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Video Library

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Hawaii Occupational Safety & Health

Audio-Visual Library

av.jpgView free workplace safety and health videos. Produced in Hawaii exclusively for Hawaii's workforce.


The Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division Reference Library houses a collection of over four hundred VHS videocassettes and DVDs on occupational safety and health topics that can be borrowed by employers, employees, organizations, safety and health professionals, and others in the State of Hawaii.

Standards (ยง12-56-6 H.A.R.) were promulgated to cover general procedures for library services and the use and loan of library materials. As a result, a borrowing agreement must be signed with the HIOSH Library before any of the materials can be borrowed. For further information on our Audio-Visual Loan program, please refer to the following:


HIOSH Video Collection

To select programs to reserve, you may look at the following aids:



Every effort has been made to evaluate the videos and DVDs before purchasing them; however, many safety and health programs are produced as general guides and are often based on federal OSHA standards. Therefore, they may not, in their entirety, conform to current and local standards, statutes, regulations, requirements and procedures.

The videos and DVDs are provided to aid, instruct, inform, promote discussion, and to be only a part of a workplace injury and illness prevention training program. The user assumes the responsibility of previewing them before showing and using them with a knowledgeable instructor.


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