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NOAA's Restoration Center Collection
Catalog of Images

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A local middle school student videotapes the soil testing procedures at the future dam removal site as part of a documentary the school is producing. Later, students from the same middle school will act as volunteers to plant vegetation along the stream bed after the dam is removed.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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The soil at the dam removal site is tested for possible contaminants to prevent leaching or erosion into the stream bed when removing the dam. The site is also being searched for any significant archeological remains before the final digging begins. The scientists and archeologists determined through the testing that it was safe to proceed with the dam removal.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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The second in this series of images that show the process of testing at the dam removal site for contaminants and historical artifacts.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A NOAA contract videographer, Tom Kane, documents the soil testing process and videotapes the student's documentary production efforts.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Two project partner representatives watch the progress as the soil is tested at the dam removal site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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At the sediment sampling site upstream of the Billington Street dam. dam removal site for a documentary the school is producing about the restoration work.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A technician is interviewed by a local middle school student working on a documentary about the dam removal. prior to the dam removal.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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NOAA Restoration Center contractor, Tom Kane, documents the middle school videography project while on site to record the initial restoration processes
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Local townspeople watch as the earthen dam's sediments are removed for testing at the future restoration site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A bulldozer begins to unearth the dam for preliminary site testing purposes. The testing was conducted to determine if contaminants that could leach in to the river were present and to assess the likelihood of uncovering any historical artifacts.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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The first in a series of images that show restoration partners and volunteers collecting migrating anadromous blueback herring and alewife. The volunteers and scientists captured the fish and then moved them in trucks above the dams to their spawning grounds.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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The second in a series of images that show restoration partners and volunteers collecting migrating anadromous blueback herring and alewife. The volunteers and scientists captured the fish and then moved them in trucks above the dams to their spawning grounds.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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The third in a series of images that show restoration partners and volunteers collecting migrating anadromous blueback herring and alewife. The volunteers and scientists captured the fish and then moved them in trucks above the dams to their spawning grounds.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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The fourth in a series of images that show restoration partners and volunteers collecting migrating anadromous blueback herring and alewife. The volunteers and scientists captured the fish and then moved them in trucks above the dams to their spawning grounds.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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The fifth in a series of images that show restoration partners and volunteers collecting migrating anadromous blueback herring and alewife. The volunteers and scientists captured the fish and then moved them in trucks above the dams to their spawning grounds. This image clearly shows the fish thrashing in the net just prior to be moved.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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Pat Kurkul, the NE Regional Administrator, passes the herring to volunteers who then place the fish in trucks waiting to transport them past the dams and to their spawning grounds.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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The next in a series that shows the procedure for capturing and transporting migrating blueback herring and alewife past dams and to their spawning areas in the upper reaches of the river.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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The spring runs fill the river with an abundance of blueback herring and alewife.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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A surveyor reads the chart that tells him exactly where the historical dam that is scheduled for removal is located.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Work begins at the dam to test sediments for contaminants and to uncover any significant artifacts of historical significance.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Work begins at the dam to test sediments for contaminants and to uncover any significant artifacts of historical significance.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Breaking ground at the dam removal site to test soil for contaminants.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Breaking ground at the dam removal site to test soil for contaminants.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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The pond above the dam at the Town Brook dam removal site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A close up view of the pond above the dam removal site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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The existing dam on the downstream side at the Town Brook restoration site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Another view of the dam at the Pilgrim Trail restoration site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A medium shot of the dam at the Pilgrim Trail restoration site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A full view of the dam scheduled for removal. The river is in the background.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Jim Turek, NOAA Restoration Center, discusses the restoration project with Eric Hutchins, NOAA.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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A single leaf floats above the river; hundreds of migrating blueback herring and alewife are just below the surface.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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A small child watches migrating fish in fascination.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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Hundreds of local townspeople gathered at the mill to watch the last transport of migrating fish past the dam and into their spawning grounds. The removal of the dams will make future fish transports unnecessary.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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A picture of the nets used to capture fish before transporting them to their spawning areas.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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A view of the dam during the spring migration at a heavy flow.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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Locals gather during the fish transfer to watch and provide a show of support for the restoration project.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts May 5, 2000
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Sediment sampling using a split spoon sampler.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Sediment sampling using a split spoon sampler at the Town Brook dam removal site.
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts April 12, 2000
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Alewife in Nemasket River, MA
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Spring 2000
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Alewife in Nemasket River, MA
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Spring 2000
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A crane lowers the last section of the culvert into place.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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This image was taken during the last stages of the work. The road is being resurfaced and the hole is being backfilled after placing the culvert. The water swirling around the culvert clearly indicates increased water flow at the site.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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Culvert parts en route to the site arrive as the crane offloads various sections of the culvert off the flatbed.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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The restoration site - post restoration. Here the site is seen on an outgoing tide. The restoration increased the tidal range of the upstream side of the creek so that it was roughly equivalent to the downstream side. The culvert measured approximately 5' x 8' and was designed to provide appropriate hydrologic conditions to increase productive fish habitat.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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Looking upstream at the original culvert. The culvert was approximately 36" in diameter. Before placement of the new culvert there was an 18" tidal height differential between the up and down stream sides of the marsh. This restriction reduced available fish habitat and allowed non-native plant species to invade the marsh.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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The first piece of the culvert being installed, Phragmites australis, an invasive plant species in the background.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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midway through the construction
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts November 1998
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An aerial view of the Argilla Road salt marsh, looking upstream prior to restoration.
Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts July 31, 1997
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Looking downstream at the notch in the dam just prior to installation of the Alaskan Steep Pass.
Byfield, Essex County, Massachusetts November 21, 2000
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Looking downstream through the partially installed Alaskan Steep Pass.
Byfield, Essex County, Massachusetts November 21, 2000

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007