'' with 63,309 burden hours and 
$216,705 burden costs.
    This rule proposes minor editorial changes. However, there is no 
net increase in burden for OMB Control Number 2137-0557 or OMB Control 
Number 2137-0613. We estimate the total information collection and 
recordkeeping burden as follows:
``Approvals for Hazardous Materials''
    OMB Number: 2137-0557.
    Total Annual Number of Respondents: 3,523.
    Total Annual Responses: 3,874.8.
    Total Annual Burden Hours: 25,605.
    Total Annual Burden Cost: $562,837.40.
``Subsidiary Hazard Class & Number/Type of Packagings''
    OMB Number: 2137-0613.
    Total Annual Number of Respondents: 250,000.
    Total Annual Responses: 6,337,500.
    Total Annual Burden Hours: 17,604.
    Total Annual Burden Cost: $216,705.
    Total First Year Burden Hours: 45,705.
    Total First Year Burden Cost: $1,115,992.
    Requests for a copy of this information collection should be 
directed to Deborah Boothe or T. Glenn Foster, Office of Hazardous 
Materials Standards (PHH-10), Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 
Administration, Room 8422, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 
20590-0001, telephone (202) 366-8553.

G. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)

    A regulation identifier number (RIN) is assigned to each regulatory 
action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. The 
Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda in 
April and October of each year. The RIN contained in the heading of 
this document can be used to cross-reference this action with the 
Unified Agenda.

H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    This proposed rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the 
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does not result in costs of 
$120.7 million or more to either State, local or tribal governments, in 
the aggregate, or to the private sector, and is the least burdensome 
alternative that achieves the objective of the rule.

I. Environmental Assessment

    The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires 
Federal agencies to consider the consequences of major Federal actions 
and prepare a detailed statement on actions significantly affecting the 
quality of the human environment. We developed an assessment to 
determine the effects of these revisions on the environment and whether 
a more comprehensive environmental impact statement may be required. 
Consistency in the regulations for the transportation of hazardous 
materials aids in shipper understanding of the requirements and permits 
shippers to more easily comply with safety regulations and avoid the 
potential for environmental damage or contamination. Our findings 
tentatively conclude that there are no significant environmental 
impacts associated with this proposed rule. Interested parties, 
however, are invited to review the Environmental Assessment available 
in the docket and to comment on what environmental impact, if any, the 
proposed regulatory changes would have.

J. Privacy Act

    Anyone is able to search the electronic form of any written 
communications and comments received into any of our dockets by the 
name of the individual submitting the document (or signing the 
document, if submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor 
union, etc.). You may review DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement in 
the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 70; 
Pages 19477-78) or you may visit http://dms.dot.gov.

List of Subjects

49 CFR Part 171

    Exports, Hazardous materials transportation, Hazardous waste, 
Imports, Incorporation by reference, Reporting and recordkeeping 

49 CFR Part 172

    Education, Hazardous materials transportation, Hazardous waste, 
Incorporation by reference, Labeling, Markings, Packaging and 
containers, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

49 CFR Part 173

    Hazardous materials transportation, Incorporation by reference, 
Packaging and containers, Radioactive materials, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Uranium.

49 CFR Part 175

    Air carriers, Hazardous materials transportation, Incorporation by 
reference, Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping 

49 CFR Part 176

    Hazardous materials transportation, Incorporation by reference, 
Maritime carriers, Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping 

49 CFR Part 178

    Hazardous materials transportation, Incorporation by reference, 
Motor vehicle safety, Packaging and containers, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

49 CFR Part 180

    Hazardous materials transportation, Incorporation by reference, 
Motor carriers, Motor vehicle safety, Packaging and containers, 
Railroad safety, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    In consideration of the foregoing, 49 CFR Chapter I is proposed to 
be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 171 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.45 and 1.53; 
Pub. L. 101-410 section 4 (28 U.S.C. 2461 note); Pub. L. 104-134 
section 31001.

    2. In Sec.  171.7, in the paragraph (a)(3) table, the following 
changes are made:
    a. Under the entry ``International Civil Aviation Organization 
(ICAO),'' the

[[Page 51907]]

entry ``Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous 
Goods by Air (ICAO Technical Instructions), 2005-2006 Edition'' is 
    b. Under the entry ``International Maritime Organization (IMO),'' 
the entries ``International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 
(SOLAS) Amendments 2000, Chapter II-2/Regulation 19, 2001'' and 
``International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), 2004 
Edition, Incorporating Amendment 32-04 (English Edition), Volumes 1 and 
2'' are revised;
    c. Under the entry ``United Nations,'' the entry ``UN 
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Thirteenth Revised 
Edition (2003), Volumes I and II'' is revised;
    d. Under the entry ``United Nations,'' the entry ``UN 
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests 
and Criteria, Fourth Revised Edition, (2003)'' is revised.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  171.7  Reference material.

    (a) * * *
    (3) Table of material incorporated by reference. * * *

      Source and name of material                49 CFR reference

                              * * * * * * *
International Civil Aviation
 Organization (ICAO).

                              * * * * * * *
Technical Instructions for the Safe      171.8; 171.11; 172.202;
 Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air      172.401; 172.512; 172.602;
 (ICAO Technical Instructions), 2007-     173.320; 175.33; 178.3.
 2008 Edition.
International Maritime Organization

                             * * * * * * *.
International Convention for the Safety  176.63; 176.84.
 of Life at Sea, (SOLAS) Amendments
 2000, Chapter II-2/Regulation 19, 2001.
International Maritime Dangerous Goods   171.12; 172.202; 172.401;
 Code (IMDG 2006 Edition, Incorporating   172.502; 172.602; 173.21;
 Amendment 33-06 (English Edition),       176.2; 176.5; 176.11; 176.27;
 Volumes 1 and 2.                         176.30; 178.3.

                              * * * * * * *
United Nations.........................

                              * * * * * * *
UN Recommendations on the Transport of   171.12; 172.202; 172.41;
 Dangerous Goods, Fourteenth revised      172.502; 173.22; 173.24;
 edition (2005). Volumes I and II.        173.24b; 173.197; Part 173,
                                          appendix H; 178.274; 178.001.
UN Recommendations on the Transport of   172.102; 173.21; 173.56;
 Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and     173.57; 173.58; 173.115;
 Criteria, Fourth revised edition,        173.124; 173.125; 173.127;
 (2003), and Addendum 2, (2004).          173.128; 173.185; 178.274.

                              * * * * * * *

* * * * *
    3. In Sec.  171.14, paragraph (b) is removed and reserved; 
paragraphs (d) introductory text, (d)(1) and (d)(2) are revised; 
paragraphs (d)(7) and (d)(8) are removed; paragraphs (e) and (f) are 
revised; and new paragraph (g) is added to read as follows:

Sec.  171.14  Transitional provisions for implementing certain 

* * * * *
    (b) [Reserved]
* * * * *
    (d) A final rule published in the Federal Register on [PUBLICATION 
DATE OF FINAL RULE], effective January 1, 2007, resulted in revisions 
to this subchapter. During the transition period, until January 1, 
2008, as provided in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, a person may 
elect to comply with either the applicable requirements of this 
subchapter in effect on December 31, 2006, or the requirements 
published in the [PUBLICATION DATE OF FINAL RULE] final rule.
    (1) Transition dates. The effective date of the final rule 
published on [PUBLICATION DATE OF FINAL RULE] is January 1, 2007. A 
delayed compliance date of January 1, 2008, is authorized. Unless 
otherwise specified, on and after January 1, 2008, all applicable 
regulatory requirements adopted in the final rule in effect on January 
1, 2007, must be met.
    (2) Intermixing old and new requirements. Marking, labeling, 
placarding, and shipping paper descriptions must conform to either the 
old requirements of this subchapter in effect on December 31, 2006, or 
the new requirements of this subchapter in the final rule without 
intermixing communication elements, except that intermixing is 
permitted during the applicable transition period for packaging, hazard 
communication and handling provisions, as follows:
    (i) If either shipping names or identification numbers are 
identical, a shipping paper may display the old shipping description 
even if the package is marked and labeled under the new shipping 
    (ii) If either shipping names or identification numbers are 
identical, a shipping paper may display the new shipping description; 
    (iii) Either old or new placards may be used regardless of whether 
old or new shipping descriptions, labels, and package markings are 
* * * * *
    (e) The shipping description sequences in effect on December 31, 
2006, may be used until January 1, 2012.
    (f) A Division 5.2 label and a Division 5.2 placard conforming to 
the specifications in Sec. Sec.  172.427 and 172.552, respectively, of 
this subchapter in effect on December 31, 2006, may be used until 
January 1, 2011.
    (g) The Class 3 and Division 6.1 classification criteria and 
packing group assignments in effect on December 31, 2006, may be used 
until January 1, 2012.


    4. The authority citation for part 172 continues to read as 

[[Page 51908]]

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 44701; 49 CFR 1.53.

    5. In Sec.  172.101, paragraph (d)(4) is revised and the Hazardous 
Materials Table is amended by removing, adding and revising, in the 
appropriate alphabetical sequence, to read as follows:

Sec.  172.101  Purpose and use of hazardous materials table.

* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (4) Each reference to a Class 3 material is modified to read 
``Combustible liquid'' when that material is reclassified in accordance 
with Sec.  173.150(e) or (f) of this subchapter or has a flash point 
above 60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F) but below 93 [deg]C (200 [deg]F).
* * * * *

[[Page 51909]]

                                                                                                Sec.   172.101--Hazardous Materials Table
                       Hazardous                                                                                                  (8) Packaging (Sec.   173.***)             (9) Quantity limitations           (10) Vessel stowage
                       materials        Hazard                                                              Special      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Symbols       descriptions and    class or    Identification         PG           Label codes      provisions (Sec.
                    proper shipping    division        numbers                                              172.102)        Exceptions       Non-bulk          Bulk          Passenger    Cargo aircraft     Location          Other
                         names                                                                                                                                             aircraft/rail       only
(1)               (2)...............         (3)  (4).............  (5)...........  (6)..............  (7)..............  (8A)..........  (8B)..........  (8C)..........  (9A)..........  (9B)..........  (10A).........  (10B)

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Carbon dioxide and         2.2  UN1015..........  ..............  2.2..............  .................  306...........  None..........  314, 315......  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............
                   nitrous oxide

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Carbon dioxide and         2.2  UN1014..........  ..............  2.2, 5.1.........  77, A14..........  306...........  304...........  314, 315......  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............
                   oxygen mixtures,

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Carbon monoxide            2.3  UN2600..........  ..............  2.3, 2.1.........  6................  None..........  302...........  302...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  40.
                   and hydrogen

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Crotonaldehyde,            6.1  UN1143..........  I.............  6.1, 3...........  2, B9, B14, B32,   None..........  227...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  B.............  40.
                   stabilized.                                                                          B74, B77, T20,
                                                                                                        TP2, TP13, TP38,
                  Crotonic acid,               8  UN2823..........  III...........  8................  IB8, T1..........  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  12.
                  Crotonic acid,               8  UN2823..........  III...........  8................  IB8, IP3, T1,      154...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  12.
                   solid.                                                                               TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Formic acid.......           8  UN1779..........  II............  8................  B2, B28, IB2, T7,  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  40.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrogendifluoride           8  UN1740..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     None..........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  25, 40, 52.
                   s, n.o.s.                                                                            N3, N34, T3,
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB8, IP3, N3,      154...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  25, 40, 52.
                                                                                                        N34, T1, TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydroquinone,              6.1  UN2662..........  III...........  6.1..............  IB8, IP3, T1,      153...........  213...........  240...........  100 kg........  200 kg........  A.............
                   solid.                                                                               TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydroquinone               6.1  UN3435..........  III...........  6.1..............  IB3, T4, TP1.....  153...........  203...........  241...........  60 L..........  220 L.........  A.............

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Propionic acid....           8  UN1848..........  III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Rare gases and             2.2  UN1981..........  ..............  2.2..............  .................  306...........  302...........  None..........  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............

[[Page 51910]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Rare gases and             2.2  UN1980..........  ..............  2.2..............  79...............  306...........  302...........  None..........  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............
                   oxygen mixtures,

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Rare gases                 2.2  UN1979..........  ..............  2.2..............  .................  306...........  302...........  None..........  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Regulated medical          6.2  UN3291..........  II............  6.2..............  A13..............  134...........  197...........  197...........  No limit......  No limit......  A.............  40.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Crotonaldehyde or.         6.1  UN1143..........  I.............  6.1, 3...........  2, 175, B9, B14,   None..........  227...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  B.............  40.
                  Crotonaldehyde,                                                                       B32, B74, B77,
                   stabilized.                                                                          T20, TP2, TP13,
                                                                                                        TP38, TP45.
                  Crotonic acid,               8  UN3472..........  III...........  8................  IB8, T1..........  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  12.
                  Crotonic acid,               8  UN2823..........  III...........  8................  IB8, IP3, T1,      154...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  12.
                   solid.                                                                               TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Formic acid with             8  UN3412..........  II............  8................  IB2, T7, TP2.....  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  40.
                   not less than 10%
                   but not more than
                   85% acid by mass.
                  Formic acid with             8  UN3412..........  III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  40.
                   not less than 5%
                   but less than 10%
                   acid by mass.
                  Formic acid with             8  UN1779..........  II............  8, 3.............  B2, B28, IB2, T7,  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  40.
                   more than 85%                                                                        TP2.
                   acid by mass.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Fuel cell                    3  UN3473..........  II............  3................  .................  150...........  230...........  None..........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............
                   flammable liquids.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrogendifluoride           8  UN1740..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     None..........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  25, 40, 52.
                   s, solid, n.o.s.                                                                     N3, N34, T3,
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB8, IP3, N3,      154...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  25, 40, 52.
                                                                                                        N34, T1, TP33.
                  Hydrogendifluoride           8  UN3471..........  II............  8, 6.1...........  IB2, T7, TP2.....  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  25, 40, 52.
                   solution, n.o.s.
                                                                    III...........  8, 6.1...........  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  25, 40, 52.

[[Page 51911]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Paint, corrosive,            8  UN3470..........  II............  8, 3.............  IB2, T7, TP2,      154...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  B.............  40.
                   flammable                                                                            TP8, TP28.
                   (including paint,
                   lacquer, enamel,
                   stain, shellac,
                   varnish, polish,
                   liquid filler and
                   liquid lacquer
                  Paint related                8  UN3470..........  II............  8, 3.............  IB2, T7, TP2,      154...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  B.............  40.
                   material                                                                             TP8, TP28.
                   (including paint
                   thinning or

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Paint, flammable,            3  UN3469..........  I.............  3, 8.............  T11, TP2, TP27...  None..........  201...........  243...........  0.5 L.........  2.5 L.........  E.............  40.
                   (including paint,
                   lacquer, enamel,
                   stain, shellac,
                   varnish, polish,
                   liquid filler and
                   liquid lacquer
                                                                    II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP2,      150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40.
                                                                                                        TP8, TP28.
                                                                    III...........  3, 8.............  IB3, T4, TP1,      150...........  203...........  242...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  40.
                  Paint related                3  UN3469..........  I.............  3, 8.............  T11, TP2, TP27...  None..........  201...........  243...........  0.5 L.........  2.5 L.........  E.............  40.
                   (including paint
                   thinning or
                                                                    II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP2,      150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40.
                                                                                                        TP8, TP28.
                                                                    III...........  3, 8.............  IB3, T4, TP1,      150...........  203...........  242...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  40.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                   Propionic acid              8   UN3463.........   II...........  8, 3.............  IB2, T7, TP2.....  154...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............
                   with not less
                   than 90% acid by
                  Propionic acid               8  UN1848..........  III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............
                   with not less
                   than 10% and less
                   than 90% acid by

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Regulated medical          6.2  UN3291..........  II............  6.2..............  A13..............  134...........  197...........  197...........  No limit......  No limit......  B.............  40.
                   waste, n.o.s. or
                   Clinical waste,
                   n.o.s. or (BIO)
                   Medical waste,

[[Page 51912]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Aerosols, non-             2.2  UN1950..........  ..............  2.2..............  .................  306...........  None..........  None..........  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............  48, 87, 126.
                   flammable, (each
                   not exceeding 1 L

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Amines, flammable,           3  UN2733..........  I.............  3, 8.............  T14, TP1, TP27...  None..........  201...........  243...........  0.5 L.........  2.5 L.........  D.............  40, 52.
                   corrosive, n.o.s.
                   or Polyamines,
                   corrosive, n.o.s.
                                                                    II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T11, TP1,     150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40, 52
                                                                    III...........  3, 8.............  B1, IB3, T7, TP1,  150...........  203...........  242...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  40, 52

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Aminopyridines (o-         6.1  UN2671..........  II............  6.1..............  IB8, IP2, IP4,     153...........  212...........  242...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  B.............  12, 40, 52.
                   ;,m-;p-).                                                                            T3, TP33.
I...............  Ammonia, anhydrous         2.3  UN1005..........  ..............  2.3, 8...........  4, T50...........  None..........  304...........  314, 315......  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  40, 52, 57.
D...............  Ammonia, anhydrous         2.2  UN1005..........  ..............  2.2..............  13, T50..........  None..........  304...........  314, 315......  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  40, 52, 57.
D...............  Ammonia solution,          2.2  UN3318..........  ..............  2.2..............  13, T50..........  None..........  304...........  314, 315......  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  40, 52, 57.
                   relative density
                   less than 0.880
                   at 15 degrees C
                   in water, with
                   more than 50
                   percent ammonia.
I...............  Ammonia solution,          2.3  UN3318..........  ..............  2.3, 8...........  4, T50...........  None..........  304...........  314, 315......  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  40, 52, 57.
                   relative density
                   less 0.880 at 15
                   degrees C in
                   water, with more
                   than 50 percent
                  Ammonia solutions,           8  UN2672..........  III...........  8................  IB3, IP8, T7, TP1  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  40, 52, 85.
                   relative density
                   between 0.880 and
                   0.957 at 15
                   degrees C in
                   water, with more
                   than 10 percent
                   but not more than
                   35 percent

[[Page 51913]]

                  Ammonia solutions,         2.2  UN2073..........  ..............  2.2..............  .................  306...........  304...........  314, 315......  Forbidden.....  150 kg........  E.............  40, 52, 57.
                   relative density
                   less than 0.880
                   at 15 degrees C
                   in water, with
                   more than 35
                   percent but not
                   more than 50
                   percent ammonia.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Antimony                     8  UN1733..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  40.
                   trichloride,                                                                         T3, TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Articles,                 1.6N  UN0486..........  II............  1.6N.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   insensitive or
                   Articles, EEI.
G...............  Articles,                 1.4S  UN0349..........  II............  1.4S.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  05............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.4B  UN0350..........  II............  1.4B.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  06............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.4C  UN0351..........  II............  1.4C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  06............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
 G..............  Articles,                 1.4D  UN0352..........  II............  1.4D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  06............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
 G..............  Articles,                 1.4G  UN0353..........  II............  1.4G.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  06............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.1L  UN0354..........  II............  1.1L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   explosive, n.o.s..                                                                                                                                                                                      17E.
G...............  Articles,                 1.2L  UN0355..........  II............  1.2L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   explosive, n.o.s..                                                                                                                                                                                      17E.
G...............  Articles,                 1.3L  UN0356..........  II............  1.3L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   explosive, n.o.s..                                                                                                                                                                                      17E.
G...............  Articles,                 1.1C  UN0462..........  II............  1.1C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.1D  UN0463..........  II............  1.1D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.1E  UN0464..........  II............  1.1E.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
 G..............  Articles,                 1.1F  UN0465..........  II............  1.1F.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.2C  UN0466..........  II............  1.2C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.2D  UN0467..........  II............  1.2D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.2E  UN0468..........  II............  1.2E.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.2F  UN0469..........  II............  1.2F.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.3C  UN0470..........  II............  1.3C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
G...............  Articles,                 1.4E  UN0471..........  II............  1.4E.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  06............
                   explosive, n.o.s..
 G..............  Articles,                 1.4F  UN0472..........  II............  1.4F.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............
                   explosive, n.o.s..

[[Page 51914]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Batteries, dry,              8  UN3028..........  III...........  8................  .................  None..........  213...........  None..........  25 kg gross...  230 kg gross..  A.............  52.
                   hydroxide solid,
                   electric, storage.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Batteries, wet,              8  UN2795..........  III...........  8................  .................  159...........  159...........  159...........  30 kg gross...  No limit......  A.............  52.
                   filled with
                   alkali, electric

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Battery fluid,               8  UN2797..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, N6, T7,   154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  29, 52.
                   alkali.                                                                              TP2, TP28.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Benzyl bromide....         6.1  UN1737..........  II............  6.1, 8...........  A3, A7, IB2, N33,  None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  D.............  13, 40.
                                                                                                        N34, T8, TP2,
                                                                                                        TP12, TP13.
                  Benzyl chloride...         6.1  UN1738..........  II............  6.1, 8...........  A3, A7, B70, IB2,  None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  D.............  13, 40.
                                                                                                        N33, N42, T8,
                                                                                                        TP2, TP12, TP13.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Caesium hydroxide.           8  UN2682..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  29, 52.
                                                                                                        T3, TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Caesium hydroxide            8  UN2681..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T7, TP2.  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  29, 52.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  202...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  29, 52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Caustic alkali               8  UN1719..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T11,      154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  29, 52.
                   liquids, n.o.s.                                                                      TP2, TP27.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T7, TP1,      154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  29, 52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Charges, shaped,          1.1D  UN0288..........  II............  1.1D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  07............
                   flexible, linear.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Chlorosilanes,               8  UN2987..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T14,      None..........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  C.............  40.
                   corrosive, n.o.s.                                                                    TP2, TP27.
                  Chlorosilanes,               3  UN2985..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB1, T11, TP2,     None..........  201...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40.
                   flammable,                                                                           TP13, TP27.
                   corrosive, n.o.s.
                  Chlorosilanes,             6.1  UN3361..........  II............  6.1, 8...........  IB1, T11, TP2,     None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  C.............  40.
                   toxic, corrosive,                                                                    TP13.
                  Chlorosilanes,             6.1  UN3362..........  II............  6.1, 3, 8........  IB1, T11, TP2,     None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  C.............  40, 125.
                   toxic, corrosive,                                                                    TP13.
                   flammable, n.o.s.

[[Page 51915]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Chromium trioxide,         5.1  UN1463..........  II............  5.1, 6.1, 8......  IB8, IP4, T3,      None..........  212...........  242...........  5 kg..........  25 kg.........  A.............
                   anhydrous.                                                                           TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Components,               1.2B  UN0382..........  II............  1.2B.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  11............
                   explosive train,
G...............  Components,               1.4B  UN0383..........  II............  1.4B.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  06............
                   explosive train,
G...............  Components,               1.4S  UN0384..........  II............  1.4S.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  05............
                   explosive train,
G...............  Components,               1.1B  UN0461..........  II............  1.1B.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  11............
                   explosive train,

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Compressed gas,            2.2  UN1956..........  ..............  2.2..............  77...............  306, 307......  302, 305......  314, 315......  75 kg.........  150 kg........  A.............

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Contrivances,             1.2L  UN0248..........  II............  1.2L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   water-activated,                                                                                                                                                                                        17E.
                   with burster,
                   expelling charge
                   or propelling
                  Contrivances,             1.3L  UN0249..........  II............  1.3L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   water-activated,                                                                                                                                                                                        17E.
                   with burster,
                   expelling charge
                   or propelling

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Corrosive, liquid,           8  UN3264..........  I.............  8................  A6, B10, T14,      None..........  201...........  243...........  0.5 L.........  2.5 L.........  B.............  40.
                   acidic,                                                                              TP2, TP27.
                   inorganic, n.o.s.
                                                                    II............  8................  B2, IB2, T11,      154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  B.............  40.
                                                                                                        TP2, TP27
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T7, TP1,      154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  40.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Dangerous Goods in           9  UN3363..........  ..............  .................  136, A105........  None..........  222...........  None..........  See A105......  See A105......  A.............
                   machinery or
                   Dangerous Goods
                   in Apparatus.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Dimethylamine                3  UN1160..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP1.....  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  1, 3-                        3  UN2379..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP1.....  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Dimethylhydrazine,         6.1  UN2382..........  I.............  6.1, 3...........  2, B9, B14, B32,   None..........  227...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  40, 52, 74.
                   symmertrical.                                                                        B74, B77, T20,
                                                                                                        TP2, TP13, TP38,

[[Page 51916]]

                  Dimethylhydrazine,         6.1  UN1163..........  I.............  6.1, 3, 8........  2, B7, B9, B14,    None..........  227...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  21, 38, 40,
                   unsymmetrical.                                                                       B32, B74, T20,                                                                                                     52, 100.
                                                                                                        TP2, TP13, TP38,

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Disodium                     8  UN3253..........  III...........  8................  IB8, IP3, T1,      154...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  52.
                   trioxosilicate.                                                                      TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Ethanolamine or              8  UN2491..........  III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Ethylamine,                  3  UN2270..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP1.....  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40, 52.
                   aqueous solution
                   with not less
                   than 50 percent
                   but not more than
                   70 percent

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Ethylenediamine...           8  UN1604..........  II............  8, 3.............  IB2, T7, TP2.....  154...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  40, 52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  1-Ethylpiperidine.           3  UN2386..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP1.....  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Ethyltrichlorosila           3  UN1196..........  II............  3, 8.............  A7, IB1, N34, T7,  None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40.
                   ne.                                                                                  TP2, TP13.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrazine,                   8  UN2029..........  I.............  8, 3, 6.1........  A3, A6, A7, A10,   None..........  201...........  243...........  Forbidden.....  2.5 L.........  D.............  40, 52, 125.
                   anhydrous.                                                                           B7, B16, B53.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrazine, aqueous         6.1  UN3293..........  III...........  6.1..............  IB3, T4, TP1.....  153...........  203...........  241...........  60 L..........  200 L.........  A.............  52.
                   solution, with
                   not more than 37
                   percent hydrazne,
                   by mass.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrazine, aqueous           8  UN2030..........  I.............  8, 6.1...........  B16, B53, T10,     None..........  201...........  243...........  Forbidden.....  2.5 L.........  D.............  40, 52.
                   solutions, with                                                                      TP2, TP13.
                   more than 37%
                   hydrazne, by mass.
                                                                    II............  8, 6.1...........  B16, B53, IB2,     None..........  202...........  243...........  Forbidden.....  30 L..........  D.............  40, 52
                                                                                                        T7, TP2, TP13.
                                                                    III...........  8, 6.1...........  B16, B53, IB3,     None..........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  D.............  40, 52
                                                                                                        T4, TP1.

[[Page 51917]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrogen in a              2.1  UN3468..........  ..............  2.1..............  167..............  None..........  214...........  None..........  Forbidden.....  100 kg gross..  D.............
                   metal hydride
                   storage system.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hydrogen peroxide          5.1  UN3149..........  II............  5.1, 8...........  145, A2, A3, A6,   None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  D.............  25, 66, 75.
                   and peroxyacetic                                                                     B53, IB2, IP5,
                   acid mixtures,                                                                       T7, TP2, TP6,
                   stabilized with                                                                      TP24.
                   acids, water, and
                   not more than 5
                   peroxyacetic acid.
                  Hydrogen peroxide,         5.1  UN2014..........  II............  5.1, 8...........  12, B53, B80,      None..........  202...........  243...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  25, 66, 75.
                   aqueous solutions                                                                    B81, B85, IB2,
                   with more than 40                                                                    IP5, T7, TP2,
                   percent but not                                                                      TP6, TP24, TP37.
                   more than 60
                   percent hydrogen
                   (stabilized as
                  Hydrogen peroxide,         5.1  UN2014..........  II............  5.1, 8...........  A2, A3, A6, B53,   None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  D.............  25, 66, 75.
                   aqueous solutions                                                                    IB2, IP5, T7,
                   with not less                                                                        TP2, TP6, TP24,
                   than 20 percent                                                                      TP37.
                   but not more than
                   40 percent
                   hydrogen peroxide
                   (stabilized as
                  Hydrogen peroxide,         5.1  UN2984..........  III...........  5.1..............  A1, IB2 IP5, T4,   152...........  203...........  243...........  2.5 L.........  30 L..........  B.............  25, 66, 75.
                   aqueous solutions                                                                    TP1, TP6, TP24,
                   with not less                                                                        TP37.
                   than 8 percent
                   but less than 20
                   percent hydrogen
                   (stabilized as
                  Hydrogen peroxide,         5.1  UN2015..........  I.............  5.1, 8...........  12, B53, B80,      None..........  201...........  243...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  25, 66, 75.
                   stabilized or                                                                        B81, B85, T9,
                   Hydrogen peroxide                                                                    TP2, TP6, TP24,
                   aqueous                                                                              TP37.
                   stabilized with
                   more than 60
                   percent hydrogen

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Hypochlorite                 8  UN1791..........  II............  8................  A7, B2, B15, IB2,  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  B.............  26.
                   solutions.                                                                           IP5, N34, T7,
                                                                                                        TP2, TP24.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, N34, T4,      154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  B.............  26.
                                                                                                        TP2, TP24.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Lead phosphite,            4.1  UN2989..........  II............  4.1..............  IB8, IP2, IP4,     None..........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  B.............  34.
                   dibasic.                                                                             T3, TP33.
                                                                    III...........  4.1..............  IB8, IP3, T1,      151...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  B.............  34.

[[Page 51918]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Lithium hydroxide.           8  UN2680..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  52.
                                                                                                        T3, TP33.
                  Lithium hydroxide,           8  UN2679..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T7, TP2.  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  29, 52.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP2.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  29, 52, 96.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Methylamine,                 3  UN1235..........  II............  3, 8.............  B1, IB2, T7, TP1.  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  E.............  52, 135.
                   aqueous solution.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Methylhydrazine...         6.1  UN1244..........  I.............  6.1, 3, 8........  1, B7, B9, B14,    None..........  226...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............  21, 40, 49,
                                                                                                        B30, B72, B77,                                                                                                     52, 100.
                                                                                                        N34, T22, TP2,
                                                                                                        TP13, TP38, TP44.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Methylphenyldichlo           8  UN2437..........  II............  8................  IB2, T7, TP2,      None..........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  C.............  40.
                   rosilane.                                                                            TP13.
                  1-Methylpiperidine           3  UN2399..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP1.....  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
+...............  Motor fuel anti-           6.1  UN1649..........  I.............  6.1..............  14, 151, B9, B90,  None..........  201...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  30 L..........  D.............  25, 40.
                   knock mixtures.                                                                      T14, TP2, TP13.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Organometallic             4.2  UN3391..........  I.............  4.2..............  T21, TP7, TP33...  None..........  187...........  244...........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  D.............
                   substance, solid,

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Paint including              3  UN1263..........  I.............  3................  T11, TP1, TP8,     150...........  201...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  E.............
                   paint, lacquer,                                                                      TP27.
                   enamel, stain,
                   varnish, polish,
                   liquid filler and
                   liquid lacquer
                                                                    II............  3................  149, B52, IB2,     150...........  173...........  242...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  B.............
                                                                                                        T4, TP1, TP8,
                                                                    III...........  3................  B1, B52, IB3, T2,  150...........  173...........  242...........  60 L..........  220 L.........  A.............
                                                                                                        TP1, TP29.
                  Paint or Paint               8  UN3066..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T7, TP2,  154...........  173...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............
                   related materials.                                                                   TP28.
                                                                    III...........  8................  B52, IB3, T4,      154...........  173...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............
                                                                                                        TP1, TP29.

[[Page 51919]]

                  Paint related                3  UN1263..........  I.............  3................  T11, TP1, TP8,     150...........  201...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  E.............
                   material                                                                             TP27.
                   including paint
                   thinning, drying,
                   removing, or
                   reducing compound.
                                                                    II............  3................  149, B52, IB2,     150...........  173...........  242...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  B.............
                                                                                                        T4, TP1, TP8,
                                                                    III...........  3................  B1, B52, IB3, T2,  150...........  173...........  242...........  60 L..........  220 L.........  A.............
                                                                                                        TP1, TP29.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Plastic molding              9  UN3314..........  III...........  9................  32, IB8, IP3, IP7  155...........  221...........  221...........  100 kg........  200 kg........  E.............  19, 25, 85,
                   compound in                                                                                                                                                                                             87, 144.
                   dough, sheet or
                   extruded rope
                   from evolving
                   flammable vapor.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Polymeric beads              9  UN2211..........  III...........  9................  32, IB8, IP3,      155...........  221...........  221...........  100 kg........  200 kg........  E.............  19, 25, 85,
                   expandable,                                                                          IP7, T1, TP33.                                                                                                     87, 144.
                   flammable vapor.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Potassium                    8  UN1813..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  52.
                   hydroxide, solid.                                                                    T3, TP33.
                  Potassium                    8  UN1814..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T7, TP2.  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  52.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  52

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Potassium monoxide           8  UN2033..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  29, 52.
                                                                                                        T3, TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Pyrrolidine.......           3  UN1922..........  II............  3, 8.............  IB2, T7, TP1.....  150...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  B.............  40, 52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Rubidium hydroxide           8  UN2678..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  29, 52.
                                                                                                        T3, TP33.
                   Rubidium                    8  UN2677..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T7, TP2.  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  29, 52.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  29, 52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Soda lime with               8  UN1907..........  III...........  8................  IB8, IP3, T1,      154...........  213...........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  52.
                   more than 4                                                                          TP33.
                   percent sodium

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Sodium aluminate,            8  UN1819..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, T7, TP2.  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  52.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Sodium                     4.2  UN2318..........  II............  4.2..............  A7, A19, A20,      None..........  212...........  241...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  52.
                   hydrosulfide,                                                                        IB6, IP2, T3,
                   with less than 25                                                                    TP33.
                   percent water of

[[Page 51920]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Sodium hydroxide,            8  UN1823..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  52.
                   solid.                                                                               T3, TP33.
                  Sodium hydroxide             8  UN1824..........  II............  8................  B2, IB2, N34, T7,  154...........  202...........  242...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  A.............  52.
                   solution.                                                                            TP2.
                                                                    III...........  8................  IB3, N34, T4, TP1  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Sodium monoxide...           8  UN1825..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  52.
                                                                                                        T3, TP33.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Sodium sulfide,              8  UN1849..........  II............  8................  IB8, IP2, IP4,     154...........  212...........  240...........  15 kg.........  50 kg.........  A.............  26, 52.
                   hydrated with not                                                                    T3, TP33.
                   less than 30
                   percent water.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
G...............  Substances,               1.1L  UN0357..........  II............  1.1L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  ..............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   explosive, n.o.s..                                                                                                                                                                                      17E.
G...............  Substances,               1.2L  UN0358..........  II............  1.2L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  ..............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   explosive, n.o.s..                                                                                                                                                                                      17E.
G...............  Substances,               1.3L  UN0359..........  II............  1.3L.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  ..............  8E, 14E, 15E,
                   explosive, n.o.s..                                                                                                                                                                                      17E.
G...............  Substances,               1.1A  UN0473..........  II............  1.1A.............  111..............  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  12............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.1C  UN0474..........  II............  1.1C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  10............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.1D  UN0475..........  II............  1.1D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  10............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.1G  UN0476..........  II............  1.1G.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.3C  UN0477..........  II............  1.3C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  10............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.3G  UN0478..........  II............  1.3G.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  08............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.4C  UN0479..........  II............  1.4C.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  09............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.4D  UN0480..........  II............  1.4D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  09............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.4S  UN0481..........  II............  1.4S.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  25 kg.........  75 kg.........  05............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.4G  UN0485..........  II............  1.4G.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  75 kg.........  08............
                   explosive, n.o.s.
G...............  Substances,               1.5D  UN0482..........  II............  1.5D.............  .................  None..........  62............  None..........  Forbidden.....  Forbidden.....  10............
                   explosive, very
                   n.o.s. or
                   Substances, EVI,

[[Page 51921]]

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
I...............  Sulfur............         4.1  UN1350..........  III...........  4.1..............  30, IB8, IP3, T1,  None..........  None..........  240...........  25 kg.........  100 kg........  A.............  19, 74.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Tetraethylenepenta           8  UN2320..........  III...........  8................  IB3, T4, TP1.....  154...........  203...........  241...........  5 L...........  60 L..........  A.............  52.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Trimethylchloro-             3  UN1298..........  II............  3, 8.............  A3, A7, B77, IB2,  None..........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  5 L...........  E.............  40.
                   silane.                                                                              N34, T7, TP2,

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *
                  Vinylpyridines,            6.1  UN3073..........  II............  6.1, 3, 8........  IB1, T7, TP2,      153...........  202...........  243...........  1 L...........  30 L..........  B.............  40, 52.
                   stabilized.                                                                          TP13.

                                                                                                              * * * * * * *

[[Page 51922]]

* * * * *
    6. In Appendix B to Sec.  172.101, the List of Marine Pollutants, 
the entry ``Copper chloride'' is amended by adding the designation 
``PP'' in Column (1) and the entries ``Alcohol C-13-C-15 poly (1-6) 
ethoxylate'' and ``1,2-Dichlorobenzene'' are removed.
    7. In Sec.  172.102, paragraph (c)(1), Special provisions 15, 47, 
77, 147, and 166 are revised; new Special provision 175 is added; 
Special provision 101 is removed; and in paragraph (c)(2), new Special 
provision A105 is added.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  172.102  Special provisions.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) * * *

Code/Special Provisions

* * * * *
    15 This entry applies to ``Chemical kits'' and ``First aid kits'' 
containing one or more compatible items of hazardous materials in 
boxes, cases, etc. that, for example, are used for medical, analytical, 
diagnostic, testing, or repair purposes. For transportation by 
aircraft, materials forbidden for transportation by passenger aircraft 
or cargo aircraft may not be included in the kits. Chemical kits and 
first aid kits are excepted from the specification packaging 
requirements of this subchapter when packaged in combination 
packagings. Chemical kits and first aid kits are also excepted from the 
labeling and placarding requirements of this subchapter, except when 
offered for transportation or transported by air. Chemical and first 
aid kits may be transported in accordance with the consumer commodity 
and ORM exceptions in Sec.  173.156, provided they meet all required 
conditions. Kits that are carried on board transport vehicles for first 
aid or operating purposes are not subject to the requirements of this 
* * * * *
    47 Mixtures of solids that are not subject to this subchapter and 
flammable liquids may be transported under this entry without first 
applying the classification criteria of Division 4.1, provided there is 
no free liquid visible at the time the material is loaded or at the 
time the packaging or transport unit is closed. Except when the liquids 
are fully absorbed in solid material contained in sealed bags, each 
packaging must correspond to a design type that has passed a 
leakproofness test at the Packing Group II level. Small inner 
packagings consisting of sealed packets and articles containing less 
than 10 mL of a Class 3 liquid in Packing Group II or III absorbed onto 
a solid material are not subject to this subchapter provided there is 
no free liquid in the packet or article.
* * * * *
    77 Mixtures containing not more than 23.5% oxygen by volume may be 
transported under this entry when no other oxidizing gases are present. 
A Division 5.1 subsidiary risk label is not required for any 
concentrations within this limit.
* * * * *
    146 This description may be used for a material that poses a hazard 
to the environment but does not meet the definition for a hazardous 
waste or a hazardous substance, as defined in Sec.  171.8 of this 
subchapter, or any hazard class, as defined in Part 173 of this 
subchapter, if it is designated as environmentally hazardous by another 
Competent Authority. This provision may be used for both domestic and 
international shipments.
    147 This entry applies to non-sensitized emulsions, suspensions, 
and gels consisting primarily of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and 
fuel, intended to produce a Type E blasting explosive only after 
further processing prior to use. The mixture for emulsions typically 
has the following composition: 60-85% ammonium nitrate; 5-30% water; 2-
8% fuel; 0.5-4% emulsifier or thickening agent; 0-10% soluble flame 
suppressants; and trace additives. Other inorganic nitrate salts may 
replace part of the ammonium nitrate. The mixture for suspensions and 
gels typically has the following composition: 60-85% ammonium nitrate; 
0-5% sodium or potassium perchlorate; 0-17% hexamine nitrate or 
monomethylamine nitrate; 5-30% water; 2-15% fuel; 0.5-4% thickening 
agent; 0-10% soluble flame suppressants; and trace additives. Other 
inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the ammonium nitrate. These 
substances must satisfactorily pass Test Series 8 of the UN Manual of 
Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see Sec.  171.7 of this 
subchapter), and may not be classified and transported unless approved 
by the Associate Administrator.
* * * * *
    166 When transported in non-friable tablet form, calcium 
hypochlorite, dry, may be transported as a Packing Group III material.
* * * * *
    175 This substance must be stabilized when in concentrations of not 
more than 99%.
    (2) * * *

Code/Special Provisions

* * * * *
    A105 The total net quantity of dangerous goods contained in one 
package, excluding magnetic material, must not exceed the following:
    a. 1 kg (2.2 pounds) in the case of solids;
    b. 0.5 L (0.1 gallons) in the case of liquids;
    c. 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) in the case of Division 2.2 gases; or
    d. any combination thereof.
    8. In Sec.  172.202, paragraphs (a) and (b) are revised to read as 

Sec.  172.202  Description of hazardous material shipping papers.

    (a) The shipping description of a hazardous material on the 
shipping paper must include:
    (1) The identification number prescribed for the material as shown 
in Column (4) of the Sec.  172.101 table;
    (2) The proper shipping name prescribed for the material in Column 
(2) of the Sec.  172.101 table;
    (3) The hazard class or division number prescribed for the 
material, as shown in Column (3) of the Sec.  172.101 table. Except for 
combustible liquids, the subsidiary hazard class(es) or subsidiary 
division number(s) must be entered in parentheses immediately following 
the primary hazard class or division number.
    In addition--
    (i) The words ``Class'' or ``Division'' may be included preceding 
the primary and subsidiary hazard class or division numbers.
    (ii) The hazard class need not be included for the entry 
``Combustible liquid, n.o.s.''
    (iii) For domestic shipments, primary and subsidiary hazard class 
or division names may be entered following the numerical hazard class 
or division, or following the basic description.
    (4) The packing group in Roman numerals, as designated for the 
hazardous material in Column (5) of the Sec.  172.101 table. Class 1 
(explosives) materials, self-reactive substances, organic peroxides and 
entries that are not assigned a packing group are excepted from this 
requirement. The packing group may be preceded by the letters ``PG'' 
(for example, ``PG II''); and
    (5) Except for transportation by aircraft, the total quantity of 
hazardous materials covered by the description must be indicated (by 
mass or volume, or by activity for Class 7 materials) and must include 
an indication of the applicable unit of measurement. For example, ``200 
kg'' or ``50 L.'' The following provisions also apply:

[[Page 51923]]

    (i) For Class 1 materials, the quantity must be the net explosive 
mass. For an explosive that is an article, such as Cartridges, small 
arms, the net explosive mass may be expressed in terms of the net mass 
of either the article or the explosive materials contained in the 
    (ii) For hazardous materials in salvage packaging, an estimate of 
the total quantity is acceptable.
    (iii) The following are excepted from the requirements of paragraph 
(a)(5) of this section:
    (A) Bulk packages, provided some indication of the total quantity 
is shown, for example, ``1 cargo tank'' or ``2 IBCs.''
    (B) Cylinders, provided some indication of the total quantity is 
shown, for example, ``10 cylinders.''
    (C) Packages containing only residue.
    (6) For transportation by aircraft, the total net mass per package 
must be shown unless a gross mass is indicated in Columns (9A) or (9B) 
of the Sec.  172.101 table in which case the total gross mass per 
package must be shown. The following provisions also apply:
    (i) For empty, uncleaned packaging, only the number and type of 
packaging must be shown;
    (ii) For chemical kits and first aid kits, the total net mass of 
hazardous materials must be shown. Where the kits contain solids and/or 
liquids, the net mass of liquids within the kits is to be calculated on 
a 1 to 1 basis, i.e., 1 L equals 1 kg;
    (iii) For dangerous goods in machinery or apparatus, the individual 
total quantities of dangerous goods in solid, liquid or gaseous state, 
contained in the article must be shown;
    (iv) For dangerous goods transported in a salvage packaging, an 
estimate of the quantity of dangerous goods per package must be shown;
    (v) For cylinders, total quantity may be indicated by the number of 
cylinders, for example, ``10 cylinders;''
    (vi) For items where ``No Limit'' is shown in Column (9A) or (9B) 
of the Sec.  172.101 table, the quantity shown should be the net mass 
or volume of the material, except for UN2800, UN2807, UN3072, UN3166 
and UN3173 where the quantity should be the gross mass of the article.
    (7) The number and type of packages must be indicated. The type of 
packages must be indicated by description of the package (for example, 
``12 drums''). Indication of the packaging specification number 
(``1H1'') may be included in the description of the package (for 
example, ``12 1H1 drums'' or ``12 drums (UN 1A1)''). Abbreviations may 
be used for indicating packaging types (for example, ``cyl.'' for 
``cylinder'') provided the abbreviations are commonly accepted and 
    (b) Except as provided in this subpart, the basic description 
specified in paragraphs (a)(1), (2), (3) and (4) of this section must 
be shown in sequence with no additional information interspersed. For 
example, ``UN2744, Cyclobutyl chloroformate, 6.1, (8, 3), PG II.''
* * * * *
    9. In Sec.  172.312, paragraphs (a) introductory text, and (a)(2) 
introductory text are revised and a new paragraph (c)(7) is added to 
read as follows:

Sec.  172.312  Liquid hazardous materials in non-bulk packaging.

    (a) Except as provided in this section, each non-bulk combination 
package having inner packagings containing liquid hazardous materials, 
single packaging fitted with vents, or open cryogenic receptacle 
intended for the transport of refrigerated liquefied gases must be:
    (1) * * *
    (2) Legibly marked with package orientation markings that are 
similar to the illustration shown in this paragraph, on two opposite 
vertical sides of the package with the arrows pointing in the correct 
upright direction. The arrows must be either black or red on white or 
other suitable contrasting background and clearly visible commensurate 
with the size of the package. Depicting a rectangular border around the 
arrows is optional.
* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (7) Class 7 radioactive material in type A, IP-2, IP-3, B(U), B(M) 
or C packages.
    10. In Sec.  172.407, paragraph (d)(2)(i) is amended by removing 
``; and'' at the end of the paragraph and inserting a period in its 
place, and paragraph (d)(2)(i) is added to read as follows:

Sec.  172.407  Label specifications.

* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (iii) White may be used for the symbol for the ORGANIC PEROXIDE 
* * * * *
    11. Section 172.427 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  172.427  ORGANIC PEROXIDE label.

    (a) Except for size and color, the ORGANIC PEROXIDE label must be 
as follows:

    (b) In addition to complying with Sec.  172.407, the background on 
the ORGANIC PEROXIDE label must be red in the top half and yellow in 
the lower half.
    12. Section 172.552 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  172.552  ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard.

    (a) Except for size and color, the ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard must be 
as follows:

    (b) In addition to complying with Sec.  172.519, the background on 
the ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard must be red in the top half and yellow in 
the lower half. The text, division number and inner border must be 
black; the symbol may be either black or white.


    13. The authority citation for part 173 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.45, 1.53.
    14. Section 173.9 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  173.9  Transport vehicles or freight containers containing lading 
which has been fumigated.

    (a) For the purpose of this section, not including 49 CFR part 387, 
a rail car, freight container, truck body, or trailer in which the 
lading has been fumigated with any material, or is undergoing 
fumigation, is a package containing a hazardous material.
    (b) No person may offer for transportation or transport a rail car, 
freight container, truck body, or trailer in which the lading has been 
fumigated or treated with any material, or is undergoing fumigation, 
unless the

[[Page 51924]]

FUMIGANT marking specified in paragraph (e) of this section is 
prominently displayed so that it can be seen by any person attempting 
to enter the interior of the transport vehicle or freight container. 
For domestic transportation, a hazard warning label authorized by EPA 
under 40 CFR part 156 may be used as an alternative to the FUMIGANT 
    (c) No person may affix or display on a rail car, freight 
container, truck body, or trailer the FUMIGANT marking specified in 
paragraph (e) of this section, unless the lading has been fumigated or 
is undergoing fumigation.
    (d) The FUMIGANT marking required by paragraph (b) of this section 
must remain on the rail car, freight container, truck body, or trailer 
until the rail car, freight container, truck body, or trailer has been 
completely ventilated either by opening the doors of the unit or by 
mechanical ventilation to ensure no harmful concentration of gas 
remains after fumigation has been completed.
    (e) FUMIGANT marking. (1) The FUMIGANT marking must consist of red 
or black letters on a white background that is at least 30 cm (11.8 
inches) wide and at least 25 cm (9.8 inches) high. Except for size and 
color, the FUMIGANT marking must be as follows:

    (2) The ``*'' shall be replaced with the technical name of the 
    (f) A closed cargo transport unit that has been fumigated is not 
subject to any other provisions of this subchapter if it--
    (1) Has been completely ventilated either by opening the doors of 
the unit or by mechanical ventilation after fumigation, and
    (2) Displays the FUMIGANT marking, including the date of 
    (g) For international shipments, transport documents should 
indicate the date of fumigation, type and amount of fumigant used, and 
instructions for disposal of any residual fumigant, including 
fumigation devices.
    (h) Any person subject to the requirements of this section, solely 
due to the fumigated lading, must be informed of the requirements of 
this section and the safety precautions necessary to protect themselves 
and others in the event of an incident or accident involving the 
fumigated lading.
    (i) Any person who offers for transportation or transports a rail 
car, freight container, truck body or trailer that is subject to this 
subchapter solely because of the hazardous materials designation 
specified in paragraph (a) of this section is not subject to any 
requirements of this subchapter other than those contained in this 

Sec.  173.35  [Amended]

    15. In Sec.  173.35, in paragraph (k), the wording ``60.5 [deg]C 
(141 [deg]F)'' is removed and the wording ``60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F)'' is 
added in its place.
    16. In Sec.  173.115, paragraphs (b)(1) and (k)(5) are revised to 
read as follows:

Sec.  173.115  Class 2, Divisions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3--Definitions.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (1) Exerts in the packaging an absolute pressure of 280 kPa (40.6 
psia) or greater at 20 [deg]C (68 [deg]F), or is a cryogenic liquid, 
* * * * *
    (k) * * *
    (5) When the contents are classified as Division 6.1, PG III or 
Class 8, PG II or III, the aerosol must be assigned a subsidiary hazard 
of Division 6.1 or Class 8, as appropriate.
* * * * *

Sec.  173.120  [Amended]

    17. In Sec.  173.120, in paragraphs (a) introductory text, (a)(2) 
and (b)(1), the wording ``60.5 [deg]C (141 [deg]F)'' is removed and the 
wording ``60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F)'' is added each place it appears.

Sec.  173.121  [Amended]

    18. In Sec.  173.121, in the paragraph (a) table, in Column (2), 
for the entry Packing group ``III,'' the wording ``>=23 [deg]C, <=60.5 
[deg]C (>= 73 [deg]F, <=141 [deg]F)'' is removed and the wording ``>=23 
[deg]C, <=60 [deg]C (>=73 [deg]F, <=140 [deg]F)'' is added in its 
    19. In Sec.  173.124, a new paragraph (a)(2)(i)(D)(3) is added to 
read as follows:

Sec.  173.124  Class 4, Divisions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3--Definitions.

    (a) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (i) * * *
    (D) * * *
* * * * *
    (3) It is an oxidizing substance in Division 5.1 containing less 
than 5.0% combustible organic substances; or
* * * * *
    20. In Sec.  173.133, in paragraph (a)(1), the table is revised to 
read as follows:

Sec.  173.133  Assignment of packing group and hazard zones for 
Division 6.1 materials.

    (a) * * *
    (1) * * *

[[Page 51925]]

                                                                                         Inhalation toxicity  by
            Packing group              Oral toxicity  LD50 (mg/  Dermal toxicity  LD50    dusts and mists  LC50
                                                 kg)                    (mg/kg)                   (mg/L)
I....................................  < =5.0..................  < =50...................  < =0.2.
II...................................  >5.0 and <=50..........  >50 and <=200..........  >0.2 and <=2.0.
III..................................  >50 and <=300..........  >200 and <=1000........  >2.0 and <=4.0.

* * * * *
    21. In Sec.  173.134, paragraph (a)(5) is revised to read as 

Sec.  173.134  Class 6, Division 6.2--Definitions and exceptions.

    (a) * * *
    (5) Regulated medical waste or clinical waste or (bio) medical 
waste means a waste or reusable material derived from the medical 
treatment of an animal or human, which includes diagnosis and 
immunization, or from biomedical research, which includes the 
production and testing of biological products. Regulated medical waste 
or clinical waste or (bio) medical waste containing a Category A 
infectious substance must be classed as an infectious substance, and 
assigned to UN 2814 or UN 2900, as appropriate.
* * * * *
    22. In Sec.  173.136, paragraph (d) is removed and the last 
sentence in paragraph (a) is revised and to read as follows:

Sec.  173.136  Class 8--Definitions.

    (a) * * * A liquid, or a solid offered for transportation or 
transported as a liquid, that has a severe corrosion rate on steel or 
aluminum based on the criteria in Sec.  173.137(c)(2) is also a 
corrosive material.
* * * * *
    23. In Sec.  173.137, paragraph (c)(2) is revised to read as 

Sec.  173.137  Class 8--Assignment of packing group.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (2) That do not cause full thickness destruction of intact skin 
tissue but exhibit a corrosion on steel or aluminum surfaces exceeding 
6.25 mm (0.25 inch) a year at a test temperature of 55 C (130 F). The 
corrosion may be determined in accordance with the UN Manual of Tests 
and Criteria (IBR, see Sec.  171.7 of this subchapter) or other 
equivalent test methods.
    24. In Sec.  173.159, paragraphs (a), (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(4), 
(c)(5), (d)(1) and (e)(2) are revised to read as follows:

Sec.  173.159  Batteries, wet.

* * * * *
    (a) Electric storage batteries, containing electrolyte acid or 
alkaline corrosive battery fluid, must be completely protected so that 
short circuits will be prevented (e.g., by the use of non-conductive 
caps that entirely cover the terminals); they may not be packed with 
other materials except as provided in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this 
section and in Sec. Sec.  173.220 and 173.222. For transportation by 
aircraft, the packaging for wet cell batteries must incorporate an 
acid-or alkali-proof liner, or include a supplementary packaging with 
sufficient strength and be adequately sealed to prevent leakage of 
electrolyte fluid in the event of spillage.
* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (1) Electric storage batteries protected against short circuits 
(e.g., by the use of non-conductive caps that entirely cover the 
terminals) and firmly secured to skids or pallets capable of 
withstanding the shocks normally incident to transportation, are 
authorized for transportation by rail, highway, or water. The height of 
the completed unit must not exceed 1\1/2\ times the width of the skid 
or pallet. The unit must be capable of withstanding, without damage, a 
superimposed weight equal to two times the weight of the unit or, if 
the weight of the unit exceeds 907 kg (2000 pounds), a superimposed 
weight of 1814 kg (4000 pounds). Battery terminals must not be relied 
upon to support any part of the superimposed weight.
    (2) Electric storage batteries weighing 225 kg (500 pounds) or 
more, consisting of carriers' equipment, may be shipped by rail when 
mounted on suitable skids and protected against short circuits (e.g., 
by the use of non-conductive caps that entirely cover the terminals). 
Such shipments may not be offered in interchange service.
* * * * *
    (4) Not more than four batteries not over 7 kg (15 pounds) each, 
packed in strong outer fiberboard or wooden boxes. Batteries must be 
securely cushioned and packed to prevent short circuits (e.g., by the 
use of non-conductive caps that entirely cover the terminals). The 
maximum authorized gross weight is 30 kg (65 pounds).
    (5) Not more than five batteries not over 4.5 kg (10 pounds) each, 
packed in strong outer fiberboard or wooden boxes. Batteries must be 
securely cushioned and packed to prevent short circuits (e.g., by the 
use of non-conductive caps that entirely cover the terminals). The 
maximum authorized gross weight is 30 kg (65 pounds).
* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) The battery must be protected against short circuits (e.g., by 
the use of non-conductive caps that entirely cover the terminals) and 
securely packaged;
* * * * *
    (e) * * *
    (2) The batteries must be loaded or braced so as to prevent damage 
and short circuits in transit (e.g., by the use of non-conductive caps 
that entirely cover the terminals);
* * * * *
    25. In Sec.  173.166, paragraph (d)(1) is revised to read as 

Sec.  173.166  Air bag inflators, air bag modules and seat-belt 

* * * * *
    (d) * * *
    (1) An air bag module or seat-belt pretensioner that has been 
approved by the Associate Administrator and is installed in a motor 
vehicle, aircraft, boat or other transport conveyance or its completed 
components, such as steering columns or door panels, is not subject to 
the requirements of this subchapter.
* * * * *
    26. Section 173.187 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  173.187  Pyrophoric solids, metals or alloys, n.o.s.

    Packagings for pyrophoric solids, metals, or alloys, n.o.s. must 
conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter at the 
packing group performance level specified in the Sec.  172.101 Table. 
These materials must be packaged as follows:
    (a) In steel boxes (4A) and contain not more than 15 kg (33 pounds) 
    (b) In wooden boxes (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F) with inner metal 
receptacles which have a positive (not friction) means of closure and 
contain not more than 15 kg (33 pounds) each.
    (c) In fiberboard boxes (4G) with inner metal receptacles which 
have a positive (not friction) means of closure and contain not more 
than 7.5 kg (17 pounds) each.

[[Page 51926]]

    (d) In steel drums (1A1 or 1A2) with a gross mass not exceeding 150 
kg (331 pounds) per drum.
    (e) In plywood drums (1D) with inner metal receptacles which have a 
positive (not friction) means of closure and contain not more than 15 
kg (33 pounds) each.
    (f) In fiber drums (1G) with inner metal receptacles which have a 
positive (not friction) means of closure and contain not more than 15 
kg (33 pounds) each.
    (g) In specification cylinders, as prescribed for any compressed 
gas, except for Specifications 8 and 3HT.
    27. In Sec.  173.197, paragraph (a), the first sentence in 
paragraph (b), and the first sentence in paragraph (e)(2) are revised 
to read as follows:

Sec.  173.197  Regulated medical waste.

    (a) General provisions. Non-bulk packagings, Large Packagings, and 
non-specification bulk outer packagings used for the transportation of 
regulated medical waste or clinical waste or (bio) medical waste must 
be rigid containers meeting the provisions of subpart B of this part.
    (b) * * * Except as provided in Sec.  173.134(c) of this subpart, 
non-bulk packagings for regulated medical waste or clinical waste or 
(bio) medical waste must be UN standard packagings conforming to the 
requirements of Part 178 of this subchapter at the Packing Group II 
performance level. * * *
* * * * *
    (e) * * *
    (2) * * * Liquid regulated medical waste or clinical waste or (bio) 
medical waste transported in a Large Packaging, Cart, or BOP must be 
packaged in a rigid inner packaging conforming to the provisions of 
subpart B of this part.
* * * * *
    28. In Sec.  173.216, paragraph (c)(3) is revised and paragraph 
(c)(4) is removed to read as follows:

Sec.  173.216  Asbestos, blue, brown or white.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (3) Bags or other non-rigid packagings which are dust and sift 
proof must be placed in rigid outer packagings or closed freight 
    29. In Sec.  173.220, paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(B)(3), (c) and (d) are 
revised to read as follows:

Sec.  173.220  Internal combustion engines, self-propelled vehicles, 
mechanical equipment containing internal combustion engines, and 
battery powered vehicles or equipment.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (2) * * *
    (ii) * * *
    (B) * * *
    (3) In no part of the closed system shall the pressure exceed 5% of 
the maximum allowable working pressure of the system or 290 psig (2000 
kPa), whichever is less; and
* * * * *
    (c) Battery powered or installed. Batteries must be securely 
installed, and wet batteries fastened in an upright position. Batteries 
must be protected against short circuits (e.g., by the use of non-
conductive caps that entirely cover the terminals) and leakage or 
removed and packaged separately under Sec.  173.159. Battery powered 
vehicles, machinery or equipment including battery powered wheelchairs 
and mobility aids are excepted from the requirements of this subchapter 
when transported by rail, highway or vessel.
    (d) Lithium batteries. Except as provided in Sec.  172.102, Special 
provision A102, of this subchapter, vehicles and machinery powered by 
primary lithium batteries that are transported with these batteries 
installed are forbidden aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. Lithium 
batteries contained in vehicles or engines must be securely fastened in 
the battery holder of the vehicle or engine, and be protected in such a 
manner as to prevent damage and short circuits (e.g., by the use of 
non-conductive caps that entirely cover the terminals). Lithium 
batteries must be of a type that have successfully passed each test in 
the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria as specified in Sec.  173.185, 
unless approved by the Associate Administrator. Equipment, other than 
vehicles or engines, containing lithium batteries must be transported 
in accordance with Sec.  173.185.
* * * * *
    30. In Sec.  173.222, paragraph (d) is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  173.222  Dangerous goods in equipment, machinery or apparatus.

* * * * *
    (d) Except for transportation by aircraft, when a package contains 
hazardous materials in two or more of the categories listed in 
paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this section the total quantity 
required by Sec.  172.202(c) of this subchapter to be entered on the 
shipping paper must be the aggregate quantity of all hazardous 
materials, expressed as net mass.
    31. In Sec.  173.224, in paragraph (b)(7), in the Self-Reactive 
Materials Table, a new entry is added in appropriate alphabetical order 
to read as follows:

Sec.  173.224  Packaging and control and emergency temperatures for 
self-reactive materials.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (7) * * *

                                                              Self-Reactive Materials Table
                                               Identification                          Packing     Control temperature--     Emergency
           Self-reactive substance                   No.       Concentration--(%)      method             ([deg]C)          temperature        Notes
(1)                                                       (2)               (3)               (4)                 (5)                (6)             (7)
Acetone-pyrogallol copolymer 2-diazo-1-                  3228               100               OP8

                                                                      * * * * * * *

* * * * *
    32. A new section Sec.  173.230 is added to subpart E to read as 

Sec.  173.230  Fuel cell cartridges containing flammable liquids.

    (a) A fuel cell cartridge is a container that stores fuel for 
controlled discharge into fuel cell powered equipment through a valve. 
The cartridge must be designed and constructed to prevent the fuel from 
leaking during normal conditions of transportation and be free of 
electric charge generating components.
    (b) Fuel cell cartridges containing flammable liquids including 
methanol or methanol/water solutions must conform to the following:
    (1) The fuel cell cartridge design type without its packaging must 
be shown to pass an internal pressure test at a pressure of 15 psig 
(100 kPa);

[[Page 51927]]

    (2) Fuel cell cartridges must be packaged in outer packagings which 
meet the requirements of part 178 at the Packing Group II performance 
level and conform to the general packaging requirements of subpart B of 
part 173; the following are authorized: 1A2, 1B2, 1D, 1G, 1H2, 4C1, 
4C2, 4D, 4F, 4G, or 4H2.
    (c) Fuel cell cartridges packed in or with equipment are excepted 
from the packaging requirements in paragraph (b)(2) if the cartridges 
are packed in a strong outer packaging conforming to the requirements 
of Sec. Sec.  173.24 and 173.24a. For cartridges installed in 
equipment, the equipment may be considered the outer packaging if it 
provides an equivalent level of protection. The packaging need not 
conform to performance requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. The 
cartridges must be protected against damage that may be caused by the 
movement or placement of the equipment and the cartridges within the 
outer packaging.
    33. In Sec.  173.306, paragraph (i) is revised and a new paragraph 
(j) is added to read as follows:

Sec.  173.306  Limited quantities of compressed gases.

* * * * *
    (i) Aerosols and receptacles small, containing gas with a capacity 
of less than 50 mL. Aerosols, as defined in Sec.  171.8 of this 
subchapter, and receptacles small, containing gas, with a capacity not 
exceeding 50 mL (1.7 oz.) and with a pressure not exceeding 970 kPa 
(141 psig) at 55 [deg]C (131 [deg]F), containing no hazardous materials 
other than a Division 2.2 gas, are not subject to the requirements of 
this subchapter. The pressure limit may be increased to 2000 kPa (290 
psig) at 55 [deg]C (131 [deg]F) provided the aerosols are transported 
in outer packages that conform to the packaging requirements of Subpart 
B of this part. This provision does not apply to a self-defense spray 
(e.g., pepper spray).
    (j) For additional exceptions, also see Sec.  173.307.

Appendix H to Part 173 [Amended]

    34. In Appendix H to Part 173, under heading 5. Procedure, in 
paragraph (h), the wording ``60.5 [deg]C (141 [deg]F)'' is removed and 
the wording ``60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F)'' is added each place it appears.


    35. The authority citation for part 175 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 44701; 49 CFR 1.53.

    36. In Sec.  175.10, in paragraph (a)(2) introductory text, the 
first sentence is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  175.10  Exceptions.

* * * * *
    (a) * * *
    (2) One packet of safety matches or a lighter intended for use by 
an individual when carried on one's person or in carry-on baggage only. 
* * *
* * * * *
    37. In Sec.  175.78, paragraph (c)(4) is revised to read as 

Sec.  175.78  Stowage compatibility of cargo.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *

    (4) Note 1. ``Note 1'' at the intersection of a row and column 
means the following:
    (i) Only Division 1.4, Compatibility Group S, explosives are 
permitted to be transported aboard a passenger aircraft. Only 
certain Division 1.3, Compatibility Groups C and G, and Division 
1.4, Compatibility Groups B, C, D, E, G and S, explosives may be 
transported aboard a cargo aircraft.
    (ii) Explosives in Compatibility Group S may be stowed with 
explosives in all compatibility groups.
    (iii) Except as otherwise provided in this Note, explosives of 
different compatibility groups may be stowed together whether or not 
they belong to the same division.
    (iv) Division 1.4B and Division 1.3 explosives may not be stowed 
together. Division 1.4 explosives must be loaded into separate unit 
load devices and, when stowed aboard the aircraft, the unit load 
devices must be separated by other cargo with a minimum separation 
of 2 m (6.5 feet). When not loaded in unit load devices, Division 
1.4 and Division 1.3 explosives must be loaded into different, non-
adjacent loading positions and separated by other cargo with a 
minimum separation of 2 m (6.5 feet).
* * * * *


    38. The authority citation for part 176 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 49 CFR 1.53.

Sec.  176.76  [Amended]

    39. In Sec.  176.76, in paragraph (f)(2), the wording ``141 
[deg]F'' is removed and the wording ``60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F)'' is added 
in its place.
    40. In Sec.  176.83, paragraph (a)(4) is revised to read as 

Sec.  176.83  Segregation.

    (a) * * *
    (4) Segregation is not required:
    (i) Between hazardous materials of different classes which comprise 
the same substance but vary only in their water content (for example, 
sodium sulfide in Division 4.2 or Class 8) or quantity for Class 7 
materials; or
    (ii) Between hazardous materials of different classes which 
comprise a group of substances that do not react dangerously with each 
other. The following materials are grouped by compatibility:
    (A) Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less than 8 
percent but less than 20 percent hydrogen peroxide (stabilized as 
necessary); Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less than 20 
percent but not more than 40 percent hydrogen peroxide; Hydrogen 
peroxide, aqueous solutions with more than 40 percent but not more than 
60 percent hydrogen peroxide; Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid 
mixtures, stabilized with acids, water and not more than 5 percent 
peroxyacetic acid; Organic peroxide type D, liquid; Organic peroxide 
type E, liquid; Organic peroxide type F, liquid; and
    (B) Dichlorosilane, Silicon tetrachloride, and Trichlorosilane.
* * * * *
    41. In Sec.  176.84, in paragraph (b), in the Table of provisions, 
Codes ``26,'' ``27,'' ``52'' and ``53'' are revised, a new Code ``144'' 
is added in appropriate numerical order, and following the table, a new 
note ``2'' is added to read as follows:

Sec.  176.84  Other requirements for stowage and segregation for cargo 
vessels and passenger vessels.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *

                  Code                              Provisions

                                * * * * *
26.....................................  Stow ``away from'' acids.2
27.....................................  Stow ``away from'' alkaline

                                * * * * *
52.....................................  Stow ``separated from''
                                          acids.1, 2
53.....................................  Stow ``separated from''
                                          alkaline compounds.2

                                * * * * *
144....................................  When stowed under deck,
                                          mechanical ventilation shall
                                          be in accordance with SOLAS
                                          regulation II-2/19 (II-2/54)
                                          for flammable liquids with
                                          flashpoint below 23 [deg]C (73

[[Page 51928]]

                                * * * * *
2 Class 8 materials in PG II or III that otherwise are required to be
  segregated from one another may be transported in the same cargo
  transport unit, whether in the same packaging or not, provided the
  substances do not react dangerously with each other to cause
  combustion and/or evolution of considerable heat, or of flammable,
  toxic or asphyxiant gases, or the formation of corrosive or unstable
  substances; and the package does not contain more than 30 L (7.8
  gallons) for liquids or 30 kg (66 lbs.) for solids.


    42. The authority citation for part 178 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 49 CFR 1.53.
    43. In Sec.  178.274, paragraph (j)(6) is revised to read as 

Sec.  178.274  Specifications for UN portable tanks.

* * * * *
    (j) * * *
    (6) Effective January 1, 2008, each new UN portable tank design 
type meeting the definition of ``container'' in the Convention for Safe 
Containers (CSC) (see 49 CFR 450.3(a)(2)) must be subjected to the 
dynamic longitudinal impact test prescribed in Part IV, Section 40 of 
the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (see IBR, Sec.  171.7 of this 
subchapter). A UN portable tank design type impact-tested prior to 
January 1, 2008, in accordance with the requirements of this section in 
effect on October 1, 2005, need not be retested. UN portable tanks used 
for the dedicated transportation of ``Helium, refrigerated liquid,'' UN 
1963, and ``Hydrogen, refrigerated liquid,'' UN 1966, that are marked 
``NOT FOR RAIL TRANSPORT'' in letters of a minimum height of 10 cm (4 
inches) on at least two sides of the portable tank are excepted from 
the dynamic longitudinal impact test.
* * * * *

Sec.  178.602  [Amended]

    44. In Sec.  178.602, in paragraph (b), the second sentence is 
amended by adding the wording ``containing solids'' after the word 
    45. In Sec.  178.810, paragraph (b) is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  178.810  Drop test.

* * * * *
    (b) Special preparation for the drop test. (1) Metal, rigid 
plastic, and composite IBCs intended to contain solids must be filled 
to not less than 95 percent of their maximum capacity, or if intended 
to contain liquids, to not less than 98 percent of their maximum 
capacity. Pressure relief devices must be removed and their apertures 
plugged or rendered inoperative.
    (2) Fiberboard and wooden IBCs must be filled with a solid material 
to not less than 95 percent of their maximum capacity; the contents 
must be evenly distributed.
    (3) Flexible IBCs must be filled to the maximum permissible gross 
mass; the contents must be evenly distributed.
    (4) Rigid plastic IBCs and composite IBCs with plastic inner 
receptacles must be conditioned for testing by reducing the temperature 
of the packaging and its contents to -18 [deg]C (0 [deg]F) or lower. 
Test liquids must be kept in the liquid state, if necessary, by the 
addition of anti-freeze. Water/anti-freeze solutions with a minimum 
specific gravity of 0.95 for testing at -18 [deg]C (0 [deg]F) or lower 
are considered acceptable test liquids, and may be considered 
equivalent to water for test purposes. IBCs conditioned in this way are 
not required to be conditioned in accordance with Sec.  178.802.
* * * * *


    46. The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 49 CFR 1.53.
    47. In Sec.  180.352, paragraphs (b) introductory text, (b)(1) and 
(g) are revised to read as follows:

Sec.  180.352  Requirements for retest and inspection of IBCs.

* * * * *
    (b) Test and inspections for metal, rigid plastic, and composite 
IBCs. Each IBC is subject to the following test and inspections:
    (1) Each IBC intended to contain solids that are loaded or 
discharged under pressure or intended to contain liquids must be tested 
in accordance with the leakproofness test prescribed in Sec.  178.813 
of this subchapter prior to its first use in transportation and every 
2.5 years thereafter, starting from the date of manufacture or the date 
of a repair conforming to paragraph (d)(1) of this section. For this 
test, the IBC is not required to have its closures fitted.
* * * * *
    (g) Record retention. (1) The owner or lessee of the IBC must keep 
records of periodic retests, initial and periodic inspections, and 
tests performed on the IBC if it has been repaired or remanufactured.
    (2) Records must include design types and packaging specifications, 
test and inspection dates, name and address of test and inspection 
facilities, names or name of any persons conducting test or 
inspections, and test or inspection specifics and results.
    (3) Records must be kept for each packaging at each location where 
periodic tests are conducted, until such tests are successfully 
performed again or for at least 2.5 years from the date of the last 
test. These records must be made available for inspection by a 
representative of the Department on request.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on August 23, 2006.

    Under authority delegated in 49 CFR part 106.
Robert A. McGuire,
Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety.
[FR Doc. 06-7200 Filed 8-30-06; 8:45 am]