United States Congress
  For Immediate Release   Contact: Denise Mixon
January 15, 2008 (202) 226-4045
U.S. Representative Towns Applauds Diligent Efforts of
Florida Police in Stepha Henry Case

Washington, DC - Congressman Edolphus Towns, 10th Congressional District, New York, is pleased to announce that police have made an arrest in the case of missing Brooklyn resident Stepha Henry and would like to thank Florida police detectives for their unwavering work in the case.

"I understand what hard work the police put forward in this investigation.  I have been in constant contact with Miami authorities to ensure that Stepha Henry's disappearance would be fully investigated.  The fact that an arrest has been made is a clear indication that police are putting forth their best efforts is solving this case," stated Congressman Towns.

Today authorities arrested 32-year-old Kendrick Williams in New York City after forensic tests on his car linked him to Miss Henry.  He is expected to be charged with second-degree murder. 

"It is my hope that the young man arrested will be able to shed some light on exactly what happened to Miss Henry and her whereabouts.  I also hope that this will give her family some type of solace knowing that someone will pay for this crime," added Congressman Towns.


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