United States Congress
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Ruth Morrison
August 16, 2006 (202) 225-5936

Washington, DC - Congressman Ed Towns (D - NY 10) today announced that he backs the petition drive calling for the Administration to immediately pull American forces out of Iraq and pursue all diplomatic means to end the war.  

 "Notwithstanding the events unfolding in the U.K., the people of the 10th Congressional District understand that there is and was no real connection between Saddam Hussein and the events of September 11, 2001," stated Congressman Towns.  "The War in Iraq has gone on too long and in the wrong direction and the people recognize a bad deal when they see it.  Unfortunately, the Administration has not demonstrated that it has a real, recognizable or practical plan to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.  The War in Iraq is not worth the billions of dollars spent on it.  As such, I will deliver all petitions delivered to my office, to the President of the United States demonstrating that the people of the 10th Congressional District are absolutely fed up and wish that their tax dollar fight the real War on Terrorism." 

"I knew early on that this Administration's policies were wrong," Congressman Towns continued.  "That's why I did not vote to give the President the authority to go to war and I have consistently opposed the War, while supporting our service members.  Our service men and women deserve our support.  Thousands have died, or have been wounded.  Now, conditions have escalated into a civil war.  Instead of turning Iraq into a democracy, that nation has become a breeding ground for terrorists and has the potential for full civil war. 

At home, we are experiencing a wide range of domestic challenges.  We have the highest gas prices in our history and the Administration's domestic policies have failed to protect those most in need.  While we spend billions of dollars on a dubious war, our country is sadly in need of a system of homeland security including port security; national health care; federal dollars for education, transportation, housing, employment training and other badly needed domestic expenditures.  We simply cannot afford the Administration's failed policies."

Congress Towns' Iraq record, An early supporter of

The Iraq Resolution of 2003 that,

-Directs the President prior to using U.S. armed forces against Iraq to, 

    - Give a full accounting of the implications of initiating military action against Iraq in regard to   homeland security, the war on terrorism, regional stability in the Middle East, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    - Make sure the U.S. has a plan for achieving long-term social, economic, and political stabilization of a post-conflict Iraq.

    - Determine the extent of international support for military action against Iraq and the impact of such action on support for the broader war on terrorism;

    - Determine the steps the United States and its allies will take to protect U.S. soldiers, allied forces, and Iraqi civilians from hazards resulting from military operations;

    - Give a full estimate of the costs associated with military action against Iraq, including the anticipated effects of such action on the U.S. economy and the Federal budget.

Other War in Iraq legislation supported by Congressman Towns,

- Declares it is the policy of the United States not to enter into any agreement with the Government of Iraq that would lead to a permanent United States military presence.

- Asks that the U.S. terminate all involvement in Iraq and asks that U.S. forces be redeployed at the earliest practicable date.

- Provides for the safe and orderly withdrawal of U.S. Armed Forces from Iraq.

- Asks that that the United States accelerate Iraqi security force training, and urges the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other international organizations to take a more prominent training role.

- Directs the Secretary of State to provide to Congress all documents pertaining to any discussions by the White House Iraqi Task Force related to beginning armed hostilities.
