BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Israel Local time: 11:23 PM

International Company Profile

When you need to conduct due diligence on a potential Israeli business partner, our International Company Profile can help you determine whether a prospective company or individual would be suitable. company profile

  • Drawing on local resources, we will send you a report including factual data and our evaluation to help assess risk, reliability and capability.
  • Your report will also include a comprehensive creditreport and details about your potential partner's management, business activities, product/service lines, financial condition, credit-worthiness, trading experience, market coverage, and business connections.

The International Company Profile is delivered within 15 working days and also depends on local credit report delivery.

The Participation Fee:

  • $600 for SME Companies*
  • $350 for SME Companies* new to export and using this service for the first time
  • $900 for Large Companies*

* A Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or self-certified as a small business under SBA regulations. A large company is defined as a firm with more than 500 employees. Subsidiaries will be classified based on the size of the parent company.

Additional charges for communications (international telephone and fax calls, if made through the Embassy), local transportation, and employee overtime (if necessary).

Please contact Irit van der Veur for more information.


Please let us know if we can be of help to you by filling and submitting the form below.

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